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2021-08-28 15:07 网络整理 教案网


三、田径比赛规则介绍1、田径比赛一般逆时针进行。 2、发令犯规:运动员在完成最后的准备姿势后,只有在收到发令枪或经批准的发令装置的信号后才能发令。 (2次犯规是指同一组的不同人。只要同一组的一个人犯规了,如果你再次犯规,你就会被称为犯规。)3、Athlete挤压或阻挡其他运动员阻止其他运动员步行或跑入,取消比赛资格4、分道跑,运动员自始至终都在自己的车道上跑。 5、运动员被推挤或被迫跑出自己的车道,但他们没有阻挡其他运动员,也没有从他们那里获得实际利益,所以他们没有犯规。 (例如:A在直道上跑出了自己的车道,并没有获得实际收益;B在弯道上把自己的车道扔到车道外。)6、800m 跑开始时跑在不同的车道上,在第一条曲线的末端,可以将一条宽5厘米的弧形冲线穿过跑道切入内道。 7、离开赛道,运动员自愿离开赛道后将不再继续参加比赛。 8、在接力赛中,运动员必须手持一根棍子才能完成比赛。 9、在所有接力赛中,接力棒必须在接力区内传递。 10、 运动员在传递接力棒前后应留在各自的车道或接力区,直到赛道畅通为止,以避免该组中的其他运动员。在田径比赛中,除了跳高和撑竿跳高以外,在其他田径项目中,如果参赛人数在8人以上初中体育教案格式,每位运动员有3次尝试跳跃的机会。有效成绩最好的前8名运动员可以再试(投掷)3次。

如果参赛者只有8人或少于8人,每人将有6次试跳机会。 11、 在某场试跳(投掷)比赛中,运动员因任何原因被挡住,可以补上试跳机会。 12、田赛项目比赛期间,运动员无故拖延试跳时间,将被禁止参加试跳,试跳将记为失败。初中体育教案第五章一、指导思想排球是《体育与健康》教学内容中不可缺少的一部分,是学生们非常喜爱的学习内容之一。通过排球基本理论知识和基本技术的学习,可以了解排球文化,了解排球的特点,掌握简单的排球技术原理。逐步提高基本功的素质和综合运用所学基本功的能力,让学生体验排球的乐趣和价值,不断提高排球技术和参加比赛的能力。同时,培养学生的速度、敏捷性、耐力、柔韧性等身体素质;提高身体机能,培养勇于竞争、艰苦奋斗、奋发向上、团结协作的精神。 二、课本解析 本课程的教学内容为排球发球技术。这种技术在比赛中可以直接作为进攻使用。发球的好坏直接影响到对方的一传。糟糕的传球质量会极大地影响技术和战术。玩。所以学会发球是我们初中排球教学的重点之一。激发学生积极主动地学习。通过学习正面上手发球的技巧和方法,明确正面上手发球对自身发展的价值。根据学生表现出的不同能力,设定不同的教学目标,采用“进退法”教学法,引导学生自主探究学习。

这节课是第一节正面上手发球。它侧重于正面上手发球技术中的投掷、摆动、手形和击球点。这将是未来教学和培训和学生终身体育的好方法。基础知识。 三、学情分析 本课是前手发球单元教学的第一课。本班授课的班级为九年级学生40人。经过两年的初中基本功学习,学生已经掌握了排球。有一定的技能基础。此外,九年级学生的模仿能力、观察能力和理解能力强,班级学习氛围浓厚,但学生体育基础水平极不平衡,存在两极分化现象。通过本课的教学,80%的学生将初步了解和掌握正面上手发球技术,因此本课练习的主要目的是了解和掌握正面上手发球技术,充分发挥主体作用的学生,并挖掘每个学生的潜力。 四、教学生1、Cognitive 目标:了解正面上手发球的要领。 2、技能目标:在熟悉球的基础上,初步掌握上手发球技术,在研究中明确上手发球的位置,提高分析解决问题的能力。 3、Emotional 目标:培养学生积极主动的学习习惯,不骄不躁,不浮躁,不执着。 五、教学重点和难点。关键点:投掷、摆动和击球。难点:全身上下辗转反侧协调发力六、教学方法。运动水平和运动能力的差异决定了这门课的教学方法。层次教学的目的是示范、讲解、实践、提示、个别指导等多种教学方法。


