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2019-05-04 19:10 网络整理 教案网


第六条 合同的变更与解除Article 6Change and Disengagement of Contract


If Party B during the tenure of office could not fulfill the dutiesstipulated in the contract, or fails in the assessment,Party A isentitled to terminate the present contract with the consent of HITStanding Academic Degree Committee.


Except for irresistible forces which may result in the failure tofulfill the contract, the triple sides (Party A, Party B and PartyC) should observe each article stipulated in the contract. Ifdispute arises, the triple sides should negotiate to settle thedispute. Any change about the articles in the contract needs theconsent of the triple sides involved.

第七条 合同执行的相关事项Article 7Related Issues about the Contract


Given that the contract is mature, the doctoral candidatesupervised by Party B is unable to take viva, Party B shouldcontinue to supervise the student till his or her graduation, orParty C continues to supervise the student till his or hergraduation.

第八条 附则Article 8 Additional Remarks

本合同以中文为准。The contract of the Chinese version shall prevail.


Four copies of the same contract are provided, with each party(Party A, Party B and Party C) holding a copy, with one copy filedin the School of Party C.

甲方代表人签字(盖章):Signature of the representative of Party A(seal):

年year 月month 日day

乙方签字:Signature of Party B: 丙方签字: Signature of Party B:

年year 月month 日day 年year 月month 日day