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初三期中考试 试卷 初三英语9A期中试卷(7)

2017-12-23 19:02 网络整理 教案网

1. M: What does your uncle do? W: Oh, he is a doctor. 2. M: Sandy, what are you doing here? W: I'm waiting for my friend. Look! She's coming, the girl with glasses. 3. M: How is your father? W: He has been ill for three years. Now he is still in hospital. 4. M: How are disabled people? W: Sometimes the disabled people are more thoughtful. 5. M: What's wrong with you? W: I can't sleep well. I feel tired all the time. 6. M: Which lamp do you prefer, the blue one or the yellow one? W: I like the yellow one better. 7. W: Look! Is it Lucy's schoolbag? M: I don't think so. Lucy's schoolbag has her name on it. Oh, it must belong to Lucy's twin sister, Lisa. 8. M: What's the time, mum? Our class starts at eight o'clock. W: Oh, hurry up! You have only a quarter left. 9. W: Sam, come here. It's time for supper. M: I'm coming soon, mom. I'll finish the game right now. 10. M: Can I help you, Mrs Li? W: Yes, please. You could help take some of the books. They are too heavy for me. And I have to carry the computer. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题,各听两遍。

听一段对话,回答第 11-12 小题 W: Hi, Paul, don’t you remember me? M: Wow! You’re Sophia. W: That’s right. M: But you used to be short and quiet when we were in middle school. W: Yes. I used to be a little shy when I talked to others. M: But now you are different. W: Yes. I like talking with people and making new friends. I remember you used to be interested in swimming. M: But now I don’t swim a lot. I’m busy learning Japanese. 听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题 For many students, QQ is their favourite English letter. Some of them talk about homework and chat with each other. When they don’t have much homework, they exchange test11 answers and chat. Some students may put good articles they have found online on their blogs. They also write articles by themselves. They are about funny things that have happened around them. Others may put pictures on their blogs. It’s also a good place for them to make a record of their lives, of both good time and sad time. It’s very helpful to their friendship. Also they can relax and talk freely.听第二篇短文,回答第 16~20 小题。