因材施教,充分发挥学生独特的运动技能和身体条件。 1、“进退法”发球教学法采用“进退法”发球教学法(站在进攻限制线上倒立发球,发球越线后退一步再发球,如果没有过网,则继续前进并再次发球,以此类推,直到结束线或标志线)2、演示,挂图结合说明。 3、Organization:集中演示和讲解;个别纠错。 七、教程1、准备部分(6′):课堂套路→绕半个足球场慢跑3圈→球练习,全身各部位充分运动,做好下一部分的心理和生理技术教学准备。 2、basic部分(34′):学生根据四张教学挂图自主、合作、探究学习→按照“进退法”服务要求练习发球,双人对面对面练习→教师讲解、示范并指出练习中的主要问题→使用辅助练习方法(第一组徒手练习,两组持球,抛球,摆臂,击球)突破重点难点→按照“进退法”服务学习的服务要求,教师积极引导,个别指导→学生展示,互评→素质练习(深蹲、蛙跳)3、结束部分(5′ ):①广播体操编队做四肢放松练习,充分放松身心; ②总结本课学习情况,强化技术点,学习价值,评价学生学习情况,安排课外作业,和学生一起清理场地和设备八、效果希望学生认真参与每在老师的指导下练习。课堂气氛活跃,师生关系融洽。

通过对排球前手上手发球的学习,85%的学员初步掌握了前手上手发球的手型、发球时球的位置、手臂的摆动移动。预计班级的练习密度在35%左右,平均心率达到130-140次/分钟。场地设备:半个足球场,41排球初中体育教案61、运动技巧:可以尝试做一个后退动作,可以模仿整个动作过程2、心理健康:有兴趣在学习回滚,快乐重复练习教学要点: 团队身体很重要。教学设备:海绵块。几个体操垫。教学过程:一、基础诊断练习1、question(1):同学们思考为什么我们的设计师把轮子设计成圆形而不是其他形状?学生:(因为圆形很好看,圆形物体滚动很快.. .) 问题(2):同学们先做个实验,先用砖块和篮球做实验,老师用力把砖块和篮球往前滚,看哪个滚远……结果明明是篮球. 你能从这个实验中得到什么? 学生:球形物体滚动的摩擦力比较小,所以滚远 老师:我们练习后滚动时必须使身体像一个球。运动很好,大家可以在练习中体验。2、问问题:如何在后滚练习中使用它 身体是否紧绷?二、综合诊断和纠正 1.让学生提出解决方案 2.教师提供设备3. 小组练习到 obta在可操作性方法三、优化评论 1.每组推荐一个学生 本组的练习方法展示给其他组查看 2.老师提出要求:(1)安全性(2)可操作性) 3)简易练性) 3. 从中可以获得几种理想的练习方法 A.用海绵块夹住下巴、膝盖之间、脚踝之间 B.用红围巾系住膝盖和脚踝一起(合作学习) C. 双手抱膝,起身不断练习四、学生自我诊断与矫正 1. 小组练习,体验这两种方法是否合适 2. 相互帮助 3. 总结:这三个方法非常适合集体练习五、 发育诊断练习1、 说明:我们有光学。集体练习是不够的,这只是后滚的重要组成部分,还得借助推手、转掌至肩等辅助动作。

2、老师示范的重点是让学生看清楚准备姿势(双脚膝盖要并拢,头要低,胸要低)3、学生尝试练习4、老师巡回訊師六、 Autonomous learning diagnosis (Class summary) Teacher: What did you learn in today's exercise? Sheng: In order to solve the problem of rolling back and overturning, we have thought of many methods. Through practice, we also know which methods can be used and which methods are dangerous. Junior high school physical education lesson plan Chapter 7 一、 said the guiding ideology The core concept of the new curriculum is student development-oriented, and student participation is the core of the implementation of the new curriculum. Therefore, the design of this course strives to reflect the basic concepts of the new curriculum, with the achievement of teaching goals as the main line, and to meet the development needs of students as the center. 二、说textbook Standing long jump is the main teaching content of the second chapter of the second chapter of the first book of "Physical Education and Health" textbook for junior high school. Standing long jump is simple and easy to practice. It can be practiced on flat ground. In addition, the standing long jump is a compulsory item in the high school entrance examination in the past two years, so it occupies an important position in the teaching of "Physical Education and Health" in junior high school. 三、 Said student situation analysis Due to the age characteristics of the students in the third grade, it is not easy to accept and not interested in teaching content with too much preaching and high technical requirements; on the contrary, for intuitive and easy-to-imitate sports games with perceptual thinking However, they like it better and have a higher interest in learning. Therefore, stimulating students' interest in learning through sports games is the key to a good physical education class. 四、 said the teaching goal 1、knowledge goal: through the study of this class, most students will initially master the technical movements of standing long jump.


