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2021-09-13 01:03 网络整理 教案网


1. Example 2

Example 2 There are 4 boxes of leather balls in the store. Each box contains 6 balls. 20 are sold. How many are left?

Q: What do you do first to solve the two-step calculation problem?

Student Answer: Understand the meaning of the question.

The teacher said: Please read the questions freely, and those who understand the meaning of the questions sit down. (Name a classmate to read the question)

Q: What can I do if I understand the meaning of the question?

Student Answer: Mark out what is known and ask.

Teacher asked: Who said the known and requested of this question?

Student Answer: The first known condition is: There are 4 boxes of balls in the store. The second known condition is: 6 per box. The third known condition is: sell 20. The question asked is: how many are left? (At the same time, print out the corresponding projected image or P7 physical image)

The teacher asked: After clarifying the knowledge and requirements of this question, what should I do next? (Analysis of quantitative relationship)

The teacher asks: This job is very important. Only by correctly analyzing the quantitative relationship can we answer it correctly. Please discuss with classmates at the table what should be considered first and then what should be considered for this question.

Group discussion, teacher writing on the blackboard:

(1)How many balls are there in the store?

64=24 (pcs)

(2)How many are left?

24-20=4 (a)

Answer: There are 4 left.

Teacher's summary: To solve the application problems of the two-step calculation, you must first read the questions carefully, find out what is known and seek, and then figure out what to count first, and then what to count, you will surely be able to answer the application problems correctly.

(三)consolidate feedback

1. Do it

Xiao Ming has 6 sets of pictures, 3 in each set. Give 5 to classmates, how many pictures are there now?

(1)Read the question first.

(2) draw out the known, ask.

(3)想想 What to ask for first, and then ask for what.

Students explain the idea of ​​solving the problem: According to Xiao Ming, there are 6 sets of pictures, each set of 3, you can first find out how many pictures there are in total, and then according to the 5 pictures given to classmates, how many pictures can appear in them. Solve it by yourself in the classroom exercise book. Teacher inspections. Note that the same addend must be written first.

2. Change it

Question: Can you change the third known condition and turn it into another two-step calculation problem?

Xiao Ming has 6 sets of pictures, 3 in each set. I bought 4 more. How many are there now?


Solve in the classroom exercise book independently.

3. Two-step calculation



Talk about what counts first, then what counts.

4. Tell me what the following application questions are first

(1)Factory first built 5 rows of houses, 9 in each row

Between. 15 more rooms were built, how many rooms were built in total?

(2)学生啦I planted 4 rows of fruit trees, 6 in each row. 15 apricot trees, and the rest are peach trees. How many peach trees were planted?

(3)食堂 bought 60 cabbage and ate 56. I bought another 30, how many are there now?

(4)There are 9 bags of table tennis balls in the store, 5 in each bag. 28 of them are sold, how many table tennis balls are there now?

5. Determine which column format is correct

The school has 5 boxes of table tennis balls, each with 9 boxes, and I bought another box of table tennis balls. How many are there now?

(1)95+1 (2)95+9

(3)5+19 (4)59+91

If the student is unable to make a judgment, use a red pen to circle a box. If a student judges it correctly, praise it strongly and tell the student to carefully review the application problem.

6. Competition

Let’s see who counts it correctly and quickly.

(1)students made 40 flowers and gave 30 to the nursery school. How many flowers are left?

(2) Students are divided into 5 groups to make paper flowers, each group makes 8 flowers. Give 30 flowers to the nursery, how many flowers are left?

(3)老师 came up with 20 multiplication formulas and 16 division formulas. Xiaohua counted 32, but how many are not counted?

(4)老师 came up with 4 columns, 9 lines in each column. Xiaoming forgot 34

Dao, how many more are not counted?

(5)students made 16 red windmills and 20 flower windmills. 18 for kindergarten, how many more?

(6) Students are divided into 4 groups to make windmills, 9 in each group. 18 are given to kindergarten, how many are there?

Students who do fast can think about the next question.

(1)同学朋友 went to the movies. I went to 6 groups in the first grade, with 7 people in each group. 45 people went to the second grade. How many people went to the first grade? How many more people went to the second grade than the first grade?

Classroom instruction design instructions

This class is the second time for students to come into contact with two-step calculation word problems. The focus and difficulty is still to understand the quantitative relationship, will analyze the quantitative relationship, and further understand the structure of the two-step calculation word problems, so in the review preparation process Arrange two supplementary questions, and then solve the basic exercises of the application questions. Through the two exercises, the students understand the quantitative relationship. On this basis, let the students merge the two questions by themselves and compile a two-step calculation application problem. Example 2. In the process of learning a new lesson, pay attention to teaching students learning methods, and cultivate students' good habit of answering application questions. Follow


(2)Find the exact known, ask;

(3)Analyzing the quantitative relationship means thinking about what to ask first, and then what to ask for;

(4)Answer these four steps to learn. In the process of consolidating feedback, first do a practice, follow the example 2 to answer completely, and then let the students change the practice and understand the quantitative relationship. Then, through two-step calculation questions, a lot of exercises such as finding intermediate questions, judgments, competitions, etc., consolidate new knowledge, and finally give students who are quick to do a problem with 3 known conditions, but use one-step calculation to check students Do you really understand the quantitative relationship?

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