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...y means of well-established research methods of observation and experimentation. Overviews of this large body of empirical work form the bulk of the material in numerous textbooks and handbooks (a.o. =-=Garman, 1990-=-; Taylor & Taylor, 1990; Miller, 1991; Carroll, 1994; Gernsbacher, 1994). Over the years, many models have been developed to describe language processing in particular subdomains, giving rise to a rou...


by Hicham Semlali, Hicham Semlali , 2006

"... To my parents and sisters ii Declaration: I hereby declare that this thesis, which is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy and entitled “Translating Deixis: A Subjective Experience”, represents my own work and has not been previously submitted to any oth ..."

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To my parents and sisters ii Declaration: I hereby declare that this thesis, which is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy and entitled “Translating Deixis: A Subjective Experience”, represents my own work and has not been previously submitted to any other institution for any other degree or professional qualification.

Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

by Orsolya Simon , 2006

"... A comparative analysis of mother-tongue and foreign language speech perception, lexical access and speech comprehension processes of 11- and 12-year-old schoolchildren ..."

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A comparative analysis of mother-tongue and foreign language speech perception, lexical access and speech comprehension processes of 11- and 12-year-old schoolchildren

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...ves the understanding and interpretation of meaningful linguistic units, e.g. words, sentences and texts (Gósy, 1999:61, 2000a; for further definitions see Pisoni & Sawush, 1975; Clark & Clark, 1977; =-=Garman, 1990-=-; Pléh, 1998; Gósy, 2004). 2. The dissertation analyses speech perception and comprehension within the framework of the three-componential, hierarchical, interactive decoding model. The entire process...

Questions on

by Relevance Isao Higashimori, Isao Higashimori, Isao Higashimori, Deirdre Wilson, Deirdre Wilson

"... The following questions (prepared by Isao Higashimori and answered by Deirdre Wilson) were used to introduce a general discussion on relevance theory at the end of a Relevance Theory Workshop organised by Yuji Nishiyama and Isao Higashimori at Keio University in March 1996. We would like to thank ..."

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The following questions (prepared by Isao Higashimori and answered by Deirdre Wilson) were used to introduce a general discussion on relevance theory at the end of a Relevance Theory Workshop organised by Yuji Nishiyama and Isao Higashimori at Keio University in March 1996. We would like to thank Yuji Nishiyama and the other organisers of the Keio Conference on the Interface between Grammar and Cognition, of which this Workshop formed a part. Many of the questions relate to changes proposed in the Postface to the second edition of Relevance (Sperber &Wilson 1995). Others relate to more general issues currently under discussion. We thought them worth circulating as a contribution to that discussion. 1 The second edition of Relevance 1.0 The second edition of Relevance preserved the original text, but added a Postface surveying recent developments in the theory and proposing several changes of terminology or substance. The following questions relate to the Postface, or to the e...

Word and compound retrieval in Cantonese aphasic speakers

by Chan On Kei

"... This is an exploratory study investigating the influences of different word properties, namely morphological structures and length, on the behaviour of naming. Six anomic and one aphasic transcortical motor type subjects were examined using a picture naming test. Retrieval accuracy, latency and erro ..."

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This is an exploratory study investigating the influences of different word properties, namely morphological structures and length, on the behaviour of naming. Six anomic and one aphasic transcortical motor type subjects were examined using a picture naming test. Retrieval accuracy, latency and error pattern were measured and analyzed to evaluate the relative order of retrieval difficulty for five types of word, namely Single word, Bisyllabic word, FreeFreeCompound, FreeBoundCompound and BoundFreeCompound. Results demonstrate that the anomic group reveal significant morphological effects in naming. However, there is slim evidence for the influence of word length in naming. One single case study was examined in detail owing to the large individual variation shown in the group study. A modification of the Logogen model (Morton, 1979, 1985) to include the morphological effect at the level of logogen system is assumed for the explanation of the impaired naming performance. Implications for therapeutic practice and future research are discussed. 1

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