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2021-08-04 11:59 网络整理 教案网






更新时间:2012-5-10 9:04:17



教学生涯告诉我一个事实:“材料是第一生命线。”一堂好的政治课必须主题鲜明、环节清晰、内容丰富多彩、形式活泼多样、思路清晰、语言流畅、课堂气氛活跃。 ,具有开拓意识、创新精神等基本要求。在这些基本要求中,我认为内容是最重要、最根本的,内容决定形式。教学内容的好坏直接关系到一堂政治课的成败。那么,如何丰富我的教学内容呢?


备课是课前必不可少的环节,备课是上课的基础。多年来,我从未打过一场“毫无准备的战斗”。备课包括备教材和备学生。编写教材就是钻研教材,准确把握知识点,理清知识结构,把握重点难点。培养学生首先要了解学生,这是教学顺利开展的前提。备课的中心是让学生做好准备。因此,我们应该了解学生的素质,包括他们的学习、能力、性格、方法等,知识的深度、能力的强弱、性格的素质、方法的素质。 ,是教师教学的客观依据。知识是能力和品格提升的前提,方法是掌握知识的必要手段。为此,必须明确学生对知识的兴趣和接受程度,了解学生的学习方法,进行有针对性的教学。比如,有的学生对政治兴趣淡薄,要想办法培养和启发;针对学生所接受的知识水平不同,我们在提问和布置作业时必须区别对待;鉴于学生个性的多样性高中政治教案模板范文,表现为情绪波动和意志薄弱。当我们指导时,我们既要关怀又要有策略;针对学生常见的学习方法缺陷,如抄袭中外文阅读方法,并加以单一化。应引入一些有效的学习方法,并进行必要的示范和指导。可见,全面提高学生素质的关键在于教师的素质。




比如今年3月,我在课堂上结合《伊拉克战争》,利用多媒体教学手段,展示了一系列战争漫画和图片,生动、形象、直观,不断讲最新情况: 战争原因是战争的危险性、双方军事力量的对比、世界各国的援助等等,紧紧抓住社会热点问题,教育学生要有清晰的观点,“爱好和平,反对战争”。学生兴趣浓厚,积极参与演讲,高潮迭起,教学效果良好。










重点是讲解要抓住知识整合点。 The point of knowledge integration is the organic integration of different knowledge, which reflects the mutual connection and mutual transformation of things in the objective world. A large number of research investigations have shown that students’ interest in learning often arises from students’ understanding of the connection points between various facts and phenomena, and the ability to correctly grasp the connection points of knowledge can capture students’ interest. Therefore, teachers should work hard to think about and understand those points of integration when preparing lessons. This is from the specific to the abstract, from the individual to the general, which not only conforms to the law of understanding, but also easily stimulates students' interest, thereby guiding them to think positively, and enabling students to master relatively abstract knowledge in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. Only when teachers properly and accurately grasp the junctions of various knowledge in teaching can they stimulate students' interest in learning, and can achieve some novel and unexpected results in the teaching process, thereby improving the teaching effect of ideological and political courses.


Under the guidance of the teacher, all class or group members are required to express their opinions around a certain theoretical or practical issue, debate, learn from each other, and research together to achieve the purpose of understanding knowledge and improving ability. In teaching, teachers should be good at organizing students to discuss certain issues.

First, the content of the discussion must be carefully selected. First of all, we must start from the students' interests, be close to the students' reality, and conform to the students' age characteristics and cognitive characteristics. Secondly, it must be in line with social reality, and the selected content should be as close as possible to social reality, reflect the characteristics of the times, and reflect social hotspots. Third, the discussion questions that should reflect the choice of the moral education function of political teaching should be able to enhance the students' sense of collectivism, patriotism, and socialism.


Second, the discussion process must be carried out effectively. Before discussion, teachers should put forward discussion questions and specific requirements for discussion, assign students to collect relevant information or conduct investigations, and carefully write an outline for the speech. During the discussion, students should be allowed to express their opinions freely, pay attention to guiding them to discuss the central issue and connect with the actual situation, and strive to achieve full participation, equal opportunities, avoid cold spots, and encourage students to actively develop evidence-based and reasonable statements. Controversy, promote a style of study that has the courage to insist on one's own views, but does not insist on one's own opinions. After the discussion, the teacher should make a summary, and can also put forward some questions that need further thinking for the students to study and research on their own. In mutual discussions, students can brainstorm ideas, learn from others' strengths, and fully mobilize the wisdom and strength of the group to deepen and expand their understanding.