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2021-08-22 20:03 网络整理 教案网



×4153×423 每人折4只纸鹤,小冬天,无辜的花,李明,一共折几只纸鹤,每人4跳3次,4人共跳数次5开题车5元娃娃3元立方体2元手枪4元13辆汽车24个娃娃多少钱3元还能问乘法的问题吗?我们在本课中学到了什么?您对黑板设计有什么问题要提出来吗?在乘法、加法或乘减法的公式中,先计算乘法,再计算加减法。第6课教学内容教材第59页教学目标知识点1让学生认识乘法应用题的结构初步学会根据乘法的含义解同一个加数sum的乘法应用题2了解量的关系,理解为什么乘法计算能力点用于培养学生的思维能力、语言表达能力和初步分析能力,以及运用知识解决简单实际问题的能力。德育要点 培养学生认真检查、合作沟通的良好习惯 意识教学的重点是初步学会根据乘法的意义求同一个加数的乘法问题。教学困难。理解数量的关系。理解为什么使用乘法教具来准备情境图。教学过程。一是好朋友经常和大象玩耍,决定盖大房子。三个好朋友住在一起,每天都能见面。于是他们去森林里运木头盖房子,看看他们有多努力。展示情况 说出你所看到的,你能问出乘法可以解决的问题吗? 2 解决这个问题需要什么样的信息?每头小象运送两块木头。三头小象一共运送多少块木头。 3 问每个小象两块木头是什么意思,独立解组合作,说说你想怎么求一共要运多少块木头,也就是找3块2是,所以乘法计算公式为2×36根,三个扩展应用1练习第十二题1分组练习观察每组计算的特点,完成后反馈。 2 练习十二。问题2首先教育学生植树造林保护环境,然后仔细观察屏幕,找出解决需要浇水的树木总数所需的信息。你认为学生如何独立完成。谈论问题中所说的内容。需要解决什么问题。如何解决这个问题 3 练习 12 问题 3 4 练习 4 和 5 告诉我你为什么这样。第7课教学内容6乘法公式教材,第60页,教学目标,知识点,使学生能够独立探索6乘法公式,并能用乘法公式计算能力点,培养学生的计算能力和应用能力。德育要点要养成认真审题的好习惯。教学重点学生自问6乘法真言教学难点熟练运用乘法真言教具准备口语算术卡教学过程。创造一个情境并呈现标题。先想想用什么方法。 1分钟内更快完成 44443×52×34×25×51×33332×55× 12223×55×2 介绍快速计算的方法。今天,让我们相互比较,学习更快。放在超市里。 2. 独立探索。 1 显示吊舱地图和表格。简历模板。辞职表格。招聘。简历表格。管理形式。 612 的划分数分为三部分 划分 1 看图填表 2 根据表 3 写乘法公式 根据公式编写公式。团队合作比赛开始。方法论。学习了6个公式。你最喜欢哪一个?查看公式。你怎么看乘法公式。 3. 扩展应用程序。 160 页。做一个。学生独立完成反馈。通过对3组题中每两个小题的比较思考,揭示相邻两个句子之间的联系。学生填写书本,观察每组两个小问题之间的联系。 3 摘一个苹果 6×45×66× 31×66×62×64 填空 5×30×3186×245 开放题 12××4 课堂小结 同学们在这节课上学得开心吗?真言 1×66 一六得六 6×162×612 二六十二 6×2123×618 三六十八 6×3184×624 四六二十四 6×4245×630 五六三 6×5306×636 六十六三-6 6×636 第八课教学内容 练习课教材页数 6162 教学目标 知识点使学生能记住6个乘法公式,并能熟练运用乘法公式进行计算。积分培养学生的计算和应用能力 德育积分培养认真复习题型的好习惯。教学重点是让学生记住6的乘法公式,并能熟练地运用乘法公式进行计算。教学难点 运用乘法公式熟练进行计算。公式



一六是六二六十二三六八四六二十四六六三十六五六三2看谁快3×66×21×66×46×65×66×32× 64×66×56×5103×666×682×6203各6支彩笔一盒2支一盒几支一盒几支一盒四支一盒盒子里的几个 练习第 161 页,问题 5,第 262 页,问题 7 教师出示表格并询问谁能理解此表格 尝试说出谁乘以谁。 Page 362 第 8 题并填写或 ×336431256303392612642 三个开放式问题 1 一张桌子 4 两条腿,两张桌子和八条腿。可以继续讲吗?学生讲完后,列出公式并使用公式。第9课教学内容和教材第63页教学目标和知识点让学生记住2-6乘法公式可以区分乘法和加法的不同含义。能力点培养学生的计算能力和应用能力。德育要点要养成认真审题的好习惯。教学重点是让学生记住6个乘法公式,并区分乘法和加法的不同含义。难点 运用乘法公式熟练计算教具,准备教学课件。教学过程 1.制作情景课件。例7 学生阅读题 2.探索合作 1.提问 1.有4排表格,每排5张。总共有多少张?一排有5张牌,一排有4张牌。你知道多少张牌?如何解决它们。为什么这两道题都有 4 和 5?为什么遇到这样的问题解决方案会不一样?我应该使用什么方法来更好地理解?讨论 2 学生反馈 3 基础练习 1 计算 6×266×36×366×46×466×56×566×65×355×45×455×5 计算后,说说你发现了什么 5×34×63×33 × 55×64×43×26×32×61×62 找朋友 66665×4 四六二十四 4443×2 三四十二 55556×4 二三得到六 334×3 四五二三六十八 6 ×6666666 六六三十-six 3×6666 four classroom exercises, page 64, question 10, group competition, see which group is right and fast, page 1264, question 11, find out what the information in the question is, what information is needed to solve the problem , and what information needs to be completed independently Talk about the solution and the result. Think about the problem. Let the students make an estimate and talk about the method. 3 Fill in the appropriate number 6×185×104×12×5156×24×6306×366× 125×25 Five Extended Applications 1 Each table has 6 chairs next to it, and there are 5 tables in the dining room. How many chairs are there in total? 