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2022-01-02 18:05 网络整理 教案网

(一)Extracurricular Activities Leading Group

Team leader: Xiao Pengge

Crew members: Liu Liyong Bai Jianqiang An Ruimin Bai Junli Liu Ruili Zhu Ruiming Liu Xiaoqun Wang Huiying Li Jingyan

(二)Activity time

Every week一、二、三、四、Friday afternoon extracurricular activities time.

(三)Activity content

According to our school’s characteristic construction situation, combined with our school’s faculty and teaching resources, it is planned to open two levels of activities:

1、 Form a school-level interest activity group with basketball, table tennis, rope skipping, track and field, etc.

2、 Carry out rope skipping, table tennis, and other student competitions with class as a unit, combined with the school’s characteristic construction, organize students to carry out extracurricular activities in a planned way. In the activities, students can learn technology and form skills. And in practical activities, cultivate students' comprehensive ability.

四、Activity requirements

课外活动必须落实,指导教师要有明确的活动目标,认真制定实践活动计划,精心安排活动内容,并及时做好相关记录。 According to the actual situation of the school, the quality of each activity is guaranteed.

五、Activity Organization

1、 The school sets up a leading group for extracurricular activities, and sets up activities according to the actual conditions of the school, and arranges the development of activities in a unified manner.

2、 The activities of each group must be "three fixed" (that is, the content, the location, and the personnel), and the activities have a plan and steps. The content of the activity is practical and feasible, which is conducive to the healthy development of students. Tutors do a good job of recording activities and the management of students in the activity group.

3、 The school’s extracurricular activity leadership team strengthens supervision, conducts careful inspections, and effectively guarantees the time and efficiency of activities, and does not use interest group activity time for other purposes.

Tutors should continue to strengthen theoretical and professional learning, continuously improve their theoretical level and professional literacy, do a good job of guidance, continue to explore, be brave in innovation, and carry forward the spirit of dedication, in order to deepen quality education and promote the comprehensiveness of our school students Contribute to development.

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