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2021-08-04 11:59 网络整理 教案网


"Practice" is an important part of the teaching process and a way for students to consolidate their knowledge under the guidance of teachers. No matter how well the teacher speaks, if it is not consolidated, this knowledge will gradually be forgotten. "Practicing" is not blindly pursuing the number of exercises and the number of exercises, and it is not possible to engage in problem-based tactics and increase the burden on students. To practice properly and to be efficient, it is necessary to practice skillfully.

Carefully set up exercises to promote the development of students' thinking ability. Cognitive psychology believes that the learning process of students is a process of transforming the knowledge structure of textbooks into their own cognitive structure. Effective practice can promote its completion. Classroom exercises are not just simple repetitions and feedback on the new knowledge they have learned, but also a broad space for students to master knowledge, form skills, develop thinking, and cultivate interest.

Politics teaching must adhere to dialectics

First of all, I insist on choosing the teaching mode and teaching method according to the teaching content of politics class. For example, political content is similar to Chinese in terms of language expression, and the methods often used in Chinese teaching can be used in teaching. When explaining political concepts and principles, you can use the sentence hierarchy method to divide the complex sentence into several single sentences. Then clarify the connotation of the qualifier in a single sentence, so as to correctly grasp the essential meaning of political concepts and principles; when encountering important paragraphs, students can read together, which can not only cultivate students' oral expression skills, but also help consolidate political knowledge point. This shows that the teaching of political lessons can learn from the methods of teaching Chinese, but it is by no means copying. In view of the abstractness of the content of politics and the distinctive features of dialectical thinking, more methods commonly used in politics are used, which is to transform abstract sentences into popular sentences, and dialectical thinking into image thinking. This requires us to cite some Close to life examples, lively and interesting stories, and quote some famous sayings and sayings that help inspire. Therefore, in the teaching of politics, we can produce some interesting and innovative topics for students to discuss; use some topics that students care about to start debates; encourage students to observe, study, analyze, and research in society, and do so. The enthusiasm of students is greatly improved.

The teaching mode and teaching method can be mutually infiltrated and included. When choosing, we should adhere to the principle of openness and comprehensiveness, and adhere to the principle of form serving content. In this way, there should be a corresponding in the specific political lesson type.改变。 The type of lesson can be divided into new lesson and review lesson according to the nature. The content of different lessons is different, the requirements for students must also be different, and the teaching mode and teaching method also change accordingly.

Implement "open teaching method"

"Open teaching method" is an effective teaching method, and its effectiveness is shown in:

1. helps students establish a scientific outlook on life and improve their ideological understanding. Throughout the teaching process, as long as the content of the textbooks are combined with social reality, the students will be allowed to enter the society. Real life is so vivid, so colorful, full of vigor and vitality. With strong feelings, it helps students consciously improve their ideological understanding and establish a scientific outlook on life.

2. contributes to the comprehensive development of students’ abilities. The process of practice is not only a process in which students use scientific theories to analyze and solve problems, but also a process of comprehensive training of students' abilities. In the course of practice, the ability to observe problems, the ability to judge and analyze problems, the ability to participate in society, and the ability to think have been cultivated. In the process of writing small essays, I cultivated language generalization ability, logical thinking ability and comprehension ability. The comprehensive cultivation of abilities is conducive to improving the breadth and depth of students' learning.

3. contributes to the overall improvement of students’ quality. The development of society and the establishment of a socialist market economy show the demand for talents on two levels: one is to have a certain cultural quality and master certain professional knowledge and skills. The second is to have certain ideological, political and moral qualities: sensitivity to social development dynamics, competitive concepts that meet the requirements of the market economy, risk awareness, psychological endurance, legal concepts, moral concepts, values, and so on. In short, the better the quality of oneself, the stronger the competitiveness. Social practice plays a role as a catalyst for students to consciously cultivate various good qualities, which is conducive to the comprehensive practice of the teaching purpose of middle school ideological and political courses.