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because of_because of同义词_because of 后面接什么(10)

2017-12-17 17:03 网络整理 教案网

164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.

165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the

solution (D)more quickly.

166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.

167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm.

168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.

169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.

170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.

171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.

172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.

173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.

174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.

175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.

176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.