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because of_because of同义词_because of 后面接什么(9)

2017-12-17 17:03 网络整理 教案网

because of_because of同义词_because of 后面接什么

(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted

152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japan

yesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.

(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen

153. He us since Henry went to America.

(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited

154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.

(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen

155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.

(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried

156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.

(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on

157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.

(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from

158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.

(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With

159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.

(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on

160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.

(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to


Part VI

Direction : I this part of the test

161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.

162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year.

163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department.