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2019-06-14 03:06 网络整理 教案网


10.According to paragraph 4, what evidence is used to support the claim that the idea of divine ownership was not “a mere pious fiction”? 对于神的所有权并不仅仅“是虔诚的虚构”这一论点支持的证据是:

(A) The idea of divine ownership originated with the kings of Sumerian city-state.

(B) The idea of divine ownership was the reason why a large part of the harvest was offered to the god.

(C) The idea of divine ownership eventually came to replace “theocratic socialism”.

(D) The idea of divine ownership served as the basis for the economic organization of Sumerian society. 神的所有权服务于苏美尔社会的经济组织形式的基础

8. the word “erected” in the passage is closest in meaning to。8. the word “extensive” in the passage is closest in meaning to。3. the word “undoubtedly” in the passage is closest in meaning to。

苏美尔文明 埃及文明_两河文明和埃及文明_埃及文明为什么消失

(A) substantial

(B) fixed

(C) valuable

(D) limited.

12,In the above passage, all of the following were true of the local god EXCEPT 哪项不是关于当地的神的事实

(A) The local god owned everything and everyone in the city-state.

(B) The local god represented the subjects of the city-state to other gods.

(C) The local god communicated with the people of the city-state through a human ruler.

当c-rv、途观独霸suv天下的时候,您非常高明的提出了要抢占10万元以下suv市场,既规避竞争又敢于竞争,应该说让合资品牌又爱又恨,连神车大众都宣布要抢占这一块市场,足以看出您的影响力。该剧反映了国法与神律、人情之间的冲突.后来的柏克、黑格尔等人都将其归结为为不同类型正义准则的冲突.不过在索福克勒斯的笔下,克瑞翁是个僭主,以自己的意志为城邦的意志,把城邦的法律置于神律之上,刚愎自用,残暴凶狠,最后落得一个孤家寡人的下场.。2,有产权的那种,然后就是他们来人帮你讲一下怎么用两河文明和埃及文明,比如中福在线,也就是这几年兴起的,打114电话询问当地福彩或体彩中心,也不让你出票了、看当地彩票销售情况,如果是北京福彩的快乐8至少要10万,因为这两彩票本来就是竞争,经营面积不能低于10平米、方圆500米内最好没有其他投注站,先藏起来原来的机器,因为福彩卖的那么好,而且要签合同,比如北京、上海,每天打票的钱就从你的款里扣,根据你申请的彩种看,一般很难批,让你去交一个机器押金(5000-20000不等),不能冲突 ~。

13,fill in a table問題

Ancient Egyptian Civilization


Sumerian Civilization
