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2017-01-09 07:02 网络整理 教案网

8. 为什么作者说“事实上,有大片云杉林是没有麋鹿的。”? (Rhetorical Purpose Question)

a) 强调一个事实,其重要性被生物学家Herbert Gleason忽略了

b) 提出一个观点:云杉林本身是一个超级生物体

c) 强调麋鹿不仅限于单一一种环境中

d) 批评云杉-麋鹿生物群系的想法。

解析:引用句子的前一句“The spruce community is not substantially affected byeither the presence or absence ofmoose.”意思是:云杉群体不会因为麋鹿的出现或消失而受到很大的影响。 段落第一句“Even less fortunate wasthe extension of this type of thinking to include animals as wellas plants.”意思是:更不幸的是把这种思考方式扩展到包括动物和植物。接下来一句“This resulted in the“biome”…”意思是:这就导致了“生物群系”。 整个段落的目的就是在批评biome这种想法。所以选项四是对的。

9. 与单词initiated在文中意思最接近的是 (Vocabulary Question)

a) Approved (同意的)

b) Identified (鉴定的)

c) Started (开始的)

d) Foreseen (预见的)

解析:查字典:If you initiate something, you start it or cause it tohappen. 释义来自柯林斯高级学习词典。

10. 根据第五段,Gleason反对Clementsian对植物生态的观点是基于一个看法:植物物种生长的地方是 (FactualInformation Question)

a) 它们能和其他物种进入一种互利共赢的关系。

b) 条件适合它们,不管是否有特定其他物种的存在。

c) 栖息地适合广泛不同物种的植物和动物。

d) 它们的需求得到满足,同时大多数其他物种不能得到满足。

解析:段落最后一句“Their major point was that the distribution of a givenspecies was controlled by the habitat requirements of that speciesand that therefore the vegetation types were a consequenceof the ecologies of individual plantspecies.”意思是:他们的主要观点是特定物种的分布是受到此物种对环境要求的控制的,因此植被类型只不过是单个植物物种的生态结果。选项二的条件适合,正是Gleason他们的观点。



With “climax,” “biome,” “superorganism,” and various othertechnical terms for the association of animals and plants at agiven locality being criticized, the term “ecosystem” was more andmore widely adopted for the whole system of associated organismstogether with the physical factors of their environment.