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教育学教案模板范文_教案模板范文 小学音乐_高中体育教案模板范文

3、校报, campus radio stations, and campus TV stations have further enriched the staffing on the basis of the previous semester, gave full play to the main role of the students, and will do a better job facing the students in the new semester. Publicity and education work. 4、 Do a good job of regular inspections of students and classes, assist the teaching office in the assessment of teachers, classes, and class teachers, accurately and timely do a good job of statistics, reporting and publicity of various data, and do a good job in process management At the same time, it provides first-hand materials for school decision-making. 5、 Coordinating the Youth League Committee and the class teacher, do a good job in student self-management. Practice has proved that a class teacher who is good at guiding students’ self-management will always be handy at work, and the work efficiency is always outstanding. Therefore, we emphasize on the teacher team and management At the same time of team building, class teachers should pay attention to the building of the class management team. 7、 Strengthen the thematic education for students through class meetings, activities, bulletin boards, blackboard newspapers, hand-written newspapers, etc.: political and ideological education, traditional Chinese education, inspirational education, emotional education, psychological growth education, integrity education, legal education, safety educate. 三、Regular work and requirements 1、 prepare a class work plan for this semester. 2、主题班会, this is the most important position for moral education to do a good job as a class teacher. A well-planned, designed, courseware, and documented theme class meeting is an important sign of doing a good job as a class teacher. Transactional work is resolved at any time. 3、 Every day after the class teacher arrives at school, check the attendance of the students in the class, the student's hairstyle, the dressing situation, the integrity of the public property, the hygiene, and the internal affairs, and the person in charge can solve the problem at any time.

Inter-class exercises with the teacher in charge. 4、值班老师, under the leadership of the class leader, will be on duty from 8 a.m. to check lunch, lunch break, dinner, late self-study, late rest, morning exercises the next day, early self-study, breakfast, and check everything about the students in the spare time . The head teacher on duty must be in place, standardize the work, be able to find, deal with, and solve problems, and cannot ignore it, pretend to be deaf, and cannot leave the job at will. The duty teacher and the leader of the class must indeed play a supervisory role. 5、年级, the Youth League Committee, and the Student Union check the class's classroom order, hygiene, student hair style, dress, and the integrity of public property every day. 6、 Quantitative feedback on daily, weekly, monthly and semester end. Note: According to the overall work of the school and the progress of various tasks, adjustments may be made accordingly. Thank you for reading and wish you a happy life.
