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2021-08-14 14:03 网络整理 教案网





在孩子们的眼里,小动物是他们最亲密的朋友。 “做尾巴”课以三问三答的形式介绍了六只动物尾巴的特点,并配以六幅栩栩如生的插图。课文引人入胜、通俗易懂、童趣十足的语言,能激发学生朗读的欲望,激发学生观察其他动物尾巴特征的兴趣。



低年级识字教学的每一节课都是重点,所以新词的学习要贯穿始终。通过创设情境,激发学生学习本课生词的兴趣,根据学生原有的知识和经验开始教学,鼓励学生自主学习单词,并运用集体智慧鼓励学生以多种方式记忆生词。方法。 (如“加一加”、“减一减”、“一改一改”、“一改一改”)让学生相互交流,畅所欲言。新词的学习贯穿课堂,在大量的重复和单词中实现阅读和认识新词的学习目标。无论是识字、背诵,还是课文学习,孩子们大多采用自己的方法,或合作学习,或两人讨论,或独立思考。学生的自主学习能力得到了很好的锻炼。全班还加了笔迹部分,学写三个字,要求按照笔顺规则写,而不是把笔迹放在另一个班级来完成,这样写的难度就可以了分散,我每节课写几个字,孩子更容易记住和写好字。



“Being the Tail”是一首朗朗上口、易于理解的儿歌。童谣以三问三答的形式介绍了六只动物尾巴的特点。大声朗读这首童谣,孩子们可能会陶醉在“做尾巴”的乐趣中,可能会激发他们的创作灵感、创作童谣的愿望,更容易激发他们对动物的热爱和接近动物美丽的意愿。情绪。在设计中,我试图体现以下教学理念:

1、 突出重点,学好生词。低年级的每一节课都是扫盲教学的重点。本课采用随文识字的方法,力求在生动的情境中学习7个生词。从认识一组拼音推导“尾八”,到揭题学“比”,再到认识参赛选手学习“猴、松鼠、鼠”,再到造童韵、随机学习“短巴” ”。大量的复制、语音、单词扩展和合并在使用中。例如,让学生谈论“哪些动物有尾巴”,“比较尾巴、比一比、竞争”等词语适时出现在课堂上,让学生实现生词的学习目标。他们可以在有趣的学习中阅读和识别。

2、 亲身体验阅读乐趣。阅读是最古老的方法,也是培养语感和获得兴趣的重要手段。语文教学重在阅读,尤其是童谣的学习。本课的重点也是阅读问题。通过优美的朗读、韵律的朗读、唱歌朗读等多种形式的朗读,通过朗读不同风格的童谣,感受童谣的语言美、韵律美、结构美,获得美的情感影响。


在教学的第二部分,公布比赛结果。试教时,让学生说“猴子的尾巴怎么样?可以做些什么?” (学习兔子和松鼠的方法和猴子一样)。说的比较多,但是很详细。 “猴尾长,兔尾短。”长短易懂,让学生大声朗读。 “松鼠的尾巴就像一把雨伞。”这句话很难理解。所以我打算突破这个难点,干脆读一读。在研究这句话的时候,我问了一个问题:“喂,为什么松鼠的尾巴看起来像一把伞?”后来,我意识到我把问题颠倒了。问:“让我们看看松鼠的尾巴?”更合适。让学生说说松鼠的尾巴翘起来,既可以挡风挡雨,又可以当降落伞。在演讲过程中,学生充分发挥自己的想象力和创造力。他们也在教师的帮助下凝聚语言,在自己的脑海中构建新的语言图式,提高语言的质量和品味。然后结合课文中的句子,让学生对这句话有更丰富的理解。




《Birth the Tail》是一首童谣,它捕捉各种小动物尾巴的特点,以“比较”的形式为主线,充分调动孩子们学习和探索的积极性。以三问三答的形式介绍了六只动物尾巴的特点。语言引人入胜,通俗易懂,对孩子们充满吸引力。在教学中教案课后小结范文,可以以朗读训练为出发点,拓展学习资源,让学生了解各种动物尾巴的特点。低年级的每节课都是识字教学的重点,所以新词的学习要贯穿始终。全班还应该包括书写环节,学会写一两个字,而不是把笔迹放在一个班级来完成,这样可以分散书写的难度,让孩子更容易记住和写好。

我是教“Being the Tail”的第一课。目标是在认识生词的基础上,正确、流利地阅读课文一、Section 2,理解其内容,引导学生了解动物尾巴的一些特点。 , 激发学生热爱动物的情感。为此,我做了以下设计:

