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2021-05-18 05:10 网络整理 教案网




Part 1








(2)能听懂、会说______等句子, 并在实际场景中利用。








































1《unit4 A good read -listening part》教案


Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

Students can get the main content of the dialogue though extensive listening.

Students can get what book does daniel and sandy likes to read respectively.

Students can master the scentence mattern “what are you doing ?” “what do you like to do?”

Ability aims:

Students can know how to get the main idea by using extensive listening skills.

Students can grasp the intensive listening skills in finding detailed information.

Students can improve their speaking skills through dialuge and group discussion.

Emotional aims:

Students can know the importance of reading and can develop a good habit of reading after learning this unit

Teaching key points and difficult points:

key points:

Scentence pattern: “-what are you doing ?-i am doing ” “-what do you like to do?- i’d like to do ”

Students can get main idea of listening material

difficult points:

Students can use the listening skills in finding different information of the listening material.

Students can know the importance of reading and can try to develop a good resding habit.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 warming up:

1.Showa group of mottos about book reading to students>2,ask students a question “what do these mottos talk about? ”

Step 2 pre listening:

1.Show several pictures of different book covers, let students to classify these books.

2.ask students a question “which book do you want to read and why?”

3.tell students there are two friends daniel and sandy who are talking something about book.


Step3 while listening:

Extensive listening

1.ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and ask students a question “what are they talking about?”(books)

2.How many kinds of books do they mentioned?(two)

Intensive listening

1.ask students to listen to the tape again, ask students a question “what kind of book does daniel like to read and why?”(history books , because they can improve his knowledge of the past)

“what kind of book does sandy like to read and why?”(novels and plays,because she thinks the history books are boring)

2.ask students what does daniel and sandy read about respectively? (Germany in world war two; the moving story of an ungly man quasimodo)

Step4 post listening

1.ask students to imitate the dialuge in a real situation.

2.do a survey

Ask students to do a survey>


Ask students to have a discussion>

Step5 Summary and homework

Do a summary with students together by asking them questions, and tell students the importance of reading.

Ask students to choose his or her favourite book, introduce the book to the class and tell the class the reason why you choose it.

Black board design:


2《Be going to》教案

Teaching objectives

Knowledge objectives

1. Students can master the usage of the simple future tense.

2. Students can recognize the simple future tense when they meet.

Ability objectives


Students can use the simple future tense appropriately in daily communication.

Emotional objectives

1. Students will have more confidence in learning grammar.

2. Students will pay more attention to the grammar during communication.

Teaching Key point:

To master the usage of the simple future tense and try to use them in communication.

Teaching difficult point:

Students would like to use this grammar item correctly.

Teaching methods:

Communicative teaching approach, task-based teaching approach, group work.

Teaching ads:


Teaching procedures:

Step 1 warming up (8mins)

Greeting and free talk

Show four pictures about Jim, ask students to tell a story according to the story.

(Justification: arouse students’ interests in learning with games and make a good preparation for learning “the simple future tense”)

Step 2 Presentation (22mins)

Task 1 Read the sentences. Then teacher helps students to find the principle of “the simple future tense”

I’m watching TV.

She’s washing her clothes.

They’re listening to a CD

(Justification: During this activity, students can find the principle of “the simple future tense” actively)

Task 2 After learning the principle, ask students to do exercise “Write sentences following the examples.

1) Jenny/clean the house/now


Jenny is cleaning the house now.

2) Bob/make dinner/every Saturday.


3) Mary’s parents/drink tea/after dinner.


4) Bill/talk>__________________________

5) Becky and Bob/watch TV/>__________________________

Task 3 Number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. Then practice it with a partner.

_____Do you want to go tomorrow then?

_____OK. See you tomorrow evening!

_____ I’m reading a book.

_____Let’s go at seven o’clock.

_____ No, this book is really interesting.

__1__What are you doing?

_____Do you want to go to the movies now?

_____Sure, what time?

(Justification: in order to master the usage of the grammar item during practice)

Step 3 consolidation

Work in groups. Students will be asked to describe the pictures by the grammar item, which were shown before class.

(Justification: consolidate the usage of the grammar item in communicative way.)

Step 4 summary and homework

Review the language point by asking questions and write a short article by using “the simple future tense”

(Justification: students can review can consolidate what they have learnt.)

Class Reflection:

Blackboard Design:
