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昌乐二中初二 昌乐二中初二级 English 学科教学设计活页上课时间: 上课时间:2010 年_ 3 月 日 星期: 星期:第________ 周设计人: 设计人第 ____ 课时包级主任签字: 包级主任签字:__________________备课组长签字: 备课组长签字:________________课题: 语言点、 课题: Moudle2 语言点、语法学习导学案 学习目标: 学习目标:1. Be able to master the usage of 2 words, 3 phrases and 3 sentence patterns of object clause . 2. To form the ability of self-learning by self-learning, group discussion and checking in pairs. 3. Can go all out to study. I: 词汇一点通,课文细品味:(方法导引:再读课本及 P137 课后注释,默写原句后认真 词汇一点通,课文细品味思考并完成下列练习题,最后背诵例句。 )1. a couple of(课本 P10) 课本原句:_____________________________________________________________ a couple of 表示“_________________”. 1) 译:I’ll just have a couple of oranges. _______________________________________. 2)They will be back in _____________________ weeks. 他们几个星期以后就回去。


3)Our last public concert will be here in a couple of months.(改为同义句) Our last public concert will be here in ___________ months. 拓展: 拓展:a couple of 还有“一对,一双”的意思。 火眼金睛: 火眼金睛:区分 a couple of 和 a pair of (1) a pair of 表示“成对的东西” ,可以是靴、袜、裤子、剪刀等。如: I bought a pair of cotton gloves(棉质手套)yesterday. (2) a couple of 表示“任何两件同类的东西初中英语备课模板,但不必定是成对使用的” 。如: I found a couple of socks in my bedroom but they didn’t make a pair. 2. feel like(课本 P10) 课本原句:______________________________________________________________ feel like 表示“___________________________”后跟名词或动名词 。


如: (1)Do you feel like a walk with me ? 你宁愿和我去散步吗? (2)What does it feel like seeing the Great Wall ? 看到长城似乎怎么? 中考视点: 中考视点:---I _________ sleepy today. 视点 A. feel B. keep ----- Drink some tea, and you’ll be good as new. C. turn D. growWhat ...feel like...? 用来询问他人对某件事的见解。 举一反三:What do you think of...?和 How do you like…?也拿来询问对某件事的见解。 举一反三 译:你觉得中国怎么样? (1)_____________________________________________ (2)___________________________(3)____________________________________ 3. hear(课本 P10&P12) (1) “听说”之意 。


后常接 that 引导的表语从句,that 可以省略。 课本原句:________________________________________________________________. I _________ Daming _______ ____________the novel . see 、listen to) 课本原句:_______________________________________________ 译: 我据说大明看过这本小说。 (2) “听见, 听到”之意。 常构成句子 hear sb do/doing sth 听见、 听到某人做/在做某事 (同I often ________ the girl ___________ the piano. 译:我一直听到那些女孩子弹钢琴。 (3) 短语总结: 听说 ______________ _____________ 收到某人的回信 ____________________ 4. worry about (课本 P12) 课本原句:________________________________________________________________________ worry about 译为“担心” Don’t __________________ me. I’ve grown up. 拓展:be worried about “为…担心” Daming is worried about his mother . 大明担心他父亲。


拓展 译:我不为她害怕,她可照顾自己。_______________________________________________________ 5. lonely(课本 P13) 课本原句:_______________________________________________________________________________ (1) I often visit my grandma, so she doesn’t feel _______________ at all. (not at all 一点也不) (2) He is always _________,but she has never felt ___________. (3) The old man looks very __________ because he is __________. A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely II. 语法快车道 (方法导引:仔细探究课本 P148-149 宾语从句知识初中英语备课模板,认真探讨、完成以下练习题 (一)、将以下段落改为含有宾语从句的复合句。

并总结宾语从句两大要点) 1. 引导陈述句的表语从句 引导陈述句 陈述句的状语从句 (1). Tom said, “Our teacher is very old.” Tom said that _________________________________. (2). Kate says, “ I will be back soon.” Kate says that _________________________________. (3). Sam said , “We are having a meeting.” Sam said that _________________________________. (4).Lucy told me , “I can’t catch the bus.” Lucy told me that______________________________ 2. 引导一般疑问句的状语从句 (1). I want to know. Do you have many friends? _________________________________________________ (2) . She asks. Does Lily go to school by bike? __________________________________________________ (3) . I don’t know. Miss Li is our new teacher? ___________________________________________________ 3. 引导特殊疑问句的状语从句 (1). Do you know? Where is the park? ____________________________________________________ (2). Can you tell me? When did you watch TV? _________________________________________________ (3). Miss Li asked Jim :“What time do you get up?”_____________________________________________ 、宾语从句两大要点总结 (二) 宾语从句两大要点总结:1. 从句语序用 _______________2. 时态 ______________,具体来说: 、宾语从句两大要点总结: (1)当主语的句型是通常以后时,从句的主句应保持原本的句型。

(2)当主语的句型是通常过去时时, 宾语从句的主句也应和过去时有关。 (3)当从句内容表示的是客观真理时,不受主句主语的限制,总是用通常以后时态。例如: The teacher told us that the earth is bigger than the moon. 、语法专练 (三) 语法专练 、 牛刀试锋芒 I. 根据句意选用适当的引导词填空 whether; if; when; which; who; how; that; whose; why; where 1.— Oh, I can’t decide _______ of the three books I should buy. — I think this one, Who Moved My Cheese, is the most interesting. 2. — Can you tell me _______ the film will begin? — At 8:10. 3. — Do you know _______ your friend is so unhappy? — Perhaps because he is missing his old school. 4. — I’ve heard _______ Liu Xiang won the 110-metre hurdles again. Is it true? — Yes. Isn’t it wonderful? 5. — Could you tell me _______ the man in front of the car is? — Sorry, I don’t know, either. 6. — Please tell me _______ CDs these are. — They are Jimmy’s. 7. — Will David come to the birthday party? — I am not interested in _______ he'll come or not. 8. — We haven’t decided _______ we will go for my holiday. What about you? — We have decided on spending the holiday by the sea. 9. — Will you please tell me _______ I can get to the post office? — I am going there, too. Let me show you. 10. — What did you buy for Grandma’s birthday? — A scarf (围巾). But I don’t know ________ she likes it.II. 中考经典例题集在高考中宾语从句作为一个必考的项目。