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The format of the fifth paper on ideological and political teaching: Research on the construction of the second classroom of ideological and political education in colleges and universities

As a form of education that is different from the pre-defined functions of the first classroom, the second classroom is interactive and complementary. , The second classroom itself has the characteristics of randomness, concealment, permeability, autonomy, etc., in terms of promoting the free and comprehensive development of students, it has the functions and advantages that the first classroom does not have. The infiltration of educational influence stipulates that school education must pay attention to the organic combination of the first classroom and the second classroom. However, when examining the construction of the second classroom of ideological and political education from the perspective of the unity of theory and practice, it has achieved certain results. On the premise of the results, we can still find that there are certain problems at present. These problems not only include the shortcomings in theoretical research, but also show the shortcomings in practice. Of course, the two aspects are actually related to each other and immature theories. It is always connected with immature practice. Because people still lack sufficient understanding of the importance and necessity of the construction of the second classroom of ideological and political education, the second classroom is in the establishment of ideas, theoretical exploration, system construction, policy support, and organization. There are still many topics worthy of study in many aspects such as system construction, diversification and richness of activity forms. How to explore the effective form of the construction of the second classroom on the basis of summing up the experience and lessons of the construction of the second classroom of ideological and political education has become the foundation The main motivation of the thesis research.

According to the interpretation of "Modern Chinese Dictionary", theory is an objective plan, a systematic conclusion about the knowledge of nature and society summarized by people from practice. Practical activities without theoretical guidance will eventually become Blind practice will deviate from its original direction. As far as the construction of the second classroom of ideological and political education is concerned, it will seek the support of related theoretical systems, so that it can better serve its essential purpose in the process of overall construction. We believe that ideological and political education In the process of the overall structure of the second classroom, it is necessary to include basic theoretical research; form the concept of the second classroom itself to provide preparations for the overall direction; at the same time, what system and institutional arrangements are used to construct the second classroom of ideological and political education , What kind of policy support is needed, and the content of the activities of the second classroom of ideological and political education, such as the construction of activity ceremonies, the formulation of activity rules, and the implementation of the process require overall planning; in addition, there is also the teacher training of the second classroom of ideological and political education Problems and the planning of the establishment of a new social network.

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The topic of the latest ideological and political teaching essay sample essay

This article analyzes the theoretical basis of ideological and political education classroom teaching. First, it starts with the analysis of ideological and political education methods, solves the definition of the second classroom of ideological and political education, clearly delineates the scope of research, and establishes the second classroom of ideological and political education The educational scope of ideological and political education. At the same time, for the scientific problem of the second classroom teaching of ideological and political education, theoretical analysis is carried out from the two parts of pedagogy and psychological foundation, seeking the theoretical foundation for the second classroom of ideological and political education, and constructing a teaching framework. In the analysis of ideological and political education On the basis of the historical evolution and current situation of teaching, learn from the practical experience of the three regions of the United States, Singapore, and Hong Kong to construct an overall effective form of the second classroom of ideological and political education, from the support of educational concepts, system construction, policy measures and evaluation systems. The corresponding countermeasures and implementation plans are put forward.

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