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入口的作用 1 激发兴趣,产生学习动力 2 吸引注意力,快速集中思考 3 架起新知识与旧知识的桥梁 4 揭示主题,体现教学意图 5 交流感受,创造设计原则学习情境的结论 1 结论的相关性是学习过程的一部分 结论内容的设计要服从课堂内容的安排。它应该与课堂内容有关。不要跑题,学生才是学习的主体。为标准,让学生感受和享受,达到共鸣。 2 新颖性,在课堂内容的前提下,尽量新颖,方法独特,使每节课的结论呈现不同的特点初中文言文教案模板,使学生能够结束课堂教学。之后,兴趣依旧不减,有一种不愿回避同样的事情的感觉。缺乏变化。 3 人文 语言课虽然是工具性与人文性的统一体,既是工具性又是人文性,但最后的评语在形式设计中最能体现人文性。特点:即使是给学生一些单词等纯工具性的学习形式,也应该尽可能的人性化。黑板设计原则 1 简明概括黑板设计的内容必须是课堂教学内容的高度概括和集中。学生通过黑板教学的目的和难点一目了然。黑板的语言也应该简洁明了。黑板的内容要简明扼要。 2 黑板的内容要清楚。应该揭示文本的内在逻辑联系。知识3 合理布局 板书内容要有一定的层次和顺序。文字的主排版和次排版要合理布局。上下边的大小和配色要平衡协调。字体和变化的字体形状可以激发学生的美感,调动学生的学习兴趣,从而达到事半功倍的教学效果。 18 设计具体教学活动 25 分 19 教学记录片段评价 20 分答题 1 简要介绍教学记录或教学步骤的教学思路 2 吹嘘优势 全班注重体验式学习,采用体验式学习方法。学生用自己的头脑去感知,用自己的意见去判断,用自己的思维去创新,用自己的语言表达,更好地体现语言 课程的教育功能将思想教育和美育渗透到教学过程中,使学生能够丰富自己的精神生活,完善自我人格,提升人生境界,但又与培养学生的感知、理解和审美的目标相协调。教师自我定位比较 适当发挥教学组织者和引导者的作用。教师不再充当无所不知、无所不能的权威角色。他们是对话者之一,也是平等的首领。他们灵活控制教学过程。适当运用阅读、预期、阅读、反思等环节。提供背景信息,帮助学生加深理解。 20个错别字和病句修改5分21个学生作文评价15分回答分1内容新颖、严谨、深刻、有说服力、具有时代性,材料选择范围过窄或过宽。这个提议是有偏见的。 2、结构完整,思路清晰,整体性强。作者高超的驾驭能力结构不完整逻辑混乱3在表达上,语言表达流畅如云,水清利。朴实而真挚的感情,引起读者的共鸣。叙事语言是多余的和不一致的。有错别字。主题《从百草园到三味书店》《爸爸的花落》《丑小鸭》《伤害中庸》《如果生活欺骗了你》《未走的路》2家庭主题《行走》《秋木雕》《秋》 《追忆》、《金花》、《荷叶妈妈》3个生命主题《谈人生》、《树》、《思念地下森林》、《生命》4个爱国主题《离骚》、《石沟》 《官员》、《春天的希望》、《渡过凌定海洋》、《最后一课》预测2-汉语教材体系现代汉语教材的内容由四个要素构成。范文系统、知识系统、作业系统、阅读辅助系统。优质精美的范文包括精读课文和略读课文或教学课文和自读课文。 2 知识体系知识体系一般包括阅读、写作、听力、口语、听力、口语、汉语、语音、词汇、语法、修辞学、知识、文体知识、文学知识等知识。文学理论文学史与文学



知识鉴赏等四大领域 3 操作系统 操作系统又称语言练习活动系统,培训系统是指旨在帮助学生复习和巩固所学语言知识以培养的语言教材。并提高他们的语言能力。多种思考和练习 4 阅读辅助系统 阅读辅助系统是指旨在帮助学生阅读课文和提高自读能力的一系列材料。根据内容,阅读辅助系统分为五类。 ①批注类别包括批注作者简介、选择、来源、文字背景介绍等。 ②提醒包括单元提醒、预览、提醒等。 ③批注类型包括副批、一般批问题解决方案等。例如示意图《郭沁论》第一课的秦灭六国属于辅助阅读系统。又如八品卷《阿长与山海经》后有增补。例如,“案中人”的课后研讨和练习就属于作业系统。案例分析题。案例分析答案思路。案例分析题的特点之一是理论联系材料。因此,除了掌握必要的理论知识外,如何思考如何将材料连接起来,形成严谨的答题思维也很重要。可以分为以下三个步骤。 1. How many questions are there in the examination question. Are the answering angles limited to find keywords? 2. Analyze the materials on the basis of reading through the materials and combine the requirements of the questions to find the key words in the materials. The focus is one sentence Sentence analysis is marked with the corresponding theory after the key words. 3 The answer is combined with materials and theory to answer the question to be reasonable and well-founded. No matter how many questions are asked, whether or not the scope of the answer is limited. The core content of the specific answering process is the theory and practice. The following three steps 1 describe the theoretical basis reflected in the comprehensive answer 2 analyze the combined materials to specify the theoretical source 3 comment on whether it can be promoted and promoted. It can explain its positive effect. It is not possible to talk about more reasonable methods. Case analysis Common theoretical basis cases The theoretical knowledge can be grasped from the following aspects in the analysis of the answer: 1. The basic concept of the Chinese curriculum, of which it is particularly important to reflect the student's dominant position in teaching. 