一学期的活动结束了。留给我们的不是成绩,而是需要花更多的时间思考我们还缺少什么以及我们在未来的活动中需要改进和改进的地方。 1、 这学期在学习态度上比上学期进步了很多。尤其是一些平时不认真、马虎的学生,通过练习,表现得更好。 2、在对汉字结构的理解上,同学们也有了一定的提高,但毕竟刚开始,还是需要进一步加强对书写方法的指导。书法是中国人送给世界的最美丽、最迷人的礼物。通过书法艺术教育,传承中华民族的优秀文化,同时通过书法学习,使学生逐渐养成良好的书写习惯和良好的品德。为了丰富学生的课外活动,也为了检验学生的书法效果,我校于20xx年4月18-19日下午开展了硬笔书法比赛。书法比赛主要纠正学生不正确的握笔方法和书写姿势。 ,培养他们练习书法的兴趣,使他们养成良好的书写习惯。学生的写作能力和审美能力有了很大的提高,在比赛中涌现出一批优秀作品。通过本次比赛,校园文化活跃,同学们的学习热情和积极性得到了增强。这场比赛增添了很多动力。学生对书法的练习产生了浓厚的兴趣。孩子们练习书法后,不仅审美意识得到了提高,成绩也有了明显的提高。从比赛反应的情况来看,未来我们会给予学生具体的指导。说说吧:1、学生的结构感在一定程度上得到了加强,尤其是单字和左右结构字写得更加合理。 .
2、 造型笔直挺拔,笔触流畅,有的还能写出笔触,颇具书法感。 3、整部作品的布局合理美观。 4、Work Writing 中大学生能把字写得正确、整齐、干净,很多学生一下子就尝试正确写字。 1、书写方法和书写姿势不对,尤其是离桌面太近,老师要及时提醒纠正。 2、Partial 年级学生在写作中笔画的衔接不够严谨,每个部分的位置不合理。 3、以后练字前,老师要引导学生仔细观察辨认字的字体和结构,然后对难写易错的笔顺给出重点提示,终于让同学们可以放心的写作了。 4、 写作内容与中国古诗词教学内容紧密结合。为了加深学生对课文新字的认识,减轻教学负担,还需要背诵古诗,选择章法中的古诗5、,老师也应该多给予指导。通过本次比赛,学生们提高了对正字的认识,明确了正字在学习和生活中的重要作用,增强了对祖国语言的热爱,甚至激发了学生对正字的认识。 , 漂亮汉字的热情,不少同学表示,从今以后,每天都要练字,把自己的文字功底提高到一个新的水平!在部门领导的关心和团主席团的正确领导下,我会在第二届书法比赛中取得了可喜的成绩,得到了师生和同学们的一致好评。我代表书法家协会感谢大家的支持!在学习部组织的书法比赛中,同学们积极展开,充分准备。 100多名学生报名参加了初赛。决赛中,我系邀请书法老师与同学们共同探讨中国书法的博大精深。
本次书法比赛共有 18 位获奖者。本次比赛,我系多位老师也前来指导观摩,让同学们加深了与外界的交流和学习,也进一步增进了我系学生对书法的了解和热爱。我相信我们学校会有一大批书法人才。比赛成功的背后是参赛选手的辛勤付出。书法大赛给了我们一个展示自己的舞台,验证了我们的实力和水平,加深了我们对书法艺术的执着追求。成就只能代表过去。期待第二届书法比赛,我们满怀信心,相信以后会做得更好,得到了老师们的一致好评。本次书法活动充分展示了我系学生的书法风格,既丰富了学生的第二堂课,又弘扬了我国优秀的传统文化,通过活动表达了青春的激情。总的来说,整个活动达到了预期的效果。同学们积极参与,学生会干部以认真负责的态度对待。颁发证书和奖品贯穿整个活动,进行得非常顺利,增强了比赛的真实性。我系本次比赛得到了其他部门(如纪检部、生活部、网络部等)的大力支持,比赛得到了全体同学的热烈响应。本次书法比赛为现场比赛。从比赛的情况来看,真正体现了学生的书法水平。参与学生代表班级水平,卷发整齐,字迹工整。现场写作缺乏格式和写作速度,也是天气原因。
希望每个班级都以这次比赛为契机。 At the same time, I hope that our classmates will be more enthusiastic about Chinese traditional culture and Chinese national art, and establish the idea of “drawing a pen is when practicing calligraphy”, and strive for everyone to write beautifully.汉字。 Learning Department May 20xx The golden autumn season carries dreams. Our Mochi Calligraphy Association held an event to climb the Jingting Mountain. In order to promote the cooperation within the community, the members can actively participate in the work of the community, so that everyone can understand each other, get to know each other, enhance friendship, and contribute to the community. A dedication, the most important thing is for a common dream-----To make the Mochi Calligraphy Society a better place, it requires the joint efforts of every social committee and members to create miracles together. Through this mountaineering activity, With the efforts of all members, our Mochi Calligraphy Association has achieved complete success. When the members of the Mochi Calligraphy Association learned about this mountaineering activity, they all actively signed up to participate. The various social committees also did a lot of work for this mountaineering activity. For example, the Propaganda Department publicized the event vigorously and won strong support from the members. The Planning Department said that the mountaineering activity was planned carefully and meticulously. ... ... This fully expresses the importance of the social committee to this mountaineering activity. Under the leadership of the president, the social committee members of our Mochi Calligraphy Association came to the most famous tourist attraction in Xuancheng, Anhui, Jingting Mountain, just entered the gate, the social committee members of the Mochi Calligraphy Association We took a group photo together as a souvenir. The instructor introduced us to the background of Jingting Mountain and let us know more about Jingting Mountain. In the background of the Pagoda Temple, listening to the introduction of Jingting Mountain by the tour guide, we came to the most famous scenic spot of Jingting Mountain---Bamboo Forest. Because there is a statue of Princess Yucheng, the tour guide introduced Princess Yuzhen and Li Bai in detail. Love story.
It is precisely because of the love story between Li Bai and Princess Yuzhen that Jingtingshan is so famous. In order to better hold this mountaineering activity successfully, after a long journey, the whole team looked a little lazy. After adjustment, we came to the statue of Lord Yuzhen. Listening to the introduction of the tour guide there, the inside of the club also made full preparations. Theatrical shows to relieve everyone's exhausted heart. During the show and talent show, every member showed a bright smile on his face and continued applause. Everyone is actively showing his best side. Seeing the heroic and vigorous body, we can see that the development of the club will continue to grow in the future. Because of the enthusiasm and initiative of these members, the club will be brought to the next level. , Although there are not many programs and not so spectacular, everyone feels happy. The host closed the show. The chairman took us to the top of Jingting Mountain. Although we were a bit exhausted during the ascent, we still persisted and finally reached the ideal shore-the top of Jingting Mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain is really "meeting the top of the mountain, looking at the mountains and small mountains." The various social committees of the Mochi Calligraphy Association also left pictures on the top of the Jingting Pavilion as a souvenir. Through this mountaineering activity, the Mochi Calligraphy Association has achieved complete success, but there are still some shortcomings. Where it is lacking, the social committees and members of the Mochi Calligraphy Association should make improvements. In future activities, the social committees and members should actively communicate with each other. Let us understand each other better and enhance friendship. In this mountaineering activity, we saw the vigorous spirit of the social committees and members. We believe that the future of the Mochi Calligraphy Association will be more beautiful, "the more China, the more fashionable"!