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2021-08-06 13:01 网络整理 教案网

根据自己的情况给后进生定一个目标,让他们都朝着那个目标前进。 “老师”确实很尽责,“学生”身边总有一个“老师”,学习热情很高。一段时间下来,学生进步了,有的进步很快。



四、 出席。

1988年 四川荣县白岩沟围剿邵江彬,耿学杰案_寻衅滋事案申诉状范文_语文学科教案范文













学生有一定的自主学习愿望和合作探索的愿望。部分学生对汉语知识更感兴趣,但与新课程标准的要求仍有较大差距,未来学习动力有待进一步激发。 此外,学生水平参差不齐,存在两极分化。优秀的学生有一定的基础,愿意积极参与课堂,但大多比较懒惰,没有很明确的学习目标,没有良好的学习态度。口语和写作能力一般。


1. 坚持读好课本,充分尊重学生,建立平等、民主、和谐、放松、对话交流、相互合作的师生关系。


3. 充分发挥学生的主动性,发挥好小组的作用,把培养独立、探究、合作的学习方法作为教学的最终归宿。



寻衅滋事案申诉状范文_1988年 四川荣县白岩沟围剿邵江彬,耿学杰案_语文学科教案范文








3、 更关注那些基础不扎实、学习有困难的同学。对不同层次的学生应提出不同的要求。优等生适当“放开”,中学生“引进”,后进生“扶持”。







现代作文阅读是中考复习中非常重要的内容。我将现代散文分类,即叙事散文(包括散文和小说)、说明性散文和议论文。每个类别都是针对学生的。训练。通过对近年来中考题型的研究发现,中考现代课文的阅读体裁多样、题材丰富、意义深远,强调整体性。洞察力。因此,学生在复习时必须涉及到每一种,但不能涵盖所有。要突出重点、抓住难点、给予办法。 The specific method is as follows: carefully select reading materials, mainly select articles that have profound meaning, have emotional education for students, and can guide students' outlook on life and values; carefully design questions, and emphasize that they are hierarchical and can test students' overall This article integrates the comprehension and grasp ability, focuses on cultivating students' inquiry reading and creative reading ability, advocates multi-angle and creative reading, uses reading expectation, reading reflection and criticism and other links to expand thinking space and improve reading quality; pay attention to Methodological guidance. When answering reading questions, we ask students not to care about the answers to the questions, but to summarize the knowledge about regularity and the way of thinking about solving the questions. (Overall perception → combing context → filtering information → substituting the question → determining the scope → before and after consideration → organizing the language → obtaining the answer.)

Classical Chinese reading

Recitation of 80 excellent poems and classical Chinese reading is an important part of the Chinese test questions in the senior high school entrance examination. Accumulation should be strengthened, and the classical Chinese passages in the class of the high school entrance examination should be selected. In the design of test questions, both "language" and "wen" are emphasized, that is, it not only examines the basic knowledge of classical Chinese, but also examines students' understanding and grasp of the meaning of the text. In recent years, the reading of classical Chinese has begun to pay attention to the examination of the ability to understand, analyze, summarize, and evaluate the meaning of the text. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in this direction during reading training.

Composition training

Composition training is interspersed (2 lessons per week). It mainly allows students to write good narrative essays, focusing on semi-proposition composition and topic composition training. Form the composition training sequence. At the same time, let students develop a good habit of writing essays.

1988年 四川荣县白岩沟围剿邵江彬,耿学杰案_寻衅滋事案申诉状范文_语文学科教案范文

Comprehensive review of the second stage

Conduct a summary of the review of the first stage to consolidate the training; the purpose of the review of this stage is to improve students' comprehensive application of knowledge, analysis and problem-solving abilities through training, and reading comprehension and writing questions are well trained These abilities of students, so we are ready to focus on training these content.

(1)Reading training, I have already talked about the review methods, here is just a synthesis of various methods, so that students can improve.

(2)writing training

At this stage, prepare to focus on the problems in the students’ composition to train and guide the students. At the same time strengthen the composition.

(3)The examination questions in the selected part are composed of several special exercises for intensive training.

(4) Make key breakthroughs on the knowledge points that students have difficulty in reviewing, and strengthen the guidance of extracurricular reading;

The third stage comprehensively summarizes the review situation, checks the review effect, simulates the test, and checks for omissions

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