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4AUnit3A第二课时(A)学习目标:掌握句型 (2)

2021-01-20 16:26 网络整理 教案网

() 7. A. He is in the study. B. Sorry, I don’t know.

() 8. A. Thank you. B. Me, too.


A: Hi, Mike. ____________ is that on the table?

B: Oh, It’s a ____________ .

A: Is that __________ key ?

B: No, it __________ .Perhaps it’s Helen’s.

A: __________ is Helen?

B: Sorry, I ___________ know .



他的橡皮 _________________ 她的水壶 _________________

在课桌上 _________________ 我的铅笔 _________________

你的钱包 _________________ 在盒子里 _________________

过来 _________________ 在那边 _________________

在我的课桌里 ______________ 在他的自行车上_________________


() 1. Excuse me, is this his toy car?

A. 这是他的汽车吗?

B. 对不起,这是他的玩具汽车吗?

C. 对不起,这是她的玩具汽车吗?

() 2. Is that your notebook?

A. 那是你的笔记本。 B. 那是你的笔记本吗?

C. 这是你的笔记本吗?

() 3. Perhaps it’s Yang Ling’s.

A. 也许它是杨玲。 B. 它是杨玲的吗?

C. 也许它是杨玲的。

() 4. Perhaps your umbrella is on the chair.

A. 你的伞在椅子上吗? B. 我想你的伞在椅子上。

C. 也许你的伞在椅子上。

() 5. What’s that over there?

A. 那是哪个? B. 在那里的哪是哪个?

C. 在那里的是哪个?

() 6. Can you see that crayon in the box?

A. 你可看到在瓶子里的哪枝蜡笔吗?

B. 你可看到蜡笔在盒子里吗?

C. 你可看到在瓶子里的这枝蜡笔吗?


( I, you, he, she, my, your, his, her.)

1. A: May _________ have a notebook? B: Sure. Here you are.

2. A: The pen is for _________. B: Thank you.

3. A: Where’s _________ book? B: Look, my book is on the sofa.

4. A: That’s Nancy’s hat, I think. B: No. _________ hat is in the car.

5. A: Where’s Liu Tao? B: _________ is in the computer room.

6. A: Where’s Helen? B: _________ is in the TV room.

7. A: Where is your bag? B: _________ bag is on the desk.

8. A: This is his vest, I think. B: No, it isn’t _________ vest.

四、 根据中文补充下列语句,每个括号内填入一个适当的词:

1. 这是你的钱包吗?不,它不是。

_________ _________ your purse ? No, _________ _________ .


2. 这是你的书签。

_________ _________ your _________ .

3. 你的笔袋在那里?它在桌子上。

_________ your _________ ________?_________ _______ the table.

4. 抄写本上的哪是一把尺吗?是的,它是。

________ that a ruler ________ the copybook? ______ , ______ ______ .

5. 你可看到这种玩具吗?不,我不能。

Can _________ see the toys? No, I _________.


A. Is this your rubber?

B. Look. What’s that over there?

C. I don’t know. Perhaps it’s a rubber.

D. He is in the classroom.

E. Let’s go and find(找到) him(他).

F. Where’s Wang Bing?

G. No, it isn’t. It’s Wang Bing’s, I think.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________

5._________ 6._________ 7._________


1、 what , that , there , is , over , it’s , purse , a ( ? . )

2、this , David’s , key , perhaps , is ( . )

3、that , her , fan , is , it , no , isn’t ( , . ? )

4、is , she’s , the , where , Nancy , TV room , in ( ? . )

5、my , where’s , it’s , on , water bottle , desk , the , think , I (? , . )









一、classroom apple tiger hamburger copybook T-shirt

(C C D B A A)

二、1.Is this your toy dog?

2.Thank you very much。

3.Do you like running?

4.Where’s my English book?

5.Do you play the piano.

6.This big cake is for you.

7.Where is my sister?

8.Your dress is very nice.

(A A B B A B B A)

三、A: Hi, Mike. What is that on the table?

B: Oh, It’s a key.

A: Is that your key?

B: No, it isn’t. Perhaps it’s Helen’s.

A: Where is Helen?

B: Sorry, I don’t know.

(What key your isn’t Where don’t)