2. The requirements of different teaching aspects in different stages, such as reading, writing, oral communication, etc. 3. Teaching methods are in Which teaching methods are reflected in specific teaching cases and can analyze the corresponding advantages and disadvantages? 4 Whether there is a guiding level. Whether the teacher plays a guiding role in teaching. The content design issues involved are whether it meets the cognitive level of the students. The external answer should also be combined with the specific topic requirements. Pay attention to whether the analysis topic has the scope of the answer. The composition evaluation is the comment and analysis of the composition. The composition can be started from the following aspects. Is the selection of profound materials meticulous? Is the content sufficient? Is the content diverse? 2 Structure? Is the layout appropriate and detailed? Is the beginning and the end beautiful? Is the transition natural?? Clues are clear? 3 Language? Teaching objectives are based on 1 Chinese curriculum standards. The expression of Chinese curriculum objectives in the Chinese curriculum standards is the general basis for determining specific teaching objectives. 2 Chinese textbooks are aimed at text-combination topics. The introduction of the text given in the unit lead collection reveals the relevant information of the unit’s characteristics or topics. Determines the teaching objectives. Sometimes the textbook-related after-school exercises are also given in the title. After-school exercises are usually the main teaching content of this lesson. As the basis for the design of teaching objectives 3 Students' situation combined with academic conditions combined with the subject information to determine the teaching objectives. For example, a template designed for the teaching process can be based on the student's semester combined with the corresponding semester's curriculum objectives and students' cognitive characteristics. In general, the teaching process includes the following Link 1 Classroom Introduction 2 New Course Teaching Appreciation Text The steps included in this link are not fixed and need to guide students to refer as appropriate. 1 First reading text overall perception 2 Re-reading text comprehension content 3 Intensive reading text Taste language 3 Consolidation and improvement of emotional sublimation 4 Summary of homework teaching process- High score highlights 1 The links are complete and interlocking. The title of each link is clear. 2 The specific content is clear. The activity method is novel and can achieve a student-oriented teacher-led teaching concept. Multi-faceted ability and all-round development to achieve teaching goals, highlighting the important and difficult points of teaching 4 problem settings can be progressive from simple to difficult to cause students to think Can guide students to explore learning PAGEMeiWei_81 key reference documents
