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2021-08-13 15:57 网络整理 教案网

1、要求班主任根据年级和班级的具体情况,充分利用每次班会,精心设计班会内容,写好教案,多讲人与事他们周围的事情。政教处将采取班会抽查的形式,对各班情况进行检查,并将考核结果纳入班主任考核。 2、加强班级文化建设,营造良好班级氛围,树立班级形象,争创班级特色,逐步形成文化积淀,进而推动校园文化建设,全面提高学生的文明素养和综合素质质量。 3、以活动为载体,在班级、年级开展丰富多彩的德育活动,在活动中培养学生的荣誉感和集体感。 8月组织新生军训;开学第三周举行开学典礼,表彰上学期优秀班集体和先进个人; 10月下旬举办第二届“校园文化艺术节”;深入开展学生自我管理实践活动、校园文明督导岗、青年志愿者行动等教育活动。六是完善主体德育的渗透功能。继续开展学科德育渗透教育活动,充分发挥各学科特色,实现科学文化知识的传授与学生思想修养的统一,灵活随机地对学生进行思想教育,引导学生树立崇尚科学、追求真理的科学态度,提高认识真善美的能力,逐步形成理想信念,进而转化为积极学习、积极向上的内在动力。七是抓好“三合一”教育,促进学生全面健康发展。重视家庭、社会、学校教育的协调配合,充分利用法系副校长开展法治进校园活动,进一步形成德育合力。

通过发放家庭教育资料等活动开展家庭教育交流。班主任要做好家访工作,配合家长深入细致地做好学生思想工作。通过不同的形式,沟通学生的学校和家庭情况,提出学生家庭和学校学习的日常要求,让学生在老师和家长的指导下健康成长。八、加强“问题生”教育转化。继续推进“家庭结对”教育活动,明确帮教目标,落实帮教责任;另一方面,营造浓厚的帮教氛围,搭建帮教平台,落实帮教措施,扎实开展帮教活动,进一步深化帮教效果。 “问题学生”的教育转化必须有计划、有措施、勤总结、有落实。要求各方耐心细致做好“问题学生”思想教育工作,不讲大话,多批评鼓励,多批评帮助,认真及时填写相关档案。九大法制教育和安全教育工作不息,重点抓好教育预防工作。充分利用法制教育报告会、广播会、校会、班会、国旗下的演讲等方式,开展法制教育和安全教育,增强学生的法制意识和法制观念,营造安全文明校园。继续加强对学生的交通安全教育,培养学生遵守交通法规、文明安全、有序出行的良好习惯。十加强生命教育和心理健康教育,使学生形成健全的人格。平时要加强学生的生存教育和生命教育,将未成年人的特点和现实生活的需要紧密结合起来,引导和帮助学生提高生存能力和适应社会。

教案模板范文 小学音乐_高中体育教案模板范文_教育学教案模板范文

针对学生挫败能力普遍偏低和部分学生忽视自己和他人生活的事实,我们应切实加强学生热爱生活的教育,引导他们珍惜生命、关爱生命,增强学生保护生命的能力,实现生命的价值。本学期将继续开展以“珍惜生命,感恩生命”为主题的深度教育活动。心理健康教育是新形势下必须重视的重要内容。要充分发挥我校取得心理健康顾问资格的教师的作用。定期对辅导教师进行培训,努力提高全体教职工心理健康教育水平,切实提高心理健康教育课堂教育水平。十一继续做好环卫工作。认真做好冬季流感预防和宣传工作,坚持晨检制度,坚持一天两次卫生打扫、一周一次班级卫生、一个月一次学校卫生制度。新学期,我们将继续认真贯彻落实计划,落实德育工作,积极创新开展工作,开创学校德育工作新局面。德育工作日历一、月常工作1、班主任工作 例会。 2、班老师的作品。 3、“亲情配对”活动。 4、黑板报评价比较。 5、 卫生和清洁。 6、学生管理Practical activities Youth Volunteer Service Activities7、主题班会二、月Work schedule Month: August-September Main content1、高一学生军训2、班主任开学工作会议,3、给School Moral Education Work Plan4、学生报到, charge, holiday homework collection5、學校證設計計師,流禮人6、生國際生教育、老生會心教育、 conventional education7、进行行为行为教育8、班主任Develop class work plan, class meeting and lesson plan, grade team leader Develop grade work plan 9、"Farewell to bad habits, civilized self-cultivation" Cultivation Education Month 10、开学礼, commend advanced 11、"Thanksgiving Growth" theme education Activity month: October Main content 1、“The motherland is in the heart, ode to the birthday” Patriotic and love the school theme activity2、develop laws into campus activities3、Prepare and hold the annual school track and field sports meeting and the second campus culture and art festival .

