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高中数学 Unit 3 A Taste of Humor Period 1导学

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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高中数学导学案:Unit 3 A Taste of Humor Period 1(新人教版必修4)【学习目标】 1.了解本单元的相关术语与词汇2. 熟悉关于幽默大师卓别林的一些背景知识。3.掌握文章中有关卓别林大师的细节知识。4. 小组合作,体会幽默帮我们增添的开心。【课前备课】单词自测Humour______________ comedy ____________ performer__________ astonish________astonishing____________fortunate____________unfortunately___________ordinary____________bored ____________entertain_______________ throughout________ homeless _________moustache _________worn_____________ failure ____________overcome __________leather_____________chew_____________convince______________direct_________outstanding_____【课内探究】Step 1:Warming up 1. Do you know what a punchline is?________________________


_______________________________________________________2. What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? ______________________________________________________________3. What do you know about his films? _________________________________________________Step 2:Fast reading1. When was he born?_____________________________2. Which is one of the most popular films of Charlie Chaplin?_____________________Step 3: Careful reading1. How did he dress up himself when he gives a performance?______________________________________________________________________2. What kind of award did he receive in 1972?_____________________________________________________________________3. Tell which of th


e following are true(T)or false (F)1.Charlie’s life was very easy when he was young. ( )2.Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak.( )3.Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick father.( )4.After he made films,he became more and more popular.( )5.The Gold Rush is one of his most famous films. ( )Step4: Finding out the main idea of each paragraphA Why people needed cheering upB What his most famous character was like C What Charlie’s childhood was likeD An example of a sad situation that he made funny E His achievements( ) Paragraph 1 ( ) Paragraph 2 ( ) Paragraph 3 ( ) Paragraph 4 ( ) Paragraph 5Step5:课文总结:运


用文章中粗体单词,根据首字母,完成短文填写1 U_______to now nobody has been able to do better than Charlie Chaplin in humor.He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed中学英语导学案格式,So they could feel more 2.c___________ with their lives.Chaplin’S parents were poor music hall performers.It was 3.a_ _________ that Chaplin was brought up very successfully when he was very young.4.U____________,his father died,leaving the family even 5.w________off.Chaplin could act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks.Nobody was ever 6.b_____________watching him for he made everything 7.e___________He became known 8.t___________ the world.The tramp中学英语导学案格式,a poor,9 h__________ man with a moustache wore large trousers,worn-out shoes and a sma


ll round black hat.Later,Charlie Chaplin wrote,directed and produced the films he l0.s________ in.In l972,Chaplin was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in fires. 【随堂巩固】1.How can ___________(说服)you of her honesty.2.I don’t think the competition is a ___________(失败).3.He_______________________(使欢乐)us with his stories and jokes yesterday.4.What _________________ (使吃惊)me was that he didn’t arrive on time.5.____________________(不幸的是),his father died when he was youn9.6.The teacher is _______________ (满意)with our homework.7.She________________(克服)many difficulties and at last became successfull8.The house is intended for those people who are ________________(无家可归).