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2021-08-06 20:00 网络整理 教案网



④在作业设计和批改方面,教师要本着减轻学生负担的原则,勇于探索,精心挑选,使作业更具创新性和内涵,更好地服务于学生综合能力的提高。质量。提倡同年级作业的一致性。作业的批改要及时、认真、细致、规范。个别学业有困难的学生,应争取面对面更正。评价提倡使用激励性评论。语文、数学、英语科目必须复习复习。注重学生作业的写作习惯和规范化。严格杜绝机械重复性工作。训练方法应让学生动脑动脑,加强认识,提高实效。同时,他们也应该考虑到学生之间的差异。有必要让学生负担得起和感受。跳跃采桃的乐趣。 严格控制作业量(一、二年级不留书面作业;三、四级每天课外作业不超过45分钟;










1. 加强师资培训。学校治理、教师为本、师资队伍地位是全面贯彻学校教育理念、提高教育质量的基本保证。通过职业道德培训,提高全体教师的思想政治素质和职业道德,依法办学、依法治教,开展一批敬业奉献、学生为本的师德师德模范,预防违法教育行为。推动全体教师教育理论、教育方法、教学方法的转变。


②抓老师提高。开展多层次师资培训。一种。组织各类讲座(走出去请进来),开展“争当学习型”教师活动。湾Conduct teacher training. The content of the training should fully explain the concepts, viewpoints, methods and steps of the new educational experiment, show a good vision, answer difficult questions, and enable teachers to change their methods, discover themselves, and create value. ③Teacher's hierarchical development. In accordance with the different teacher development plans of our school, different forms of training measures are designed: young teachers paving the way, teaching and research team leaders to take the burden, key teachers to create brands, etc., to train brand teachers and establish discipline pioneers.

2. Strengthen business learning and knowledge cultivation. Every teacher should study his business seriously according to his own actual situation, strengthen knowledge accomplishment, and oppose the old-fashioned knowledge, old-fashioned teaching, stick to the old rules, not enterprising, perfunctory teaching style, love to learn, willing to delve into, and make great progress in business. Teachers should be rewarded. Each teacher should read at least one business book on his subject this semester, and make study notes. The teaching and research team should carry out business learning activities on a regular basis, and encourage mutual learning within schools to learn from each other.

3. pay close attention to the "" project. Actively arrange the training, learning, follow-up, and guidance of provincial and municipal subject leaders and key teachers, and do a good job in basic skills training and continuing education training for teachers, so as to promote the rapid growth of young teachers.

4.Classified training for teachers. In order to meet the development needs of our school's curriculum reform, the leaders in charge of teaching and the relevant personnel of the Academic Affairs Office and the teaching and research section must go deep into the front line of teaching, master the first-hand materials, and promptly guide the teaching work to solve the practical difficulties in teaching. It is necessary to attend classes frequently after get off work, do a good job of tutoring before class and commenting after class. In order to supervise each other, learn from each other's strengths, and improve together, schools should organize teachers to go out to study and absorb foreign experience according to teaching needs.

5. This semester should actively organize teaching and research activities such as demonstration classes, seminars, report classes, competition classes, open classes, teaching seminars, and experience exchanges. Set up various teaching rewards, strengthen the incentive mechanism, and mobilize teachers' enthusiasm for teaching, teaching and research, so as to comprehensively improve the professional quality of our school teachers, and establish a team of teachers with good thinking, professional skills and high standards.

(四)Organize and carry out campus interest activities

In this semester, the Office of Academic Affairs will also check the missing and fill vacancies on the basis of the interest activities on Wednesdays, further organize and standardize campus interest activities, enrich the campus cultural life of teachers and students, cultivate students' sentiments, and develop students' personality , To showcase students’ specialties, actively explore and develop school-based activity courses suitable for our school’s curriculum reform, and strive to make it a vivid embodiment of our school’s quality education. I believe that our school’s Wednesday interest activities will become more and more abundant this semester.

(五) do a good job in the management of teaching materials.

The information of the Academic Affairs Office is relatively cumbersome, but we strive to maintain timely filing, complete information, accurate content, standardized binding, and orderly management. Make full use of the campus blog network, establish electronic documents, and enrich website teaching resources. Teachers must submit paper documents and electronic documents of various materials on time. The writing format of the documents must meet the specified requirements. The Academic Affairs Office shall upload valuable documents to the campus network in a timely manner.

In short, the Office of Academic Affairs will further study education theories, update educational concepts, emancipate our minds, forge ahead, continuously improve our management level, focus on the transformation of management methods, and demand quality from management, so that the teaching management of this semester will be more effective There are new breakthroughs in teaching performance.