Month: November main content 1、"法纪教育月" theme activity2、期中考考风考纪教育3、"A Letter to Parents" Essay Activity4、学生党团校活动Month: December Main content 1、“安全教育” theme activity2、班级文化建筑3、归旧迎新联欢活动4、心理健康教育讲论Work2、Various types of evaluation and evaluation activities3、品德评, evaluation work4、度假安全教育5、学期Moral education work summary, data file sorting. The work plan of the Political and Education Office of the Middle School Fan Wensi一、Guiding ideology takes the scientific development concept and promotes the stable and sustainable development of our school as the guiding ideology, upholds and adheres to the school motto of "Education, progress, self-improvement", and advocates and fosters "respect, civilized, and defensive". The excellent school spirit of discipline and enterprising, so as to make students "adult, become talented and successful" education concept and "implement the four respect education, emotional education, ideological education, open education education", "adhere to the eight manifestations of people-oriented, educating people Based on the principle; moral education as the head, five education simultaneously; governing the school according to law, governing the school by virtue; standardizing management and open school running;” the school-running philosophy of “understanding, respect, tolerance, humility, righteousness, studious, civilized, and kind-hearted” In the spirit of China, we will continue to explore education and management experience, do a good job in student ideological education and management, improve the quality of education and teaching of our school, and build our school into a famous regional school with characteristics. 二、工作要点1、 Strengthen the construction of the class teacher team. Conscientiously study the guiding ideology of school work in the new semester to be people-oriented, do a good job in the construction of two teams, continue to strive for self-improvement, and create a famous school with regional characteristics, making it the core concept of the work of the class teacher.

Further implement work methods and rewards and punishments, make good use of the "Class and Class Tutors Quantitative Rules", continue to sum up experience, and improve the sustainable development of the training system for class teachers with our school's characteristics. Organize the class teacher to listen to the report of the excellent class teacher, visit and study in the advanced education school, study Wei Shusheng's "Ranking on the Work of the Class Teacher", understand and apply the advanced work theory and method of the class teacher. All grades learn from each other, share resources, and improve together through the forms of "work exchange of class teacher, class teacher forum, class teacher collective lesson preparation", etc., and focus on cultivating excellent class teachers, scholarly class teachers, and famous class teachers. Class meeting design, a class meeting courseware, a good class meeting lesson. Further implement the "Students Quantitative Management Implementation Rules and Basic Literacy Evaluation Program" to make it a standardized operation method and effective performance method for class management. 2、 Integrate the construction of campus culture with the school’s moral education and management, make great efforts to grasp routine management, organize students to learn the school’s various management systems, implement various management systems in daily work, pay attention to hygiene, dress, etiquette, External images such as two exercises, flag raising, theme class meetings, classroom order, various activities, etc., form students' excellent learning and living habits. Strengthen students’ understanding and deepening of the "school motto", "school spirit", "student oath" and the "Four Middle Spirits" we admire, and achieve "everyone, time, everywhere, everything" in our work. Moral education makes a rich spiritual culture the driving force to support students in doing all their work. Compile the class task schedule, so that the class "everyone has something to do, and everyone does everything."