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pep小学英语六年级上册unit4 教学设计(2)

2019-12-13 14:01 网络整理 教案网



)Step 4.展示学习任务。(孩子们乐于展示自己的成果,给孩子们一个这样的空间,更可促使孩子们学习的积极性,增强合作观念,提升集体荣誉感。)Step 5:学习效果巩固与作业(适当的训练针对巩固已学的常识是相当必要的。)1. 写出以下动词的单三方式。Go do watch teach readPlay have wash make writeTake live swim run walkFly study2. 按要求完成句子。(1)Does Ann go to school by bike?(肯定回答)(2)Does she read newspapers at night?(肯定回答)(3)Does your uncle work in a hospital?(否定回答)(4)Does your mother live in Beijing?(否定回答)第六课时一、教学目标与要求1.能够听、说、认读词句:They are very different.2.能够完成Let's check部分的练习。二、教学重、难点分析本课时教学重点和难点是理解Let's read中的短文。三、教学准备:1.录音机。

2.单词卡片。四、教学过程:Step 1.热身1.listen the song:my pen pal.2.Free talkWhat’s your hobby? I like…Does your father live in Shanghai?...3.Game: spell the words.Step 2.读书解题。1.listen and read the passage.2.listen and read the passage again then answer the questions on their books.6. Discuss in groups and check the answers.7. 理解难点句子:They are very different.8. 听录音跟读课文。Step 3.题型反馈。1.写出以下动词的单三方式。Go do watch teach readPlay have wash make writeTake live swim run walkFly study2.按规定完成句子。(1)Does Ann go to school by bike?(肯定回答)(2)Does she read newspapers at night?(肯定回答)(3)Does your uncle work in a hospital?(否定回答)(4)Does your mother live in Beijing?(否定回答)3.用所给名词的恰当方式填空。

1、jenny had a busy weekend . last saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking english at home . she watched tv and played tennis on saturday afternoon. that night, she went to the movies. on sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach. . on sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping .she had a party last night.sunday is also mother's day. the elder sister one morning say to mother: \ "mother holiday happinessi had a good time last weekend. on sunday morning, i stayed at home and did my homework. the homework wasn't difficult. after that, i played volleyball with my friends. it was tired, but very exciting. in the afternoon, i cooked dinner for my parents. it was a little difficult, i think. after dinner, i went to swim in the river. i can swim very well. i had a relaxing weekend.