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九年级英语优秀教案篇一:九年级英语公开课教案 九年级英语公开课教案 大冶二中 肖敏 班级:初三(3)班 课题:九(上)Unit3 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and useful expressions: besides, might, complete, text, last but not least, keep on 2. Review the usage of“wh + to do”: My difficulty in learning English is how to get the pronunciation right. Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 3. Talk about language learning strategies. II. Teaching difficulty教学难点 The usage of “wh +to do” III Teaching importance 教学重点 The usage of “wh +to do” Talk about language learning strategies IV Teaching procedure Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 1. S3: Why are you so sad, S4? S4: I didn’t pass the English exam. I just got 50 scores. S3: I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry. Do you still remember the proverb“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. ” S4: Yes. But I have tried my best to learn English. I spent a lot of time in remembering newwords, but I don’t know how to remember them and how to get the right pronunciation. I want to give it up. S3: No, you mustn’t. English is very important. English is spoken widely in the world now, and we’re planning to do something for the 2008 Olympic Games. S4: Could you give me some advice on how to improve my English? S3: My pleasure. If you want to remember the new words, you should write the new words in the notebook and take it with you, then you can recite new words wherever you are and you should listen to the tape and read the text aloud. Improving your study method is very important. Remember that the best method is practicing again and again. Don’t give up. S4: Use English as much as possible, right? S3: Yes. S4: Thanks. I’ll have a try. 4, some of you did not do very well in the last English exam.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 1.T: Read the text 1a, finish 1b, write down the learning methods the writer mentioned in the passage. Listening: Speaking: Reading: Writing: 4. T: What methods did you use? Which is successful and which is unsuccessful? Complete the form with your opinions.1.T: Let’s discuss the following ways of learning English and put G 1. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 1. what do you have for your breakfast? 2) What do you have for your lunch? 3) What’s your favorite fruit?/ drink? 4) What should we do if we want to have a healthy diet? 语言技能目标 How to keep a healthy diet? 以及 How to give advice? 学习策略目标 1)自觉完成课前任务 2)主动参加教学活动 文化观念目标 拥有健康的食物习惯针对健康的身体十分重要。


情感态度目标 1)体会英语学习的真谛,做到在“用中学,在学中用”。 2)培养教师的队伍合作观念,学会分工合作。 3)让学生学会明白这次的生活来之不易初中英语备课教案范文,要好好爱惜。 教学重难点 Key points: 1. Learn the key words. 2. Learn to share your own pinion about healthy diet. Difficulties: Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 教具准备 a computer, blackboard, some food 教学方法 Step 1 .Lead in and show the language goals. 1. Lead the students talk about the importance of health. Health is just like the number “1” in the number 100,000. Without “1”, the number is meaningless. Similarly Step 2. Jack’s diet Show the food that Jack often eat. T: look at Jack’s food, and think about the question if Jack is healthy. S: No. T: If Jack wants to be healthy, what should he do? S: stay away from(远离) the unhealthy food and unhealthy drink.T: If we want to be healthy,what should we do? S:We should stay away from the unhealthy food and unhealthy drink. T: What are unhealthy food and what are unhealthy drink? S: chips,hot dogs, hamburgers, coke,coffee,sprite....Step 3 advice collection. T: Mary is not healthy, she often gets cold. What should she do? Can you give her some advice. S1: You should eat some apples. S2: You are supposed to drink more milk. S3: You had better eat more vegetables. S4: Why not eat more pears and drink more water. ..... (设计动机:在情景交际中使学员把握交际用语初中英语备课教案范文,操练巩固重点句型,提高英语表达能力。


) Step 4 healthy tips: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我 。 Light supper makes long life 晚餐吃得少,保你活到老。 After lunch sit a while; after supper walk a mile . 午饭之后坐一坐,晚饭以后走一走。 (设计动机:掌握一些口语关于食物的习惯表达形式。让学员养成用英文思考的习惯。) Step 5 practice ______________. Tip 3: It’s a good idea to ______________. Tip 4: …… (设计动机: 让学员回归到语言学习的本质上来,在真实情景下正确利用语言,同时也有对前面所学内容的一次很好的小结) Step 6 exercise 情景对话:根据所帮情景与提醒用英语进行沟通。 角色:医生 情景:一老人去看医生,医生觉得他太胖,要瘦身,建议他少吃垃圾食品,另外要多喝玉米、水果。 医生: __________________________________ 病人: I’m not feeling well. 医生: __________________________________ 病人: What should I do? 医生:_________________________________ 病人: Oh, I see. What else? 医生:_________________________________ (设计意图: 用于致用。


同时也有很高的起至为中考服务的目的,毕竟现在所进行的是话题式的复习) Step 7 Summary 1. Have the students sum up the contents in this class from the words, phrases, and grammar. Step 8 Homework: Write a short passage about your diet, and tell us if your diet is healthy. (设计意图:通过作业的完成使学生进一步可养成健康的生活方式,能够很地道地使用英语来表述关于健康的食物使人健康的话题) 篇三:九年级英语优秀教案5 初中非谓语动词专项复习 篇四:初中英语优秀教学设计 初中英语优秀教学设计篇五:九年级英语优秀教案1年级复习课教案———被动语态 1 23