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初中英语备课教案_初中数学 备课教案模板_高中英语备课教案模板

人教版三年级下学校数学全英语教案Unit Welcomeback schoolUnit Letstalk Letspractise Teaching Aims say:We have newfriend today. from….Welcome! introduceyourself ImproveSs intercourse abilities. Focus Points &Difficult Points newstructures differentways Wehave newfriend./pencil… Teaching Preparation: internationalflag America\Canada\China. Amy.Designing newbook. from…We have newfriend. Teaching Steps: Step1. Warm –up song《Good morning》. Freetalk Goodmorning, boys girls.Welcome back school.Nice meetyou again! Ss: Nice meetyou, too. Hi,girl. My names Wendy. May haveyour name? S1: Sure. My names Hi,S1. Welcome back Freetalk newbook! Do you have newone? newbook. newbook. oldbook. newbook. writesdown blackboard.)Ss read after newbook. What do you have? newbook./ pencil./ pen….. Hownice! Great! Practise pairs:S1: newbook. S2: Great!/ Me too…… girls.Look! We have newfriend today! Lets welcome! S1: Hi! Amy!Welcome again! Ss: Welcome. T:We have newfriend today!(T writes down “We”means you, you, he, she everyone!You know, Whats Wehave Wehave newfriend. Wehave friend.We have friend.We have newfriend. Sing (两只老虎)We have newfriend. We have newfriend. Amy Wehave newfriend. We have newfriend. Amy Amy!Where youfrom? fromAmerica. OH,youre from America. internationalflag fromAmerica. student:Where youfrom? fromAmerica/the USA. internationalflag fromChina. teachesCanada/England above.Game: flies)S1: fromCanada. S2 S3touch fromCanada. Step.3 Consolidation realsituation, you can say fromHangzhou. fromHuzhou…… youfrom? fromHangzhou. Readafter class.Step4. Assessment. Ssdo class.Think over:Unit Letslearn; Lets play; Part Letssing Teaching Aims listen,say, recognize mainwords: boy, girl. Watchout!” song“Boy Girl”.Focus Points DifficultPoints mainwords: boy, girl. Teaching Preparation: internationalflag America\Canada\China. Some toy animals. Designing girlTeaching Steps: Step1. Warm –up Freetalk Hello!May haveyour name? S1: My names youfrom? S1: fromHangzhou. Oh,me too. Nice meetyou. S1: Nice meetyou, too. girl,we have newfriend today, S1 Ss: Welcome! Make similardialogue yourpartner. handsout internationalflag: Where youfroom? Group fromAmerica. G2: fromEngland. G3: fromCanada. G4: fromChina. Step2.Presentation. Mike:Do you know Where MikeFrom? Hesfrom Canada. Great!Hes from Canada. Hesfrom Canada. putsboy boy.Run two trains boy.(Point boy?Ss: Yeah.She girl.Run two trains girl.(Point girl)Read wordstogether: girlStep Game:Distinguish sound.(Lets practise.) S1 Hello!Ss: girl?S2 who covered eyes: boy?Ss: Yes./ Game:Introduce Mr.Pig. Hes Miss.Cat. Shes puppet.Cat: Hello! Mr. Pig. How you?Pig: Very well, thanks. lovelyday! Lets play. Cat: Great. Pig falls down: Oh. Cat: Watch out!! “Watchout”? 当心,留神!Make “watchout”! Letssing. Step4. Assessment. word“boy” animals.What girls?Listen Ssdo Ssbuy Englishexercise books. Think over:Unit Letssay, Lets chant Part CultureTeaching Aims listen,say, recognize words:apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee. listen,say, read threeletters: chantreview ABC,train groupidentity. Focus Points DifficultPoints letters:Big letter smallletter Writedown them correctly handsomely.Teaching Preparation: Lettercards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball littleblackboard four-lineformat ball.Designing blackboard:panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures) China Canada America Australia (words) Teaching Steps: Step1. Warm –up Freetalk fromHangzhou. S1: Hello! fromHangzhou,too. meetyou. meetyou, too. Letsplay. Ok? Watchout! similardialogue yourpartner. Step2.Presentation. Today,we learnletters. Do you know letters? Just letters.Whats firstletter. showsletter bigletter Bigletter Bigletter Letsmake bigletter hands)Run two trains: Big letter smallletter Smallletter Smallletter girlshead. smallletter Runtwo trains: Big letter smallletter apple:Whats antbeside apple:Whats likeabove. Pay attention Useright hand Game:Find out lettersweve just learned. apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball Read apple,No.1 small letter Youreso smart. You can read them. Now, lets write them down. Look First,lets write down big letter One,two, three. Now, Lets try together. Show me your finger. Myfinger. Ss:One, two, three. smallletter Everyonehas his home. Where home?Here four-lineformat.) lettershome. firstfloor. secondfloor thirdfloor. Big letters thirdfloor. Lets write down Showme your finger. Myfinger. Ss:One, two, three. smallletter four-lineformat. Write them yourexercise book. Teach Bb,Cc. Letschant. Readafter writesdown:3.8 WomensDay. Yeah高中英语备课教案模板高中英语备课教案模板,妇女节。

