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CollegeEnglish教材|:高级职业数学教程(上) 教研室:武汉交通职业学院公共课部公外教研室 教师姓名: 课程名称 College English 授课专业和学校 14 会计 (1) 、 14 机电 (2 ) 授课内容 Unit One College Life 授课学时 8 教学目的 Understand the main ideas of text A, grasp the words, expressions, structures and word formations used in the text, and discuss the text among students and offer their opinions on the topic of college life. Text B can be done as a fasting reading in class or out of class. 教学重点 Study the new words and language points, know the basic sentence patterns and know how to write a business card in English. 教学方法 Student-oriented communicative teaching, free discussion and interaction. 教学过程 1. Warm-up: monophthong & English song (20 minutes) 2. Lead-in of text A (10 minutes) 3. New words of text A (90 minutes) 4. Detailed learning of text A (90 minutes) 5. Exercises of text A (90 minutes) 6. Grammar and exercises (30 minutes) 7. Writing: business card (30 minutes) 作业 Assign homework: 1. Exercise on Page 8 and page 9. 2. Learn to sing the English song Hey Jude 辅助方法 Multimedia software教 学 内 容1. Warm-up activities Step 1: Introduce monophthong to students Step 2: Ask students to read front vowels, central vowels and back vowels printed in the book. Step 3: Play the English song Hey Jude and ask students to fill in the blanks and learn to sing the song. II. Lead-in of text A Step 1: Ask students to do the survey on page 3. Step 2: Ask students to discuss how to improve campus according to the survey. III. New words of text A 1. adapt to: change your ideas or behaviors to deal with a new situation 适应于 e.g.: Our company should adapt to the changes in market and new policies. 我们公司必须适应行业和新制度的变化。

The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 这个世界将会不同,所以我们需要准备好适应差异。 2. frustrating: a. something that annoys you or makes you angry 令人懊丧的 e.g.: The current situation is very frustrating for us. 目前的局面对我们来讲是最令人沮丧的。 frustrate: vt. something upsets or angers you 使懊丧 e.g.: These questions frustrated me. 这些问题让我沮丧。 frustration: n. the feeling that accompanies an experience of being unsuccessful 沮丧 e.g.: Her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration. 她不停的抱怨来源于沮丧。

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3. adjustment: n. an adjustment is a change in a person's behaviour or thinking. 调整 e.g.: He will have to make major adjustments to his thinking if he is to survive in office.他要想再次任职的话大学教案模板,就得对他的认知模式作大的调整。 adjust: v. getting used to a new situation by changing your behavior. 调整以适应 e.g.: We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society. 我们仍然在令我们的战士们准备好自我调整以适应普通社会。 My parents had trouble adjusting to living in the apartment. 我的爸妈难以适应公寓的生活。 4. cope with: accept or bear an unpleasant situation 应付(困难局面) e.g.: The industry has never had to cope with war and recession at the same time before.企业曾经从来没有同时应付过内战和经济衰退。

A giant washing machine copes with the mountain of laundry created by the family. 一台大容量洗衣机能够清理这家人换下的堆积如山的脏衣服。 5. acknowledge: v. accept or admit 承认 (事实或情况) e.g.: Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict. 在一封写于法官的信中,内勒承认他是一个吸毒者。 The government should acknowledged the problem and do something to it. 政府必须承认并想办法解决这个难题。 6. awkward:1) a. embarrassing and difficult to deal with. 令人尴尬的 e.g.: I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come. 我是第一个问他难堪问题的人,但中间都会有很棘手的难题。

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2) a. something that is awkward is difficult to use or carry (使用) 不便的 e.g.: It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry. 它仍然小,却沉重得不便携带。 7. strike up: begin 开始 (谈话); 建立 (友谊) e.g.: The subject of books or movies might help strike up a conversation. 关于书本或小说的话题,就或许帮助你们开启话匣子。 He struck up a friendship with John when he was 18. 他 18 岁时开始跟约翰作为同学。 8. establish: 1) v. set up 建立; 确立 e.g.: The UN has established detailed criteria for who should be allowed to vote. 联合国就谁应该被允许投票建立了具体标准。 2) v. discover facts that show that it is definitely true. 证实e.g.: Medical tests established that she was not their own child. 医学诊断确认她不是他们的亲生儿子。

It will be essential to establish how the money is being spent. 搞清这笔钱是怎样被花费的将至关重要。 establishment : n. the act of creating 建立; 创立 e.g.: The establishment of the regional government in 1980 did not end terrorism. 1980 年地区政府的成立并没有结束恐怖主义。 9. appropriate : a. suitable or acceptable for a particular situation. 适当的 e.g.: The new education system is appropriate to the need of the students. 新教育制度最符合学生的意愿。 Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job. 穿适合于这份工作的整齐美观的套装。 10. overwhelming: a. something affects you very strongly. 强悍而倍感难以面对的 e.g.: The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps. 如果你把这个任务分解成一个个容易完成的小技巧大学教案模板,就不会觉得这么难以面对。

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The other women all appeared with overwhelming confidence. 其他的女士们都带着令人无法面对地乐观出现了。 11. priority: n. the most important thing you have to do or deal with 优先处理的事 e.g.: List your tasks in order of priority.把你的任务按先后顺序列个表。 The government's priority is to build more power plants. 政府的当务之急是建造更多的发电厂。 give priority to: 优先考虑 e.g.: Women are more likely to give priority to child care and education policies. 女性最可能优先考量孩子保育跟教育制度。 have priority over: 有优先性 e.g.: Buses should have priority over other road users. 公交车应该比其它交通工具优先使用道路。