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2020-09-04 03:16 网络整理 教案网


Book3 Unit2 Healthy高E效a课ti堂n导g(学案Period2 Reading)导学案编撰:审核:高一英语组【Learning aims】学生姓名:组别:知识与技能目标预设: 1. Review some useful expressions 2. to understand the text well 情感与态度导航: Know how to have a balanced diet and learn something about the nutrients of different food. 过程与技巧指导: 1. To train the students’ integrating skills, especially reading skill. 2. Discussing,group work & cooperation 重难点预测: To understand the text well and know how to have a balanced diet.1/5高效课堂导学案【Teaching procedures:】教师点拨:【Self study 自主学习】previewing words and phrases in reading passageTask1.1.________________充满,满是2.________________由……制成3.________________上演,上映,在进行4.________________厌烦高效课堂导学案格式,厌倦5.________________减肥餐厅6.________________对……感到吃惊7.________________被放过高效课堂导学案格式,(做坏人)不受惩罚 8.________________说谎9.________________做一些调查10.________________赢回课前预习 学习认识 本文中的 部分词汇Task 2.1.______________n.& v.平衡→adj.平衡的__________→平衡膳食__________2.___________adj.好奇的→adv.好奇地_________n.好奇心_________3. limit n.& v.限制→adj.有限的_________4.strong adj.强大的→n.强项_________→ v.加强_________5._________ n.& v.利益,好处→ adj.有益的 _________【Cooperating and exploring study】合作研究学生点拨:探究一: Task1. find the main idea of the text. The main idea of the text is ____ A The two restaurant provided the healthy diet. B The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers. C How the competition take place between Wang Peng and Yonghui.1.回顾文 章主旨归 纳方式2.预测3.组内探 究探究二:Task2. The text can be divided into three parts according to the places that mentioned in the text. within 5 minutes of reading, please match the main ideas of each part.2/5高效课堂导学案Part 1: (Wang Peng's Restaurant) Part 2: (Yong Hui's restaurant) Part 3: (library)Wang Peng does some research and thinks out a good idea to compete with Yong Hui.Wang Peng follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant and finds out the reason why his restaurant is empty. Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as usually is.【达标测评】True or false questions 1. Usually Wang Peng’s restaurant was full of people. 2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. 3. Wang Peng’s regular customers often became fat. 4. Yong Hui’s menu gave customers more energy-giving food. 5. Wang Peng’s menu gave customers more protective food.【展示提升】Compare the two restaurantsWang Peng’sYong Hui’sMutton kebabs , ___________ stir-fried-vegetables, food ______________, Mutton,_______&ice-cream________vegetables, fruit, (________)price___________It costs more than a meal in Wang’s_________3/5Skimming Scanning独立完成 后,小组讨 论互相纠 错,互助互 学。


教师点拨:小组合作 对文中的 两个餐馆 就其所提 供的水果、 饮料、价格 及优缺点 进行对比, 完成表格。高效课堂导学案strengthmake people ___________ and giving them _____________people become __________________weaknesspeople easily become fit because his food serve too much _______not energy -giving food ,so people become_____________ ,quickly【反思小结】学习效果: 自我探讨:___________________________________________________【板书设计】Unit2 Healthy EatingReadingSummary&Homework:熟读文章并完成固学案部分课后反思 教师点拨:【固学案】Fill in the blanksRead the text again: Retell the story in your own words.Wang Peng felt ___________in an empty restaurant because no __________have come to his restaurant ever since he got up early in the morning. He wanted to阅读后对 文章进行 整体性把 握,并用本4/5高效课堂导学案find out why. He hurried out and ______________Li Chang into a newly-opened restaurant. He found that the owner named Yong Hui was serving ____________ foods to make people thin. Driven by________, Wang Peng came to take a close look at the menu. He could not even ________his eyes. He was ________at what he saw. He hurried outside and went to the ________to do some________.文中关键 词汇复述 课文After a lot of reading, he ___________that Yong Hui’s food made people become ________quickly because it was no ___________food. Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign. The __________between the two restaurants was on!5/5