在孩子们的眼里,动物是他们最亲密的朋友。由此我准备了很多图片。让学生边说边随机展示6张单词卡:公鸡、鸭子、兔子、猴子、孔雀和松鼠。在与小动物们打招呼、将宝宝角色送到小动物手中的活动中,孩子们第一次见到了新角色,开心极了。孩子们根据生活中积累的常识,畅所欲言,畅谈三只小动物的外貌,结合孩子们的回答,穿插教学生字长、字短、字迹。 Easily understand the meaning of words, and also scattered the task of literacy. Subsequently, I designed two barriers: the challenge of literacy and the challenge of reading text aloud. Children have a strong desire to read. In order to read aloud well, it is of course necessary to accept the first challenge: literacy—better than anyone else’s memory and great literacy skills. The children in the first grade perform well. They have to be challenged at first sight. They have to show their intelligence, have a high mood, actively participate in learning, have active thinking, and work together at the same table to find ways to remember words efficiently. The word baby is put in the memory treasure, but it hides in the text playfully. Can you read loudly, fluently, and emotionally? The children imitated reading aloud happily. In the multi-form competition reading, children self-evaluate and cooperate to correct themselves, and their reading ability continues to improve. Then I guided the children to understand from the reading, and after reading, talk about the tails of monkeys, squirrels, and bunny rabbits. On the basis of children’s communication,

I also guided the children to think about the small tails, why are they all different, and what are the effects? The children increased their knowledge and felt the wonder of animal tails during the exchanges. After the children spoke freely, I also introduced some knowledge of animal tails accordingly, which to a certain extent inspired the students' love of animals. I took the opportunity to ask interested children to observe and collect pictures of small animals outside class to learn more about the role of small animal tails.

Reflections on the after-class teaching of "Bi Tail" 10

Today, I taught the 10th lesson "Being the Tail" in the school Chinese Companion Mutual Aid Group activity. I worked hard to create a lively and autonomous learning space for students in class. Let me talk about some of my feelings after finishing this class.

In teaching, I first arouse students' interest in learning this lesson by creating situations, and then start teaching based on students' original knowledge and experience, encourage students to learn words independently, and encourage students to memorize new words in a variety of ways , So that students can communicate with each other and speak freely. And in the whole class, a variety of reading activities were interspersed, allowing students to use more brains, more hands, and mobilize multiple senses to participate in the learning process, so as to achieve a true sense of autonomous practice and improve the effectiveness of the Chinese classroom. The design of the whole class fully respects the student's dominant position.

一、Pay attention to situation creation

First grade students have poor classroom routines, being active, unable to sit still, and lack of concentration. How to attract students’ attention is the key to classroom teaching. Children like small animals. Create a situation where you can make friends with small animals throughout the entire class, so that students are always emotional and engaged in learning. The creation of the situation stimulates students’ emotional experience in the learning process, promotes students’ language development, and promotes the unity of the students’ main actions and the real environment, so that students can improve their language expression skills while achieving a comprehensive improvement of their quality and full personality.开发。

二、生字教育Striving to be solid

The new textbook literacy teaching has undergone great changes, and the increase in literacy is an obvious feature. Literacy teaching should pay attention to the process of literacy and teach students the methods of literacy. On the basis of students' self-learning, I let students learn from being able to read to being able to recognize, from simple to difficult. Grasp the rules of literacy and compare several similar words "Ba, Ba, Gong, and Song" together, so that students can discover the rules of literacy and penetrate literacy methods. The teacher adopts the random teaching method to implement the learning of new words one by one. Put literacy in a certain language environment in a hierarchical and gradient manner, and combine it with the things you know, so that students can develop language and improve cognitive ability while literacy. After a class, students can easily master the new words of this class.

三、Various forms, strengthen reading training


In reading aloud, I not only used named reading, free reading, model reading, simultaneous reading, separate reading at the same table, and paired reading between boys and girls, but also allowed students to review and read after review, which strengthened the reading training. Cultivated the ability to read aloud.

四、 practice reading text, feel the tone

This lesson focuses on the reading of interrogative sentences. I practice reading in a variety of ways, the purpose is to let students understand the language and words in the reading, experience the feelings in the reading, and understand the way of using the language and words in the reading.

Teaching is always a regrettable art. In this lesson, because I used three perspectives to elicit the new words learned in this lesson, it took a long time to learn the new words. I think it would be more reasonable to control the time of the whole class if we pay close attention to the speed of learning new words.

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8.Bitail Teaching Reflection
