Reading Matering 5:Major Sectors of the Chemical IndustryP54 Para. 1 value :价值Clearly the increase in value added at each stage must exceed the processing costs if the company is to realize a profit on its activities.翻译:显然假如公司在它的行动(生产)中想实现利润(盈利),每一个工艺阶段增加的价值必须超过加工成本。Activities:process 或at each stage第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Para. 2 building blocks:建筑基料,生产基料These are the starting points for the synthesis of an enormous range of industrial organic chemicals, which are produced in the downstream processing of the key intermediates in some of the other sectors listed.翻译:这些是生产(合成)众多系列的工业有机化学品的起始点,这些有机化学品在列出的其它类别(部门)的关键中间体的下游加工中生产出来p55. Para. 3Along with drug and plant-protection agents (pesticides), dyestuffs are examples of fine chemicals, I.e. chemicals products in relatively small tonnages which are of high purity and high value per unit weight.翻译:染料和药品、杀虫剂一起是精细化学品的例子,即生产量相对较小但纯度高、单价高的化学品。
近年来,国内开始盛行以三氟乙烯和乙烯酯单体共聚的含氟树脂化学工程与工艺专业英语 教案,大量应用于建筑的外墙和金属板,由于使用易水解的乙烯酯单体和氟的含量较pvdf低30%左右,因此其耐候性与pvdf比较,有一定的差距。本发明的另一个目的是至少一种叔丁基苯乙烯/甲基丙烯酸c1-c10烷基酯/丙烯酸c1-c10烷基酯共聚物在化妆品、皮肤病或卫生保健用组合物中或者在制造局部涂敷用药物组合物中的应用,以便获得具有良好持久性和/或耐水性和/或耐摩擦和/或耐汗液和/或耐皮脂、和/或具有耐转移性能的膜,所说的组合物包含至少一种脂肪相。近年来,国内开始盛行以三氟氯乙烯和乙烯酯单体共聚的含氟树脂,大量应用于建筑的外墙和金属板,由于使用易水解的乙烯酯单体和氟的含量较pvdf低30%左右,因此其耐候性与pvdf比较,有一定的差距。
Para.5 supported palladium catalyst:负载型钯催化剂Finally this is then mixed with the other ingredients to produce the emulsion paint.翻译:最后醋酸乙烯聚合成聚醋酸乙烯,然后和其它成分一起职称乳胶漆。Sulphuric AcidIntroduductionSuch is its importance as a raw material for other presses that its production was, until recently, considered a reliable indicator of a country’s industrial output and the level of its industrial development.翻译 :作为其它工艺的原料它是这样重要,直到最近还被认为是一个国家工业生产力和工业发展水平的一个可靠标志。第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)2. Raw materialsThis involves injection of superheated water and air into the deposits of sulphur via drilling. The resulting aerated liquid sulphur-water-air mixture is buoyant enough to rise to the drill head where it can be separated into its components, and pure sulphur is recovered.翻译:这包括通过钻孔注入过热的水和空气到硫矿中,最后鼓风进入的液态硫-水-空气混合物有足够的浮力升到钻孔顶端被分离,纯的硫的得到回收。
Uses of Sulphuric AcidPara. 2calcium fluoride (the ultimate source of about 70% of all the fluorine in fluorinated compounds)氟化产品中的所有氟的大约70%的主要来源是氟化钙Exercises2 1 NH3 2 ammonia, absorber 3 NaCl, NH4Cl 4 CO2 5 NH4Cl 6 rotary dryer 7 light sodium carbonate 8 sodium carbonate第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Unit 7 Ammonia, Nitric Acid and UreaP68Para.1Indeed, until the invention of the Haber process, all nitrogen-containing chemicals came from mineral sources ultimately derived from biological activity.翻译:发明哈勃工艺之前,从无机源得到的所用含氮化合物基本是从生物活动(生物方法)的得到的。
在硝化菌的作用下, 氨态氮进一步分解氧化, 就此分两个阶段进行,首先在亚硝化菌的作用下, 使氨转化为亚硝酸氮, 继之, 亚硝酸氮在硝酸菌的作用下, 进一步转化为硝酸氮。 表8-4 各种烟气减排处理技术比较 第八章 加热炉的发展趋势及技术交流 选择性非催化剂还原工艺 sncr 是向烟气流中连续喷入氨或尿素以使氮氧化物转变成氮气和水蒸气的工艺。在含氨和氮基化合物的冷却水中,用氯处理时所生成的一氯胺(ph=8.5)的杀生能力极差,它比游离余氯要低80倍。
Turn:调整;使一致unfortunately, nature has bestowed dinitrogen with an inconveniently strong triple bond, enabling the molecule to thumb its nose at thermodynamics.翻译:遗憾地是,大自然使氮气有很难接近的叁键,使分子在热力学上无法接近氮气。Inconveniently:不便地;不自由地;难接近地thumb its nose:对……作蔑视的动作第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)P69Para. 2Higher temperatures, however, drive the equilibrium the wrong way, though they do make the reaction faster, chosen conditions must be a compromise that gives an acceptable conversion at reasonable speed.翻译:高温使平衡向错误的方向发展,虽然高温(提高温度)可使反应加快,选择的条件必须是以合适的反应速度、有一个可接受的转化率的折中考虑。
Modern plants have trended to operate at a low pressures and high temperatures (recycling unconverted material) than nearer-ideal early plants, since the capital and energy costs have become more significant.翻译:自从资金和能源成本变得更重要以来,现代化的工厂和更接近于理想(理论的)条件的早期工厂相比,倾向于在较低压力和较高温度下操作。Nitric AcidProduction.方程式后 It might, at first sight, seem that the overall reaction to the acid would be easy; unfortunately, there are complications as nature is good deal less tidy than chemists and engineers would prefer.翻译:可能第一眼变成酸的反应看起来很容易,遗憾的是有很多复杂之处,因为自然界没有化学家和工程师希望的那样好。
由于原油成份、炼油工艺、运输和储存等诸多原因,还可能导致发动机对燃油的“消化不良”,导致发动机的喷油嘴、进气阀和燃烧室等部位产生积炭。催化燃烧法由 于燃烧温度显著降低,从而降低了燃烧费用,但由于催化剂容易中毒,因此对进气成分要求极为严格,不得含有重金属、尘粒等易引起催化剂中毒的物质,同时催化 剂成本高,使得该方法处理费用较高。这一研究首先从脱硫催化剂结构入手,然后对pds催化脱无机硫反应、pds自解氰化物中毒反应,pds催化nascn转化反应、pds催化脱cos反应机理等方面,从化学过程到分子—电子过程做了深入细致的研究,提出了“双核双中心假说”,完满的解释了pds在实际应用中抗氰化物中毒,脱硫效率高,不污染环境等一系列问题。
第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)2. Products of RefiningPara.6Dealkylation of a selected reformate stream using chromate-aluminum carbide catalyst gives a product which is purified to be purer than that formed form coal tar.翻译:用铬酸铝碳化催化剂的选择性重整产品的烷基化产生的产品经提纯后的纯度比用煤焦油的高。Reading Material 8:Coal-Conversion ProcessesP86Line 4The nature of the organic species present depends on the degree of biochemical change of the original plant material, on the historic pressures and temperatures after the initial biochemical degradation, and on the finely divided mineral matter deposited either at the same time as the plant material or later.翻译:存在的有机样的性质和最初植物的生物化学变化程度有关,和初始生化降解后那个历史时期的压力和温度有关,和很细的沉积矿物质有关(它们同时或在其后沉积)。