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Side(hereinafter referred to as Party C)


The above triple sides have voluntarily signed this contract andguaranteed to fulfill the articles stipulated in the contract tothe letter.

第一条 聘任与聘期 Article 1Appointment and Tenure


Party A appoints Party B as overseas part-time doctoralco-supervisor for five years. The tenure of office is validatedfrom the admission date of the doctoral candidate.

第二条 对乙方的工作要求 Article 2 Work Requirements of PartyB


In the frontier of the related discipline, the overseasco-supervisor should cultivate high level doctoral studentsaccording to the requirements of Party A, including:

1. 和丙方一起共同对博士研究生的培养及博士学位论文指导负全面责任,主要工作包括:Party B, coupled withParty C, full responsibilities for doctoral education anddissertation supervision jointly assumed include:


Choose appropriate source of doctoral students,and examine theadmission qualifications of the doctoral candidate;


Guide the doctoral student to formulate personal scheme fordoctoral education;


Guide the doctoral student to determine research direction andresearch focus;



Guide the doctoral student to write academic papers and doctoraldissertation;


Organize doctoral students to submit research proposal, and conductpilot and final viva.

2. 为相关领域研究生、本科生开设课程或系列专题讲座;

Provide courses or workshops for postgraduates and undergraduatesin the related fields;

3. 与学科建设、研究生培养有关的其他工作。

Other work related to the discipline construction and postgraduateeducation.

第三条 义务与权利 Article 3 Dutiesand Rights

一、甲方义务与权利 Duties and Rights ofParty A

1. 在聘期内,同意乙方以合作导师身份在甲方招生和培养博士研究生,占丙方的招生指标。

In the tenure, Party B, coupled with Party C, recruit and supervisedoctoral candidates of Party A, which displaces the enrollmentquota of Party C.

2. 根据本合同规定的有关条款对乙方工作定期进行评估和考核。

In the light of the related provisions stipulated in the contract,Party A will undertake regular assessment and evaluation withrespect to the work of Party B.

二、乙方义务与权利Duties and Rights ofParty B

1. 以合作博士生导师的身份招收及指导甲方博士生。


In the name of co-supervisor, recruit and supervise doctoralcandidates of Party A.

2. 完成本合同第二条所规定的工作要求。

Party B fulfills the work requirements stipulated in Article 2 ofthis contract.

3. 与丙方共同保证为博士生提供相应博士生培养基金中应支付的助研津贴。

Party B together with Party C guarantee to provide the doctoralstudent with research allowance from the funding for doctoraleducation.

4. 在甲方工作期间,可使用甲方一切可开放的公共服务设施。

During the course of the tenure, Party B is entitled to utilize allfacilities (open to the public) of Party A.

三、丙方义务与权利 Duties and Rights of Party C

1. 与乙方合作招收和培养博士生。

Party C, coupled with Party B, recruit and supervise doctoralcandidates.

2. 与乙方共同保证为博士生提供相应博士生培养基金中应支付的助研津贴。

Party C, coupled with Party B, should guarantee to provide thedoctoral student with research allowance from the funding fordoctoral education.

3. 与乙方商议解决其来校的旅差费及其在甲方工作期间所需的其它有关费用。

Party C should negotiate with Party B to settle his/her travelexpenses and other cost during his or her work at HIT.


Given that the overseas co-supervisor is unable to fulfill his/herher duty, Party C should assume the responsibility to supervise thedoctoral student who works under the guidance of Party B.


5. 与乙方进行深入的学术交流及合作。

Party C should be engaged in in-depth academic exchange andcooperation with Party B.

第四条 成果的归属 Article 4Intellectual Property

1. 甲方博士生在攻读学位期间所取得的科研成果属于职务成果。

The research achievement of the doctoral student of Party A isviewed as professional.

近五年来,何磊博士在国内外学术期刊上发表研究性论文30余篇,其中sci收录22篇(第一及通讯作者13篇),ei文章4篇,其中单篇最大sci引用55次,一作单篇最大引用21次,sci论文累计引用93次。教授、副教授人均发表sci论文在全校多年排名第一,研究生人均发表sci论文长期在学校名列前茅,百篇优秀博士学位论文已经有了突破。发表学术论文50余 篇,其中第一/通讯作者sci 论文30篇(5年影响因子大于5 的论文10篇,esi 前10%的论文10篇),主编著作2 部,副主编或参编著作5部,授权专利9 项。

Given that the doctoral dissertation is mainly completed at HIT(Party A), the first author and the correspondence address of thepublication, papers or works, should be Party A (HIT); and theinstitution of the first author applying for awards or patentsshould be Party A.


If the doctoral candidate works at the institution of Party Blonger than that of Party A, and the dissertation is mainlycompleted at that of Party B, for meeting the graduationrequirement of Party A, the first author and the correspondenceaddress of the academic paper published for doctoral degree shouldbe Party A.

第五条 考核 Article 5Assessment

1. 校学位委员会专家组将根据情况对乙方在甲方的工作情况进行考核。

The experts of HIT Academic Degree Committee will assess andevaluate the work done by Party B at HIT.

2. 乙方应于聘期结束前三个月提交《合作导师培养博士生工作总结报告》。

Party B should submit《Report of Doctoral Education from HITOverseas Part-time Doctoral Co-Supervisor》three months ahead at theend of the tenure.

3. 校学位委员会专家组将对乙方培养博士生的情况进行考核及评价。考核合格者,具备申请续聘我校境外兼职合作博士生导师的资格。

The experts of HIT Academic Degree Committee will undertakeassessment and evaluation about the doctoral education of Party B.If assessed as qualified, Party B is allowed to apply for renewinghis/her contract of Doctoral Co-supervisor.