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2021-08-01 17:09 网络整理 教案网

初中数学八年级下册 教案表格模板_人教版二年级数学下册有余数的除法教案_人教版二年级数学下册混合运算教案


三、class 学生现状分析

通过初二第一学期的教学,总体上,本班学生的良好习惯(听课、记笔记、说、问)正在逐步养成,他们的学习兴趣和态度也发生了显着变化。综合能力在原来的基础上也有了很大的提高,成绩也有了比较大的提升,但是存在的问题不容乐观:目前班级学生最大的特点就是两极分化严重,尾巴是大的。 ,大部分学生在学习上并不是很自觉。本学科除根据课程改革精神调整教学目标外,更注重考察学生的理解能力、应用能力、知识的深度和广度、思维能力和理解水平。都提出了更高的要求。因此,在延续以往工作的有效方法和手段的同时,还应加强课程改革的研究和研究。








7、实行分层目标教学,根据教学内容对学生进行分级分类初中数学八年级下册 教案表格模板,利用课外培训提高学生素质,力求全面提升。

8、Guide 鼓励学生组建课外学习小组,培养合作精神,开展互助,实践汉语一对一学习,帮助中低年级学生提高学习兴趣和成绩。


10、 作业的分配和批改应该是不同的。因人而异,充分考虑到不同学生的特点。

11、 运用竞赛、学科活动等多种教学方式,开展各种阅读报告、故事会、朗诵、讲座、手抄文学报,锻炼能力,增加兴趣。











初中数学八年级下册 教案表格模板_人教版二年级数学下册混合运算教案_人教版二年级数学下册有余数的除法教案


知识目标:了解文中出现的重要作家作品的常识,了解描写方法、修辞方法和词性的相关知识,记住新字的音、形、意和出现在文本中的词。掌握和运用知识和能力的目标:在小学语文的基础上,指导学生正确理解和使用母语,使他们具备基本的读、听、说能力,养成良好的学习习惯中国人。 Specifically, it is to be able to understand the meaning and function of words and sentences in the language environment, understand the content of thoughts and the ideas of the article, understand the basic writing methods, have a certain language experience ability, have a preliminary grasp of the methods of intensive reading and skimming, cultivate the habit of silent reading, and improve Reading speed, able to read texts aloud correctly and fluently in Mandarin, recite some wonderful fragments from basic texts, have the initial ability to appreciate literary works, read texts in classical Chinese, understand the content, recite some basic texts, and use common dictionaries proficiently. The habit of reading books and newspapers.

Humanity quality goal: Initially learn to use language and writing correctly in daily life to communicate and express, and flexibly apply the things related to people's language quality learned in textbooks to life, so as to improve one's cultural taste. For example, the manner in which people deal with things, the psychology of dealing with others, the habit of reading books, newspapers and watching TV, etc.

四、class basic situation analysis

Class 2 has 47 students (Class 104) and 44 students (Class 106). The good habits of students (listening in class, taking notes, speaking and asking questions) are gradually being developed, learning interest and learning attitude have also been significantly changed, and the comprehensive ability of Chinese has been greatly improved on the original basis. Although there are differences in the excellent rate, the existing problems are not optimistic: the biggest characteristic of the current class of students is that they are severely polarized and have a large tail. Most students are not very self-conscious in learning. As students age and the difficulty of knowledge increases In addition to the current adjustments to teaching objectives based on the spirit of the curriculum reform, this subject pays more attention to investigating students’ comprehension and application abilities, and puts forward higher requirements on the depth and breadth of knowledge, thinking ability and understanding level of students. For individual outstanding students, it is a fish in water, but for the vast majority of students, it is not a gospel.

五、教 reform measures

1、Take the opportunity of deepening the reform of Chinese teaching, increase the intensity of classroom teaching reform, actively participate in the new curriculum reform, and use advanced teaching concepts and guidance plans to teach, while reducing the burden on students, while stimulating students' interest in learning , To arouse problem awareness, implement teaching democratization, and strive to improve the quality of classroom teaching.

2、 grasp the textbook as a whole, clarify the editor’s intentions and internal connections, start from the actual situation of the school, extensively read reference materials, brainstorm ideas, take the overall situation, and face everyone. Do a good job analysis of the test papers, find out the weak links in teaching, pay attention to fill up the vacancies, and strive for a large harvest of teaching.