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英语口语教案英文版篇一:英语口语教案 2XXXXXX学院教案2013—2014学年度第一学期授课课程:英语写作 授课教员:XXXX 授课教室:交流生项目英文强化班 授课章节名称 Chapter 1Using proper words 教学目的与规定 Grasp correct usage of words 教学重点 Diction 教学难点 The ways of distinguishing the levels of words 思考题与作业 Task 1-2 教学内容、设计与时间安排: I。 Teaching method: Discussion and interaction II。 Teaching procedures Step 1。 Revision and lead-in1。 Tell the function of the words2。 Discuss the synonyms and antonyms Step 2。 Presentation: Ⅰ。 Types of words The words that are often used may be divided, from a stylistic point of view, into three types: formal, common, and colloquialFormal words may also be called learned words, or literary words, or bigwords。

They mainly appear in formal writing, such as scholarly or theoretical works, political and legal documents, and formal lectures and addresses。 Many such words contain three or more than three syllables; most of them are of Greek or Latin origin。 They are seldom used in daily conversation, except for special purposes。 Ⅱ。 Choice of words The meaning of a word has two aspects: denotative and connotative。 A word’s denotation is what it literally means, as defined by the dictionary; its connotation is the feeling or idea suggested by it。

For instance, country, nation, state and land have more or less the same denotation and may all be translated into guojia in Chinese, but their connotations are quite different。 Country refers to an area of land and its population and government, nation emphasizes the people of a country, state refers to the government or political organization of a country, and land is less precise but more literary and emotive than country。As compared here, these four words may be said to be synonyms。 English is particularly rich in synonyms as a result of incorporating words from other languages over the centuries。


But we should remember that it is difficult to find two words that are exactly the same in meaning and use。 They may be different in stylistic level, in the degree of emphasis, in emotional coloring, in tone, and in collocation。 Small and little are often interchangeable, but there is some difference in emotional coloring between them。 Small is objective, while little may imply a feeling of fondness。 Modest and humble both indicate a lack of pride, but modesty is a virtue and humbleness is not。

Humble often connotes undue self-depreciation。 So they are different in tone: one is laudatory and the other is derogatory。Some synonyms have different collocations: they are habitually used with certain words。 Large, not big, for instance, is used to modify nouns like amount, number and quantity most idioms are informal or colloquial in style and can be used in conversation; but a few are slang and should be used with care, such as all balled up, meaning troubled or confused, and to cough up, meaning to produce something;A friend in need is a friend indeed。

Assign another writing task based on the following information: What do you think of a friend or friendship? How to keep friendship? 2) Instruct the students to write and revise by themselves。 3) Let the students hand in their final copies。 4) Select some good samples to read to the whole class。 Suggested sample: Friendship is the most important things in life。 Good friend would like to help you when you met some troubles。 Real good friends could put each other in their hearts。


Real friendship is like the spring rivers flowing down the mountains, silently。 Everybody is looking forward to meeting real friends。 How to find real friendship and keep it? I think it is like you planting a big tree。 You should choose good seeds and take care of it to make it grow。 Almost the same thoughts between each other is on base。 Maybe fight also will happen。 How to do? To make real friend, you don't be shy to explain your thoughts to the other。 Try your best to keep friendship forever。

It is necessary to tell the truth and respect each other。 教学推行过程: 针对学生那样的实际状况,并受任务型教学法启示“任务型教学理论实际上就是建立在探讨或交流教学模式的基础上的,是交流教学 篇三:高中数学写作课教案 Book6 Module3 Interpersonal relationship—— Friendship 高中数学写作课教案 Teaching Aims 1。To get the students to appreciating remarks on friendship or friends。 2。To enable the students to write a short story about friends or friendships。 Teaching Procedures Step 1 Discussion Now, I found 500 pounds in Roy’s pocket。 Did Roy steal the money from the charity? Someone says ‘yes’, someone says ‘no’。

If Roy did steal the money from the charity, shall I tell the teacher or call the police? If Roy didn’t steal the money, what should I do? Discuss it in groups of four 。 Collect answers from students。 Draw a conclusion; whether Roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same。 Because we’re friends。 Friends are the ones we can get help from and we can trust。 In this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship, knowing the importance of friends。 And what do you think of a friend or friendship? How to keep friendship?List good qualities and bad qualities a friend may have。