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初三期中考试 试卷 初三英语9A期中试卷(6)

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初三期中考试 试卷_初三上册期末试卷_河南初三期中考试试卷

(10 分) Stress is usual in life. It may come from heavy traffic to bad work environments, or from relationship problems to financial(财政的) difficulties. We all need a (101)w_________ to reduce our stress, understand where it comes from and how to work through it. If not, stress will certainly(102) l_________ to illness, low spirits, broken relationships or unending pain. Keeping diaries is the (103) e_________ way of all to reduce stress. Keeping diaries will help (104)u_____ deal with our stress before it makes us ill. Writing down our thoughts and (105)f_______, as in keeping a diary, is a good method to reduce stress and (106) i_________ happiness. We put down on paper what we are unhappy with and worried about. This (107) h_________ us begin to understand in a clearer manner, what we are going through. Keeping a regular diary about (108)d_________ events, joys and struggles, can really help us to face every day, and solve our problems with less stress. When we record our days on paper or on the computer, we are dealing (109)w________ our feelings, fears and joys, as we are writing. Let’s start living the healthy, balanced and (110)m___________ life we have been meant to live, with our simple diary writing. 八、书面表达(20 分) 假如你叫王琳,15 岁,9 年级 2 班的学生,你校成立了英语俱乐部,正在招聘会员,请你 根据下面的提示,用英语给俱乐部负责人写一封应聘信。初三期中考试 试卷

(100 词左右) 要求:1.很自信,勇于接受挑战,总是在寻找新的东西;喜欢画画,有画画的天赋;总是鼓 励自己不停地尝试并创作更多精美的图片;喜欢野生动物,曾经拍摄过一部一小 时有关老虎的纪录片; 2.最喜欢橙色,因为橙色能够使你振奋起来,并使你想起温暖晴朗的日子。 3.但是英语学得不好,想提高;想得到更多知识、更好地了解世界;想交来自世界 各地的朋友,分享你的快乐、忧愁,让生活多彩; 4. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数,注意格式。 Dear Sir/madam, I’m Wang Lin.____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours, Wang Lin10 听力材料第一部分听对话,回答问题,每段对话读两遍。