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2022-10-13 23:14 网络整理 教案网

③ 现象复杂、文本概括性强的定律或定理。④根据教学大纲的要求,不能或不需要深入讲解的知识。

⑤ 概念相近、方法相近的知识。⑥ 因学科知识交叉而难以掌握的知识。

3. 组织教材,选择教学方法 根据教材的教学原理和特点,根据学生的具体情况和学校设备条件组织教材,考虑教学方法,初步构思整个教学过程。教科书的组织形式多种多样,同一本教科书可以有不同的组织结构。



板书设计可以从课本知识结构的研究分析入手,也可以从学生的认知规律分析入手。(二)教案的一般内容和要求 1、教案的内容 教案的格式不一样,教案的内容也不同。有经验的老师可以写一个小案例,新老师一定要写一个详细的案例。

一般来说,教学计划包括以下几个方面:(1)教学主题(2)教学目标(3)课时分配(4)教学类型(5)教学重点、难点和教学重点(6)教学方法和教学教具 (7) ) 主要教学方法 (8) 教学过程 (9) 板书画设计 (10) 课后分析与教学。





所以中国老师经常在作文后面写类似的评论:材料的选择已经过时了,希望以后能选择新的、独特的材料。8 如何选择新颖独特的材料 1、从自己的生活中找很多同学。当你看到一个作文题目时,你不是去自己的生活去寻找材料,而是道听途说,或者从概念上叙述和描述。












学生们忍不住说:“太好了,老师,我从来没有见过这么棒的双手!” 罗丹脸上的笑容消失了。他突然走到工作室的一个角落,拿起一把大斧,直奔雕像,将“完美之手”砍了下来。


雕塑是这样,文字也是这样。只有围绕中心安排详细的写作和简短的写作,才能突出叙述的重点。9 如何正确安排详写和短文 1. 简写事物的发生和结果,详写事物的发展过程。

The occurrence stage of the matter is often to explain the time, place, person, and cause, and the result part of the matter is often to write the end of the matter or point out the center of the matter. They are only side parts of the whole thing, or rather, the whole article, so they will be omitted.

The development process of a thing is the whole thing, or the main part of the whole article. It often embodies the central idea, so it needs to be written in detail. 2. A bit of a face-to-face narrative, "face" should be abbreviated, and "point" should be written in detail.

A bit of a face-to-face narrative, the content on the "face" is often to render the atmosphere, explain the background, and play a role in contrast. The content on the "dot" is often the focus of the article.

It directly reflects the central idea, so it needs to be written in detail. The point that needs to be explained here is: in the article, when the emphasis is on the detailed part, the omitted part cannot be ignored.

Although the abbreviation is only a few strokes, it can be used well, which can play a role of "green leaves against red flowers" for the highlight of the article and the performance of the theme. An article is like a functioning machine. The paragraphs in the article are like those large and small parts in the machine. These parts not only take care of each other, but those large parts need small parts to connect them.

The paragraphs in the article also need to take care of each other, and also need some "small parts", that is, transition paragraphs and transition sentences to connect them naturally and closely. Otherwise, the article will appear fragmented.

Therefore, when writing an article, we must pay attention to the transition and correspondence between paragraphs. 10. The main ways to achieve "crested head and leopard tail" (1) A beautiful beginning" are: 1. Describe the cause of the incident.

For example, the essay "Borderline" begins with: "Just after the cleaning, I don't know which 'virtuous ghost' threw a small ball of waste paper in the corridor of the fifth grade." The article.

6. How to write a composition lesson plan for primary school students

1. Study the syllabus, teaching materials, and determine the teaching purpose

On the basis of studying the syllabus and teaching materials, master the requirements of the concepts or principles in the teaching materials in terms of depth and breadth, master the basic ideas of the teaching materials, and determine the teaching purpose of this lesson. The teaching purposes should generally include knowledge, intelligence, thinking in education aspect.

The teaching purpose of class hours should be specific, clear, easy to implement and check. The teaching process is a complete system. The formulation of teaching purposes should be based on the requirements of the syllabus, the content of teaching materials, the quality of students, and the teaching methods. sex.

2. Clarify the status of the content of this lesson in the whole textbook, and determine the key points and difficulties of teaching

On the basis of studying the entire textbook, clarify the status, key points and difficulties of the content of this lesson in the entire textbook. The so-called key points refer to key knowledge. Once students understand it, other problems can be easily solved. Therefore, it is not to say that The key points of the textbook are important, and other knowledge is not important. The so-called difficulties are relative, which refers to the parts that students often misunderstand and understand. Students at different levels have different difficulties. When writing teaching plans, these types of knowledge are often considered. Difficulties in learning: ① Conceptual abstract students lack perceptual knowledge. ② Negative transfer brought about by fixed mindset. ③ Laws or theorems with complex phenomena and strong generalization. ④ According to the requirements of the syllabus, in-depth Explanation of knowledge. ⑤ Knowledge with similar concepts and similar methods. ⑥ Knowledge of difficulties caused by the application of mathematical knowledge to physics.

3. Organize teaching materials and choose teaching methods




