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prior: a. before another event takes place. 事先的 e.g.: He claimed he had no prior knowledge of the protest. 他宣称他事先对那次质疑一无所知。 12. tempt: v. attracts 引诱; 吸引 e.g.: Cars like that may tempt drivers to speed. 那样的车辆可能会引诱司机超速行车。 It is the fresh fruit that tempts me at this time of year. 只有新鲜的食物就会在今年的这个之后吸引我。 temptation: n. attraction 诱惑 e.g.: Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy? 他们可抵御得住购买的诱惑吗? 13. significant: 1) a. be important 重大的; 显著的 e.g.: Please inform us if there are any significant changes in you plan. 你的计划要是有大的变动就通知我们。

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2)a. important or shows something. 重要的 e.g.: I think it was significant that he never knew his own father.我想他从不了解自己的母亲这一点就更表明问题。 significance: n. 重要性; 意义 e.g.: Ideas about the social significance of religion have changed over time. 有关宗教的社会含义的理念未随时间的逝去发生了改变。 14. get caught up: be involved 卷入到 e.g.: Try not to get caught up in conflicts with other family or friends. 尽量让自己不要卷入跟其它家庭或同事的冲突当中。 15. maintain: 1) v. continue to have 保持 e.g.: After the divorce, their father still maintained close contact with the boys. 离婚后,他们的母亲却跟儿子们保持着紧密联系。

2) v. keep in good condition 维修; 保养 e.g.: The house costs a fortune to maintain. 维修这房子花费很大。 maintenance: 1) n. the process of keeping in good condition 检修 e.g.: The window had been replaced last week during routine maintenance. 那窗在上星期的例行检修中未被换掉了。 2) n. make sure sth continues. 维持 e.g.: Every global citizen must be concerned about the maintenance of the world peace and stability.每个地球公民都必须关注世界和平与稳固的保持。 16. responsibly: adv. in a responsible manner 负责地 e.g.: No matter what happens, we must act responsibly. 无论出现哪些,我们都应对自己的行为负责。

responsible: a. be blamed for 负有责任的 e.g.: The police believed that the same man was responsible for other three murders. 警察质疑这个女孩只是另外三起谋杀案的嫌犯。 responsibility: n. duty to deal with 责任 e.g.: Kelly’s promotion means more money and more responsibility. 凯莉的加薪意味着更高的薪水和更多的职责。 No one admitted responsibility for the attacks.没有人对这种袭击负责。 17. in the presence of: in the same place as sb. 在某人面前 e.g.: He gave a speech confidently in the presence of all the judges. 他在所有观众面前自信地做了发言。 You should be a gentleman in the presence of ladies. 在女士们面前你必须体现得像个绅士。

18. schedule: 1) n. a list of events or tasks 日程安排 e.g.: He has been forced to adjust his schedule. 他未被迫调整了日程安排。 2) v. arrange to happen 计划; 安排 e.g.: The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38. 这架航天飞机计划于 04:38 发射升空。 19. sufficient: a. enough 足够的 e.g.: Do you have sufficient authority to install this software? 你有足够的权限安装这个工具吗? Will there be sufficient stocks to meet our demand? 这儿有足够的存货以满足我们的需求吗?IV. Detailed learning of text A Step 1. Listen to the recordings of text A. Step 2. Introduce the main idea of the Text A. Explain and illustrate the cultural background and language points in the text. Step 3. Analyze the structure of the passage. Step 4. Lead discussions among students on the text and the topic of college life. Ⅴ. Exercises of text A Step 1: Guide students to the correct use of the words, expressions in text A through doing the related exercises. Step 2: Check the answers of the exercises. Ⅵ. Grammar and exercise Step 1. Explanation of the five basic sentence patterns. Step 2. Exercises of grammar Ⅶ. Practical Writing: business card Step 1. Help students get familiar with the format of business card and the etiquette of exchanging business card. Step 2. Write a business card on page 17.教 学 小 结This is the first unit of Book One. In the warm-up section, students will learn to read monophthong correctly and sing an English song. Text A offers students several suggestions on how to adapt to college life. In the grammar section, students get familiar with the basic sentence patterns in English. Students are expected to learn how to write an English business card.