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2022-01-02 18:05 网络整理 教案网

四、 根据体育教育的发展,巩固教师的基本素质。学校体育教学科研活动是实现体育教师专业化发展的平台,是促进体育教师专业化发展的重要途径,是建设高素质体育教师队伍的重要保障。为此,学校特别关注我校体育教师的课堂教学和个人专业发展。学校着力抓好学校体育“三个环节”:备课、课堂教学、课后反思。每月举办一次公开课,以“跟进”的方式邀请专家听课。研讨会采用互动方式,要求教师从不同角度发表五分钟的主题演讲。这锻炼了教师的思维能力,加速了我校体育教师和团队的专业发展。 二是开展“蓝色工程”,通过师徒培训,努力提高我校体育教师专业素质和教学能力,夯实教师基本功。同时,积极开展学习、培训、交流和研讨等活动,全面提高教师的道德素质和业务能力。

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根据教研室教研工作的指导思想和中小学体育教学的特点,本着务实的态度和追求实效的原则,坚持“健康第一”的教学理念,提高课堂教学质量中学体育教案格式 参考,促进学生和谐发展。 ,努力从“学与教”走向“学与教”。本学期将开展以下活动。













5.对非体育专业的体育教师进行横向培训,提高非体育专业的专业水平,进一步适应体育教学。 (整个学期)







4. We will do a good job in the teaching and training of the middle school entrance examination for physical education in the district's middle schools, welcome the city's physical examination, and lay a solid foundation for our district's high school entrance examination results in the city's leading position.

5. Supervise and supervise the optional teaching of physical education in various high schools at the beginning of the school year.

6. Organize aerobics training for junior and senior middle schools in the whole district. Training location: xx middle school (early May)

7. Organize sports classroom teaching observation activities in primary and secondary schools in the whole district. (This semester)

8. Evaluate the quality of physical education classroom teaching for physical education teachers in primary and secondary schools in the district.

(1)Scope of evaluation implementation

The district's primary and secondary schools and vocational schools.

(2)The main basis for formulating evaluation standards

Mainly based on the "Curriculum Standards" promulgated by the Ministry of Education, the implementation of quality education requirements and the actual situation in the teaching practice of curriculum reform.

(3)Develop the main principles of evaluation

Based on the school, facing all students, we will focus on improving students' physical and healthy qualities, and promote students' all-round development, personality development, and harmonious development.

Based on teacher development, facing all professional teachers, we will focus on improving teachers' teaching ability and teaching effect, enhance teachers' professionalism and sense of responsibility, and promote the development and improvement of teachers' professional qualities.

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Strengthen teaching quality management, strive to improve the quality of teaching in a large area, and complete the teaching goals and tasks with high quality.

(4)Implementation methods and requirements of evaluation standards

Under the leadership of the principal in charge and the teaching management department, the sports team will include the evaluation work as a semester and school year teaching work plan, and relevant leaders and teachers will participate in the activities. Every semester, we will conduct no less than one classroom teaching quality evaluation activity for each teacher, carry out teaching research work according to the evaluation situation, continuously improve teaching methods and teaching methods, and strive to improve classroom quality.

Sports Work Plan for Primary and Secondary Schools Chapter 7


以丰富校园生活,促进学生全面发展为指导,营造活泼的教育环境。 Organize students to participate in a variety of extracurricular interest group activities within the specified time to stimulate interest in learning, develop personality skills, and promote physical and mental health and overall development of students.

二、Activity purpose and significance

Extracurricular activities are an extended activity of school classroom teaching and an important manifestation of further deepening education and teaching reform, comprehensive implementation and promotion of quality education.兴趣小组活动的正常开展,不仅可以丰富学生的课余生活,还可以为学生提供自主发展的时间和空间。 Organizing a variety of sports activities is in line with the wishes of the parents of students. Through activities, students can acquire many knowledge and skills that cannot be learned in the classroom, which is conducive to stimulating students' interest in learning, developing personality skills, and promoting students' physical and mental health.

三、Specific event arrangement