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2021-03-31 12:07 网络整理 教案网

(This is a common sense question to check if Ss have a global idea about both the Chinese and Western holidays.)

2) Ss’ presentation on How do people celebrate the holidays (choose one that you know best)? (a involving, extending question)

T makes a list of holidays → Ss’ group discussion → individual presentation

(classroom activity organization from group to individual)

T sums up by saying: People celebrate different holidays in different ways. Sometimes, when we are away from the holiday rush, we are able to recall the true significance of a holiday―a time to say how much we value others. For example, Thanksgiving Day is a good time you can express gratitude to anyone who once helped you or who you got benefit from. Ok, let’s then take a look at Thanksgiving Day.

3) Background information of Thanksgiving Day:

Ss listen to the VOA special program to learn the brief introduction, celebration, history and nicknames of the holiday. While listening, T shows some key words and pictures that might be helpful for Ss to understand the listening materials.

(Ss learn not by T’s introduction but authentic radio program)

Afterwards, Ss do some check-up exercises including multiple choices and gap filling.

(T designs some associative exercises to consolidate Ss’ listening achievements and Ss can get a deep understanding of the special holiday.)

4) T’s leading in to the text:

(to move Ss into the context of the author’s experience)

In our text, the author, Alex Haley, served in the Coast Guard during World War II. On an especially lonely day to be at sea-Thanksgiving Day-he began to give serious thought to a holiday that has become, for many Americans, a day of overeating and watching endless games of football. Haley decided to celebrate the true meaning of Thanksgiving by writing three very special letters.


5) Global reading of Text A:

―Some comprehension questions:

(several connecting questions concerning the text)

Where did the writer spend that Thanksgiving? Where was he going?

Why do you think they were sailing there?

What made him as a cook extremely busy on that Thanksgiving Day?

What was he thinking about on the deck after the day’s hard work?

To whom did the author write three thank-you letters?

―Fill in the following table with the main contents of the letters:

(inductive questions of the story)

6) Show time: Ss enjoy the video clip Thanksgiving Day from American Album.

(to make a visual, vivid and authentic impression on the Ss with the typically warm atmosphere in the family and at the same time foreshadow the oral assignment)

7) Home assignments:

(1) Topics of the oral practice:

A. What do you think is the important significance of Thanksgiving Day to Americans?

(a thought-provoking question followed by the video watching)


B. If there were a Thanksgiving Day in China, to whom would you want to express your gratitude? And for what?

(a involving, extending and stimulating question and afterwards it can be designed as the topic of the writing practice)

C. Compare Thanksgiving Day with the Mid-autumn Festival and Christmas with the Spring Festival. (similarities: the season, the purpose.../differences: historical origin, the way people celebrate...)

With regard to the third question, Ss can collect information in groups and then work out their own PPT (verbal, visual and/or audio) so as to make presentations in class.

(This is a challenging task and needs collective wisdom. Successful or not, it also depends on Ss’ computer skills in PowerPoint.)

(2) Finish the fast-reading passage Alex Haley.

(The author plays an important part in the history of American literature and his most famous work Roots stimulated interest in Africa and in black genealogy, which is worth mentioning. Here a fast-reading exercise is a good substitute for the introduction of the author.)

这份教案最大的传统就是授课内容的多媒体化以及教学活动的任务化。教师在设计教案时充分利用计算机、网络这种超文本的契机,选择与课文主题相关的真实的音频、视频资料,为学生认识感恩节这一西方更重要的节日提供了丰富的资源,也为进一步设计课堂活动做好了铺垫。这两课时的教学活动围绕听、说、读三种技能的练习展开,特别加强了据说能力的培养,在完成听广播、看片段的过程后通常设计有相关的任务有待学生进一步的完成,以测试学习效果,同时也有巩固学习成果。课外任务设计了激发全班同学来参加PPT的制作,从初期资料的收集,到幻灯片的制作,再到最终的演示讲解,保证了每个小组的每位成员都有最大的参加量,较好地推动了学生之间的“协作性学习”(collaborative learning)(Gokhale1995)。


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