2 Math games 64 pages to see who is right and fast. Group competition 3 Open questions Xiaodong Lingling draws Let’s go to the botanical garden to play a ticket 6 yuan. How much is a total of 6 yuan. Organize and review the teaching content on page 6667 of the teaching objective 6 multiplication formula and be able to use the multiplication formula to proficiently calculate the knowledge points so that students can memorize 2-ability points to train students Calculating ability and application ability. Moral education points to develop a good habit of careful examination of questions. The teaching focus enables students to memorize the 2--6 multiplication formulas and can use the multiplication formulas to perform calculations proficiently. Difficulties in teaching Use multiplication formulas to proficiently perform calculations, teaching aids, prepare oral arithmetic cards, the teaching process, sort out the preliminary understanding of multiplication, 26 multiplication formulas, 1 the meaning of multiplication and the names of the parts in the multiplication formula, there are a few stars in total, write the addition formula, and then add the addition formula Rewrite it into a multiplication formula. Say the meaning of the multiplication formula and the names of the parts. 6666246×424 or 4×624 indicate how much the sum of 4 6s is. The student carefully observes the table and asks what the multiplication formula is in each row horizontally. Compare the number of two adjacent sentences. What have you found? Look at each column vertically and look at the order of the multiplication formula table diagonally. What rules are there? The product of the same two numbers turns to see the rules of the multiplication formula table. Read the formula back to the formula. Disorganize the order. Complete the password. Question 1 on page 66. Tell the formula you used. 2. Organize and solve simple practical problems with multiplication. 1 Teaching material, page 66, p. Question 2 Students first talk about the picture and clearly identify the problem to be solved. Find out the information and data needed to solve the problem. Students independently think about the method of solving the problem. Solve the problem and communicate their own method of solving the problem. 2 Question 2 of the textbook page 67 students complete the communication and solve the problem independently Ways to exchange multiple solutions 3 Write out what can be rewritten as a multiplication formula 2222133333666666 Three open questions 1 People’s Park an adult ticket 6 yuan a student ticket 4 yuan 1 buy 4 adult tickets, how much did it cost 2 to sell 5 students How much did the ticket cost? 2 Contact someone around you and ask the question about multiplication
