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导读:人教版新目标九年级英语unit3导学案【全单元,共6课时,无答案】,九年级英语复习(九年级全册)2017 年人教版新目标初中英语九年级英语 九年级全册 Unit 3【学习目标】熟记本单元单词、短语、句型; 2. 语法复习:疑问句作宾语从句。3.话题:谈



九年级英语复习(九年级全册)2017 年人教版新目标初中英语九年级英语 九年级全册 Unit 3【学习目标】熟记本单元单词、短语、句型; 2. 语法复习:疑问句作宾语从句。


【目标导航】 : (学习要求:回归教材初中英语导学案模板,知识储备)一、词汇拓展: 1.Polite_ _____(反义词 2.expensive_____(反义词 3Who______(宾格) 4.fascinate ______(形容词)5.suggest______(名词) 6.important______(名词) 7.success________v. 8.medicine______ adj. 9 address______(复数)10normal______(adv) 二、重点短语: 1 从银行取钱_________________2.向右转________________3.期待______________ 4.请原谅_________________ 5.走过_________________ 6.上 2 楼_______________ 7 礼貌的寻求帮助_______________8 听上去不礼貌____________________ 9 依靠_________________10 在去…的路上__________11 做某事很兴奋______________ 12 in a rush______________13 lead in to_____________14 parking lot______________ 三、句型在线,英汉互译 1.Could you tell me where I can get something to eat? _________________________________________________________ 2.Pardon me, do you know if there’s a restaurant around here? ________________________________________________________ 3.I wonder where we should go next.. ________________________________________________________ 4.Could you tell me _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ______?(怎样到达邮局) 5 ____ _____(请问), do you know _____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____?(我可在哪里买到药)【知识点拨】(学习要求:合作研究,夯实基础)1.宾语代词 宾语从句在复合句中作动词的状语。


①由动词+连接词+从句( 主语+ 谓语 )构成 常由以下的一些连接词引导: ②由 that 引导 , that 没有意思,只起连接作用,可省略 He says (that) he is at home. 他说他在家里。

③由 if , whether 引导 表示通常问题意义(if , whether 是否) I don’t know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish. 我不知道韦华是否喜欢鱼。

④由连接代词、连接代词(疑问词) 引导 表示特殊问题意义 Do you know what he wants to buy? 你明白他想要买哪个吗? ⑤从句动词应与主语一致 当动词是通常以后时,从句根据状况使用任何动词 He says (that ) he is at home. 他说他在家里。

I don’t know (that) she is singing now. 我不知道她正在说话。

She wants to know if I have finished my homework. 她想要了解我能否已经完成了我的作业。

Do you know when he will be back? 你明白他将要什么时候回来? 当主语是通常过去时,从句应使用过去某语法九年级全册 Unit 3 修改:陈龙波


九年级英语复习(九年级全册)(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时) He said (that) he was at home. 他说他在家里。

I didn’t know that she was singing now. 我不知道她正在说话。

She wanted to know if I had finished m homework. 她想要了解我能否已经完成了我的作业。

Did you know when he would be back? 你明白他将要什么时候回来? 主句是通常过去时初中英语导学案模板,宾语从句要用过去时的某些短语, 但即使表示的是客观事实或普遍真理则用通常以后时态。

The teacher said the earth goes round the sun. 2. get v. 得到 , get some information about the town 得到关于城市的信息 买 get a pair of shoes 买一双鞋 3. 期盼 look forward to sth/ doing 4. not –until 直到---才 He didn’t go home until 10 o’clock. He won’t go to bed until he finishes his homework. 5. 问路常用的短语: 1) Do you know where …is ? 2) Can you tell me how I can get to the park? 3)Could you tell me how to get to the park? 请你告诉我如何能够去邮局好吗? 4)Can/Could you please tell me if there is …around here? 5)Could you tell me which is the way to…? 请你告诉我如何能够去邮局好吗?中的how to get to the park 是疑问词与名词不定式连用,用作宾语,相当于宾语从句how I can get to the park 如:A ; I don’t know how to solve the problem. 我不知道如何解决这个难题 B I don’t know how I can solve the problem. 6. turn left / right === turn to the left / right 向左/ 右转 在你的左边 on your right= ____ ___ ___ __ ____ 7. go past 经过 经过 一家书店____________________ go straight 向前直走 go along/walk down—沿着—走Go along the street, and then turn left. 沿着—街走,向左转 8. know sb well 很了解某人 know each other 相互知道 9. walk up to 走向--- 走向门口.的一名工作员工________________________ 10. communicate with 和 — 交流 ,更好地和他人交流 _________________________ 11 politely adv. 有礼貌地 polite adj. 有礼貌的 impolite 没礼貌 sound polite , 听上去有礼貌 be more polite 更礼貌 sound less polite sound impolite听起来没有礼貌 ask politely 12. depend on sth / doing / 从句 根据、依靠、依赖、决定于 Living things ____ _____ the sunlight.生物对阳光有依赖性。

13. a good place to eat 一个吃饭的好地方 Could you tell me if there is ___ ___ ____ ___ _____near here ? 一个吃饭的好地方 14. go to the third floor 去三楼 On the third floor 在三楼 15. not –until 直到---才 He didn’t go home until 10 o’clock. He won’t go to bed until he finishes his homework. 16. on their way to --- 在它们去----路上 On the way to school 在上学的路上 On my way home在我回家的路上 17 know sb well 很了解某人 Know each other 相互知道【实践运用】(学习要求:自我检测,巩固提升) .I.单项填空()1. —Excuse me. Could you tell me _________? —Certainly.A. when can I get to the station B. I can get to which station C. which station can I get to D. how I can get to the station九年级全册 Unit 3 修改:陈龙波


九年级英语复习(九年级全册)()2 )3((((((— What did you say just now?— I asked her__________。 A。 where is the hotel B。 where the hotel is C。 where was the hotel D。 where the hotel was ) 4 — I am worried about the coming speech。 I don’t even know_________。 — What about singing a song? A。 how I can start with B。 what I can start with C。 how should I start with D。 what should I start with ) 5 。 — Is the ride really exciting? — Yes。 You will know _________ if you take it。 A。 how exciting it is B。 how exciting is it C。

what exciting it is D。 what exciting is it ) 6。 — Would you please tell me _________?— Of course。 It is two stops away。 A。 how many stops there are B。 how many stops are there C。 how far is the zoo D。 how far the zoo is ) 7。 —_________, Mr Lee。 But you’re wanted on the call。— Thanks。 Is it my uncle? A。 I am sorry B。 Never mind C。 Pardon me D。 Attention, please ) 8—I often use micro-blog to communicate with others。Lily likes _________。 A。 what her twin sister like C。 what is her twin sister likeB。