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2021-09-09 20:16 网络整理 教案网

合作探究老师布置思考题:看完这条新闻,你觉得这条新闻有什么特点? (教师引导学生多角度思考)学生小组讨论、全班交流、教师参与。经过讨论,明确了:新闻的作用,报道国内外最新的重大事件或新的天气。新闻的结构一般包括标题、引言、正文、结论和背景五个部分。新闻的写作方式主要是叙述,有时也有讨论和描述。新闻的特点是观点清晰、内容真实、报道及时、语言简洁准确。教师指导的拓展与延伸:要求学生快速默读第二条新闻《中原我军解放南阳》,了解新闻内容。让学生运用所学的新闻知识学习第二条新闻,提出思考题。默读第二条新闻,阐明叙述的六个要素。用所学的新闻知识详细分析第二条新闻,说说两条新闻的写作差异?品味两则新闻的语言特点,课后完成习题三。学生分组讨论交流,教师引导学生多角度思考,学生全班交流。只要说得有道理,老师就会给予鼓励。教师总结 “两报”报道的过江之战和解放南阳,都是中国人民解放战争战略进攻阶段的关键胜利。研究这两则新闻,使我们了解了历史,看到了正义战争的威力,认识到中国革命的胜利来之不易。两则新闻气势磅礴,语言准确简洁,情感生动。给我们留下了深刻的印象。希望同学们把今天学到的知识运用到以后的生活中,用心去体验、感受和思考周围的世界,开阔眼界,提高理解水平。

布置作业,完成作业本相关作业 2.《鹿华党》 ○课型:教学研讨 ○课时分配:两课时 ○教学目标:1. 感悟老人的英雄本色; 2.体味这个英雄故事传奇色彩; 3.领悟文中对风景的描写之美。 ○预习大纲:课前通读课文,查参考书,扫除单词障碍;思考课后的练习,并为演讲写一个提纲。 ○教学过程:第一课的内容和步骤:○介绍:同学们,抗日战争期间,有很多英雄故事。像往常一样,有一位年近60岁的老人,本该领取养老金。在他这个年龄,他能够在课堂上着迷。他无数次穿越恶魔的封锁,保证了芦塘部队的物资供应和部队的战斗力。他能够将数十个恶魔击败到鲜血。他确实是一个传奇人物。今天,我们就来研究一下现代小说家孙俪的小说《芦花党》,了解一下这个传奇故事。 ○早读课的同学们大声朗读课文,你们的预习情况如何?你还需要这些新词的帮助吗? (学生提出,教师解决) ○作者简介:孙立,现代小说家、散文家。河北安平县人。 1913年4月6日出生。(其他信息请参考教师用书P15-16适当介绍) ○引导学生整体把握课文内容,感悟老人的英雄性格:坚强爱国抗日的热情,古老而坚强的精神;强烈的爱恨情仇;英勇的英勇行为;自信和自尊。


(引导学生寻找相关词语进行欣赏,另见教师用书P11页)感受中国人是英雄,是不可战胜的人。 (略) ○引导学生探讨以下重点问题:(学生先讨论,教师根据情况给予指示和指导) 1.课文中哪些内容体现了老人“过分自信和自尊”的性格这句话在全文中起什么作用?这位老人“过度自信和自尊”的性格贯穿全文。他对卫塘负责同志说:“你什么都靠我,我什么都靠水,一切保险”,这句话充分表达了他的“过分自信和自尊”。 “过分自信和自尊”这两个字指向了老英雄性格的核心。这句话的意思不仅是非常自信和自尊,还有过度自信和自尊。在全文的剧情中,老英雄的所有功过都是从这一点上诞生的。 2.人物描写艺术的探索:这部小说如何夸大了老英雄的传奇色彩?首先,它与女孩的怀疑形成对比。这里是一个对话的描述。老人说:“我会让他们流血到明天,”然后他说,“等天亮,你看。”他很自信人教版八年级语文上册表格式教案,但女孩一再表示怀疑。一开始,他没有回答,还以为老爷子什么也送不出去。狠一点,说吧,然后用小女孩的话表示怀疑:“你都这么老了,还能打吗?”写猜疑有衬托效果,显示出老人英雄行为的怪异。 3、敌人严密监视卫塘。然而,“每天晚上,渭塘的歌声还是那么响亮。”这响亮的歌声,唤起了什么样的联想和想象?你能想到其他文学作品中的战歌吗?歌唱想象着士兵的情绪,想象着士兵和部队的方方面面。

