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2021-08-29 03:03 网络整理 教案网

(三)Specific measures:

1、Do a good job in students' ideological work, so that they can enter the state of review as soon as possible.

2、 Check the words of all students, make full use of the word cards, and use the forms of filling in the blanks, translation, dictation, etc. to help students memorize the words.

3、 pay attention to the connection of new and old knowledge in teaching. While learning new knowledge, consciously review old words to increase students' listening input and reduce forgetting.

4、 Design exercises to review and consolidate the key points of the sentence patterns in each unit. Intensively talk about topics that are easy to make mistakes, read more and memorize.

5、 Design different types of questions to train students' ability to examine and do questions.

6、Key counseling for middle and lower students, insist on doing individual counseling after class and timely testing.

7、 Carry out the "One Gang One" activity to improve the grades of middle and lower students as much as possible. And promptly praise and encourage them to restore their confidence in learning

8、 Do the inspection and summary work in time to adjust the review plan in time.

Final Review Plan 5

At the beginning of the new semester, respond to the physical and psychological conditions of the primary school graduating class and make a work plan at the beginning of the semester to better guide your own work.

Sixth graders entering the graduation stage, they are lively and motivated, and they all want to present a new look in their junior high school life in the future. They have a stronger self-awareness and higher independent potential, will completely reject things that are psychologically incomprehensible, and will oppose the requirement of being strong. They are more easily agitated. Although their self-control has improved, they are emotionally unstable, violent and annoyed. It is inevitable that they will be slapstick and verbally abused. In view of these characteristics of the children, I formulate the following work plan.

一、 Grasp the routine and small things without relaxing.

Regular education in school is trivial education, which converts the routine into a variety of trivial matters for children to do, and the children themselves supervise how their classmates are doing, so that each student can, under everyone’s supervision, Gradually develop good study and living habits. This is also the trivial education activity in my class that started in the middle grade, and by this moment it has played a necessary role in education.

二、Grab the training of class cadres to form a potential class cadre.

The class leader is a small helper for the class teacher to do the class work well. If the class leader has strong potential, he can bring the class work to a higher level. The cooperation activities of the teachers and students make the class work full of vitality.

(一)The students choose their own approved class leaders. The class leaders must be selected by everyone, so that they can be recognized by everyone and be recognized by everyone in the work. Therefore, the selection work is carried out and selected by everyone Class leaders are necessary.

(二) Arrange specific tasks and guide the work. The class teacher gives part of the work to the class leader, and they do specific tasks. In this process, the class teacher gives guidance on working methods and cultivates the children's work potential in actual activities.

(三)Promote democracy, class cadres offer ideas and suggestions, active management.

The way to let class leaders take the initiative in activities is to always listen to their opinions and use their methods so that class leaders can see their own thinking achievements and work results.

三、 Combination of self-education and education.

Students entering the second semester of the sixth grade have developed but not in-depth self-reflection and cognition of their own behavior. Therefore, it is necessary and necessary to cultivate children for self-education.

(一)Use the late time to let the children discover and change themselves. The late children reflect on the situation of the day. Criticism and self-criticism, praise and self-praise, develop children’s activities in these activities Self-cognition potential, self-education potential.

(二)Write an analysis book. It is inevitable that children will make mistakes in learning in life. At this time, use the method of writing analysis books to cultivate children's self-education potential and self-recognition potential.

The above are some ideas for this semester, which will be further supplemented in actual work.

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