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2020-08-22 19:22 网络整理 教案网


Greetings to judges: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am No.2.It’s my great honor to stand here to give my presentation. Today I am going to talk about____________(标题)Now I will begin my class.

Greetings to students Hello, everyone. How are you today? I’mfine, too. Thanks. Today we are going to learn__________. (标题)

Warming-up and Leading-in Firstly, let’s review what we learned yesterday. Great. Yesterday we have learned (所复习的内容) . So now I will ask you a question._________________(一个衔接本节课的问题) Who wants to have a try? Our monitor, please. _____________(转述学生的提问) very good. And how about you, Anna? ____________(转述) thank you, sit down, please. Just now we have talked about_____________(总结刚才所讨论的) and now open your book, turn to page 10. Let’s look at our reading passage.

Fast-reading: Firstly, let’s have a fast reading about the passage to find out the main idea about the passage. Are you clear? Ok,let’s go for it. Time is up. Any volunteers? You please. Yes教师资格证试讲模板, it is mainly about _____________(文章大意).Good job, sit down, please. And anything else? You please.Great . it is also about ____________(再次补充大意)

Careful-reading: Ok, just now we have a fast reading about our passage, now let’s us have a second reading to find more details. Then answer the questions in blackboard.______________(给出2-3个细节问题)now go back to your book and let’s read it carefully. Are you clear? Ok, let’s begin. Time is limited. So question 1, who want to try? The last girl,you please. Well done! ______(转述答案). And how about question 2? Mike, please. perfect! (转述答案). Then what about question3? Ok, Lily, please. yes, (转述答案). Now, boys and girls, we have finished the reading.

Grammar point: By now, we have learned this passage, and do you have any other question? Yes, Lucy please.____________(重点词组) in which line? Can you read it for us? Yes, thank you . who can translate this sentence for us?Juliet, you please. And can you make a sentence by using the phrase? How clever you are! Sit down please.,________(转述造的句子)

Practice: Next work in groups and discuss with your partners to retell the passage. 5 minutes. Let’s begin. Time is up, who want to share your answers. You please.great. thank you, sit down please.

Any volunteer? Jack,please. Wonderful教师资格证试讲模板, sit down please.

Summary: Now let’s have a summary what we have learned today?Think about it. Ok ,who can tell us? Yes, you please .very good.sit down,please. So today we have learned ______________(知识加上情感升华)

Homework: Today’s homework is to write a small writing about_________ 与本节课相关话题. Class is over. Have a nice day!Bye,see you tomorrow.

Thank you for your attention.

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