具体来说,有老英雄不断送柴米油盐,以确保强大的保护和充足的供应。士兵们坚强而自信。晚上休息时,士兵们唱歌。歌声是对敌人的沉重打击。联想在其他文学作品中的战歌能回忆起课内和课外阅读的文学作品,但答案并不一致。 ○ 把文中风景描写的句子抄下来,仔细品味,揣摩,从家乡的风景中模仿几句。 3、蜡烛班型:新教学时间:2 知识目标:1、感受反法西斯阵营军民情谊。 2、 欣赏这篇文章真诚而感人的语言。能力目标:通过行为领悟人性的本质。教育目标:让学生体验追求和平的人的深情。重点难点:体味真情,领悟军民血肉之交。策略与方法:朗读、引导。 一、import。我记得上学期有一篇课外读物是关于我的目标:一群德国士兵去占领区的一个农舍,农舍的妻子是一个地下党。 ??谁能讲出这个故事? (同学们说的真好。)同一支蜡烛在不同的场合扮演着不同的角色。今天,我们就来看看这节课中的蜡烛会起到什么作用。 二、整体感知。 1、作者简介及背景。 2、学了这么多课文,我们有这么大的常识,一眼就能知道这篇文章赞什么,讲的是什么,那这篇课文呢?主题:一首赞美诗。颂歌。赞美反法西斯盟友的战斗友谊。

讴歌南斯拉夫人民对苏联红军的深厚感情。 3、今天,我们不是在讨论人和事有多感人,而是他们有多感人? 1),环境危险,炮火纵火——老太婆不分生死的思念。 2),又老又弱,很难埋葬烈士——老太婆力量之源的思想。 3),保护遗体——老太婆对烈士的感情。 4), the candlelight flickers-thinking of the dedication spirit of the old woman. (If this question is not given an example first, students will be very confused.) 4、 Then, what is the special symbolic meaning of the candlelight here? 1), the light of life of the Red Army martyrs. 2), entrusts the grief of the people of Yugoslavia to the martyrs of the Red Army. 3), a symbol of the fighting friendship between the two peoples. 5、OK, now you can challenge me again! 1), what do the last two sentences mean? The last two sentences eulogize the most noble, warmest and sincere feelings of the Yugoslav mother to the martyrs of the Soviet Red Army. This kind of sentiment knows no borders, and sympathizes with mother and child. This kind of sentiment is based on justice and anti-aggression, and it is the best sentiment of mankind. 2), some classmates are very smart, so they asked me with after-school questions. So, by the way, I have to deal with them after class exercises. 3), exercise two after class. 4), exercise three after class. 6、 Then who will sum up the image of the old woman? (A lot of things are mixed, but they are unorganized.) 1), the old woman suffered from the invasion of German fascist robbers, she was full of hatred for the invaders, he longed for liberation, longed for peace, and he was full of respect for the Soviet Red Army . 2), the young Red Army soldier died on the land of Yugoslavia, he was very sad, and she dedicated her love and respect to the martyrs.


3), he was inspired by the heroic spirit of the Red Army soldiers and became fearless. She entered a state of selflessness. She was not afraid of hardship and buried the martyrs. 4), the Red Army martyrs gave their most precious lives. She gave the most beloved treasures to the Red Army martyrs. She lit the wedding candles on the graves of the martyrs and stayed at the graves all night. The heroic spirits who accompanied the martyrs showed Deep and strong motherly love. 7、This is a battlefield newsletter, but it is mainly narrative. Can you find out the six elements? (The answer is good. But I think it would be better to ask at the beginning.) 8、 Can you give me an example like the old woman? 4 "Letter to Captain Butler on the Anglo-French Allied Forces Expedition to China" Teaching Case Analysis 5: PEP Edition New Curriculum Standard Eighth Grade One Chinese Teaching Plan PEP Edition New Curriculum Standard Eighth Grade One Chinese Teaching Plan Complete Works Two News·Instructional Design Teaching content textbook pages 2-9 pages. ◆Class hours are arranged for 3 hours. Teaching Objectives ◆Knowledge and Ability 1. Understand the text, understand the characteristics of news, and be able to perform simple analysis. 2. Experience the accurate, concise, sonorous and powerful language in the text, and improve the ability of language expression. 3. Train students to improve the quality and speed of reading. 4. Make sure to read the words and text bet words in "Read-Read, Write-Write", and master their meanings. ◆Process and method 1. Students preview, teachers focus on explanations, and tutor class exercises. 2. Discussion method, question and answer method, dialing method, slide presentation method. ◆Emotions, attitudes and values ​​enhance the understanding of the history of the founding of New China, guide students to receive revolutionary traditional education, and learn the heroic spirit of revolutionary predecessors.