19、ot; “三基”的内容和要求;掌握课程内容的深度、广度和重点、重点、难点、疑点和弱点;智商水平如何,注重实践,符合什么规范?考虑对知识、能力、思维等提出明确、恰当的要求。 2、准备教材。教材,包括教材、参考资料、电子教材等,是教学大纲,它反映了教学大纲的内容和要求,更清晰地反映了全学科和各部分的教学目标;有了教材,教师更容易理解教学大纲的精神,学生更容易掌握教学内容。教材的准备或教材的学习可以分为三个步骤或三个层次:第一层次是熟悉教材的要求:首先,阅读教材,熟悉其全部内容,包括编辑的意图和组织架构,同时考虑到
20、,了解与本学科相关的“所学教材”和“后续教材”的对应内容,即从教材体系中把握教学内容,理清语境;然后,掌握课本,不仅知道它的结构、体系、大纲,还知道插图的构想和习题的安排;他不仅知道每个章节和单元的目的和特点,而且精通每个单词和概念的文本。 ,要理解它的意思,逐句“过堂”,多问几个为什么,就是把课本的内容看的透彻。最后,既要掌握教材内容的系统性、科学性,又要熟悉教材内容的思想教育性质,即从教与育两个方面把握教材内容。人们。第二个层次是对教材要求的分析:首先,对于章与章、节与节,要理清它们的本质联系,找出它们的内在规律。确定学生掌握的基础知识
21、知识,基础理论,基本技能,区分学生掌握知识的三个不同要求:理解(感性,初步理解知识的含义,能够知道“什么”,并能识别它们在相关问题中)、理解、(对概念和规律、定理、公式、规律等达到理性理解,并能够解释“为什么”以及与其他概念和规律的关系)、使用(在理解的基础上) ,你可以利用所学的知识快速灵活地解决一些问题,即知道“做什么”和“怎么做”,从而形成能力);然后,找出哪些是重点章节和章节(单元),然后根据每章(单元)的教学目的,确定每节(时间)的教学要求;最后,带着问题阅读相关的参考书、资源和资料
23、缺陷、不符合要求的地方和各地区、行业、专业要求的重点,审慎和必要的调整、增补或删减;思想、新观点、新技术、新流程要科学结合,及时反映。同时,也要防止盲目删除或不必要的“抬高”。也就是说,要根据学生的认知过程,对教材进行科学的剪裁和适当的调整,做到增删适中,细节适度,突出重点,把握重点。 ,从而形成新的、合适的、完善的知识结构。最后,根据教学目的和教学内容,设计教学程序,考虑相应的方法,使教材成为学生能理解和爱学的材料。另外,要善于使用教科书。擅长使用教材的标准:一是能够根据教学大纲的要求,选择知识体系、图文体系、操作系统方面较好的教材;二、能够申请
24、书面语言成为教学语言,让学生快乐、易学、爱学。为此,要以教科书为依据,不要把教科书扔掉,让学生摸不着头脑,更不要照本宣科,固守原文,让学生觉得枯燥无味要恰到好处地使用教材,既要注重科学性,又要对教材内容进行再创作;还要追求艺术性,对教学方法进行再加工。不仅使教材更加系统、针对性强,而且讲解更加通俗有趣,成为学生能够接受和愿意接受的内容。 3 准备教学参考资料。 “给学生一杯水,老师需要一桶水。”教师要广泛阅读相关教学参考资料,拓展知识领域,掌握必要的新知识、新理论、新技术、新科学成果。教师知识丰富,能得心应手,讲解自如。准备教材时,要特别注意教材中的“空白”
2一、5@>”,只有知己知彼,才能“不乱”。通过准备内容,最终要达到:所谓的理解、透彻、转化。所谓理解,就是对基本结构和基本思想、基本内容和基本概念的理解都清楚了;所谓“透”,是指对课本有详细深入的了解,熟悉而准确,能够理解纵横关系,把握“字内”的意思,融会贯通,自由使用; the so-called It is the fusion of teachers' thoughts and emotions with the ideological and scientific nature of teaching materials, which is the highest state of lesson preparation. (二)Preparing students should pay attention to understanding, analyzing and Research is an indispensable prerequisite for successful teaching, and it is also a lesson preparation: important content, students in a class always have different learning levels and abilities, and to arouse their enthusiasm for learning, a comprehensive analysis,
2一、9@>Treat it properly. Knowing the students can prevent the students from being ignorant due to being out of touch with reality and the content of the teaching is too deep, or making the students dull and boring; If they are organically combined, they can open a lock with one key, inspire and induce, and achieve the purpose of teaching and educating people; they can accurately grasp the difficulty and detail, and appropriately select means and methods. In other words, understand their knowledge level and ability to accept, in order to implement their capabilities and high difficulty; understand their way of thinking, confusion and doubts, in order to implement pertinence and heuristics; understand their psychological characteristics and personality differences, and teach them in a targeted manner and according to their aptitude; understand Their ideological situation and mental state are used to cultivate their sentiments and enlighten their consciousness. So what do you know about students and how do you know them? 1、Learn about the age characteristics, personality differences, hobbies, and temperament of students. 2. Understand the students' thinking situation, moral character, learning attitude and way of thinking. 3
28、Understand the knowledge level and receptivity of students. That is, to understand which students have mastered the knowledge and skills they have learned and are able to use them; which students do not understand well and cannot use them well; which students have understood, but are not profound and are prone to errors. 4 Understand students' doubts and difficulties in learning and their opinions and suggestions on teaching. In addition to after-class surveys, individual conversations, and observation in labor practice and extra-curricular activities, students learn more through classroom questions, blackboard drills, hands-on operations, quizzes, corrections, and analysis of test papers. Experienced teachers can also gain insight into students' psychology from their eyes, expressions and some tiny movements. Teachers should pay attention to the understanding of students, and throughout the teaching, master their dynamic situation. After obtaining a large amount of accurate information, the teaching plan can be designed or revised in a timely and appropriate manner, and the objectives and measures of classified guidance can be determined, so as to implement teaching in accordance with aptitude. When preparing for lessons, not only must consider the right