2、 Ability goal: Develop the strength of the students' calves, soles, and ankles. 3、Emotions, attitudes, values ​​goals: to cultivate students' physical coordination, cooperation awareness and collectivism. 五、 Talk about the important and difficult points of teaching. Key point: Coordination of upper and lower limbs. Difficulty: coordination of upper and lower limbs. 六、说教法 Explain the model method and guide the error correction method 七、说学法 Let students accomplish the goal of learning and practicing through observation and imitation. 八、 Speaking of the teaching process 1、 Import a new lesson: 2、 Learning new knowledge: The essentials of standing long jump: Stand with your feet on the left and right, shoulder-width apart, swing your arms back and forth, and straighten your legs when you swing forward. When swinging back, bend your knees to lower your center of gravity, lean your upper body slightly forward, and swing your hands back as far as possible. Push both feet quickly and hard on the ground, and at the same time bend your arms slightly from back to front and up, jump forward and up into the air, and fully extend your body. Retract your abdomen and raise your legs, stretch your calves forward, swing your arms backwards, and bend your knees to cushion. 3、 Auxiliary exercises for standing long jump: Single-foot jump: exercises to develop the strength of the calf, sole and ankle joints. 4、小游戏: Train running 5、organization and relaxation: 6、Summary of this lesson: Junior high school physical education lesson plan 8 Teaching content: 1.·游戏圈运球2.蛙跳teaching goal: skill goal: 1、Learn the position of the basic team in practice. 2、 trains students to dribble and control the ball through the circle dribble game. 3、 Master the leapfrog technique, develop leg strength, and enhance jumping ability. Emotional goals: 1、 give full play to the students' ability of unity and cooperation in the game.

2、 Cultivate students to observe classroom discipline and clarify the relationship between individuals and collectives. Participation goal: Cultivate students' enthusiasm for active participation in activities. Teaching aids: Basketball Teaching process: 一、 Preparation: 1. Class opening. 2. Queue practice, turn left (right) and walk. 3. Warm-up: Jog for two laps. 二、Basic part: (一)游戏, Circle Dribble1、 Method: Participants in the game are divided into several groups of equal number, each group stands in a circle, the left and right sides are separated by about two meters, and one person holds a small basketball At the beginning of the game, each group of ball holders dribble around everyone in this group in turn, to the original position and pass the ball to the first person on the right. After the first person on the right receives the pass, follow the same method Dribble. Each group is carried out in sequence, the group that finishes first is the winner. 2、Rules (1),. When dribbling, you must go around in sequence, and you must not collide with others. (2), Do not run with the ball while dribbling Or bounce the ball with both hands at the same time and make a dribble error. You must pick it up and dribble the ball again at the place of error. 3、Note: Draw 2 eleven 4 circles with a diameter of 8 eleven 10 meters on the field. 4 groups, each group with a small basketball, listen to the teacher’s instructions to practice uniformly. 0 dribble according to the rules and requirements. (二)定点投球1、 Action method: Stand on the free throw line with both feet forward and backward or left and right. Eyes aim at the ring. Knee joints are slightly bent, the five fingers are naturally separated, and the ball is held above the base of the finger. 2、Action points: Hold the ball correctly, coordinate the upper and lower limbs, extend arms, raise elbows, bend wrists, and move fingers softly and forcefully. 3、Teacher's explanation and demonstration of in-situ single-handed shots and points of attention4、Practicing method: first group practice, then group practice. 三、End part: 1. Summary, comment. 2.下课. (Goodbye teachers and students) [8 samples of junior high school physical education texts] can be downloaded and edited according to the actual situation.
