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山东省潍坊市诸城市密州街道卢山初中七年级英语上册 module 3 unit 2

2020-09-07 06:26 网络整理 教案网


山东省潍坊市诸城市密州街道卢山初中七年级英语上册 module 3 unit 2 the library is on the left of the playground学案2(无答案)(新版)外研版Module 3 Unit 2 第一课时 第一部分 学习要求: 【学习目标】: 1.知识跟技能目标: (1) 话题:通过本课的学习认识并学会使用there be 句式 (2)语音:能识别并正确朗读/ ? / /a:/ /?/ /?:/ (3)词汇:学会正确使用本单元单词, there, forty-six, computer, map, dictionary, wall, library, picture, television, right, fifteen, sixty, seventeen,eighteen, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, many, how many, any, tree (4)语法:?there be 句型 ?方位短语用法 (5)功能:介绍学校的设备。 2.技能目标 : (1) 听懂有关学习介绍的浅显对话,提高学生实际应用能力。 (2) 能运用there be 句型介绍自己的教室和大学;流利地写出本模块的单词、短语。 (3) 能阅读包括there be 句型的有关学校介绍的简单文章。进行简单的阅读技能训练。 (4) 能用there be 句型写出简短的介绍教室和大学的词语 3.情感、态


度跟价值观目标:培养教师热爱学校,热爱自己家园的观念。参加各类英语活动初中英语导学案模板,克服困难,在新环境中进一步确立正确的语言学习观。 【学习重点】: there be 句型表示存在的显然,疑问与否定方式 【学习难点】:1. 数词与动词连用时,名词的单复数的使用。 2. 掌握there be句型。 3. 描述自己的班级和大学,能用正确地道的语文进行口语训练。 【学法指导】: 1.课前通过自学单词和温习课本,解决学案中的难题。 2.课上借助合作研究、展示交流,解决重难点。 3.课后自我总结归纳。 第二部分 学习过程: 【课前预习导学】 一、根据英语写单词并在课本中划出这些词汇: 名词(n.) 计算机____ 家具____ 地图___________ 图片___________ 电视机___________ 墙___________ 世界_________大量;许多_________ 数词 (num.) 三十___________四十 ___________五十___________六十__________ 七十___________八十___________九十___________ 其他 任何一个,一些________ 许多,很多(adj.)_______真正地初中英语导学案模板,非常___________ 【课堂学习研讨】 (一)预习展示交流 (二)导入:Listen to a piece of music about numbers to ask students To know the numbers


from one to ten. List two new words: Indian boys and Indian girls (四)Read and understand the dialogue, if you have any questions, discuss them. (五)重难点 1. Key phrases: really big thirty students in my class a lot of furniture on the teacher’s desk at the front of a map of the world on our walls 2. Key sentences: 1)What’s your classroom in England like? 2) There are thirty students in my class.. 3) Is there a lot of furniture?? 4) —Are there any pictures on the classroom walls? —Yes, there are. 5) ---Is there a map of the world? ---No, there isn’t. 6) —How many students are there in your class in Beijing? —There are forty students, twenty boys and


twenty girls. (六)Read after the recorder and try to remember them. (七) Look and say Look at Picture 1 and the teacher show how to answer the general interrogative sentence. Is there a blackboard in the classroom? Yes, there is . Ss answer the questions in the following pictures. Look at the picture and the teacher show how to answer the special question. Ss answer the questions in the following pictures. (八)Make a surveyModule 3 Unit 2 第二课时 Work in pairs. Write about your classroom. Use numbers. How many… Numbers desks televisions Stud ents blackboards pictures computers (九) 当堂检测 I. 单项选择 单项选择(5分钟,10分) ( )1. There _______ 42 students in m


y class. A. is B. have C. am D. are ( )2. _______ there a nearest(最近的) hospital here, please, A. Have B. Are C. Is D. Has ( )3. There _______ any computers in my classroom. 2 A. is B. are C. isn’t D. aren’t ( )4. —Is there a library in your school? — ________ . A. Yes, there is B. No, there is C. Yes, there are D. No, there aren’t ( )5. How many _______ are there in your school? s A. library B. librarieC. a library D. the library II. 根据要求完成句子。 完成句子(5分钟,10分) 1. 在汤姆的班上有50名学生。 ______ ______ 50 students in _______ class. 2. 杯子里有水吗, _______ there _______ _______ in the glass? 3. 我们大学没有图书馆。 There _______ any _______ in our school. 4. 讲桌上有一台电脑。 3