初中英语备课教案_高中英语备课教案模板_初中数学 备课教案模板

day,you should say “Happy Womens Day” yourmother. You also can pour Havesome tea, mom.” T&S act like mother son/daughter. Dingdong. HappyWomens Day! Thankyou. Mom,sit down please.Have some tea. Thankyou. My dear daughter. Step4. Assessment. 1).Complete activitybook. Makeletter cards over:Unit PartBLets talk Letspractise Teaching Aims say:Where youfrom? useabove sentence patterns reallife. ImproveSs intercourse abilities. Focus Points DifficultPoints newstructures reallife fluently. Teaching Preparation: 1.The headgears Amy\Wu Yifan\Mr. Black, Someinternational flags. friendsphoto. Designing blackboard:Where youfrom? from…Teaching Steps: Step1. Warm –up song《Boy Letschant. ABC, follow me. 123;123, ABC. soeasy yousee! Freetalk animalwords. panda:Hello. Miss.panda. fromChina. Where youfrom? S1: Mr.beaver. fromCanada. meetyou. meetyou, too. Step2.Presentation. Freetalk Pleaseintroduce your friend meS1: Hello, Miss Jin. myfriend,… meetyou. S2: Nice meetyou, too. youfrom? class.Goodbye! Ss: Goodbye! Whatdid you hear? newsentence. youfrom? writesdown Step3.Practise. handsout internationalflags. Chain game: Where youfrom? myfriend, Val. Shes from America. tape.T:Where Amyfrom? Readafter Readafter realsituation. Step4. Assessment. Ssdo class.Think over:Unit Letslearn Part Storytime Teaching Aims listen,say, recognize mainwords: student, teacher. student.”Focus Points DifficultPoints student.Teaching Preparation: Zoom\Zip\Mr.Black…… Designing blackboard:Student: May Teacher:Come sorry.Teacher: OK.Teaching Steps: Step1. Warm –up Freetalk Goodmorning. Wendy.May haveyour name? S1: My names seeyou. S1: Nice seeyou, too. fromHangzhou. Where youfrom? S1: class.Goodbye! S1: See you. Make similardialogue yourpartner. Step2.Presentation Letslearn. Understand?When you late,you should say “May sentence.)Ss read after say:“Come sentence.)Ss read after youmay say Boysread teacher,girls read word“teacher”: word“student”: Youre handsout some headgears book.S1 wears Mr.Black: teacher.S2: wears Adapt“Boy Storytime. TodayZoom Teacher&Student” bothwant teacher.Guess! Who teacher?Zoom Zip?S1: Zoom. S2: Zip. Factspeaks louder than speech. Lets watch. After watching teacher?Ss: Zip. Hessmart. Whats smart?S:聪明癿。

初中数学 备课教案模板_初中英语备课教案_高中英语备课教案模板

Youresmart, too. Readafter Readafter Step3.Assessment. Youllhear Mr.Li. Hes youcircle Mr. Li Ssdo class.Think over:Unit Letssay; Lets do Part Letscheck Teaching Aims listen,say, recognize words:duck, dog, egg, elephant. listen,say, read chantreview ABCDE,train groupidentity. Focus Points DifficultPoints Writedown them correctly handsomely.Teaching Preparation: Lettercards ,some word pictures wordcards: pen, pencil, eraser, ear, blue, bear eye, elephant. littleblackboard four-lineformat. Designing blackboard:Teaching Steps: Step1. Warm –up Letschant. Ss:Big letter Ss:Small letter Letssay. Doyou know what letter bigletter Canyou raise some examples.