20年来,我们严格按照《中小学教师职业道德规范》的要求,贯彻落实教育局和学校的工作部署,强调实事求是、重实践成果作为教学工作的基本原则 培养学生创新精神和实践能力 以能力为中心,以新课改为契机,深化课堂教学改革,认真落实课程计划,落实教学套路,落实教学改革措施,大力推进素质教育,使班级教学质量有了很大提高。一年来的工作情况总结如下:
1、 坚持每周一次的政商学研,紧紧围绕学习新课程、建设新课程、尝试新教学方法,不断更新教学理念。注重学习新课程标准与构建新理念的有机结合。通过学习新《课程标准》,我意识到新课程改革既是挑战也是机遇。理论联系实际教学工作,解放思想,更新观念,丰富知识,提高能力,以全新的素质结构接受新一轮课程改革浪潮的“洗礼”。
教学工作是所有学校工作的中心,也是检验教师工作成败的关键。一年来,我在坚持学习应用新课程理念的同时,积极探索教育教学规律,充分利用学校现有教育教学资源,大胆改革课堂教学,加大课堂教学力度。新的教学方法,取得了明显的效果。 , 具体在:
1、Preparation 深入细致。我平时认真学习教材,多方面查阅各种教材,力求深入理解教材,准确把握难点。在制定教学目标时,要注重学生的实际情况。教案精心编写,经验教训不断总结。
3、 坚持参加校内外教学研讨,不断吸取他人宝贵经验,提高自己的教学水平。经常咨询有经验的老师,经常一起讨论教学问题。多次听公开课,明确了以后的讲课方向,明确了以后怎么教,怎么教汉语。
3、 真懂道理,动感情。首先,要做到“诚”字,即老师不能有丝毫的虚伪和欺骗。一旦学生发现有“假”,那么老师所做的一切都将被视为“表演”。
总之,在过去的一年里,我做了一些工作,取得了一些成绩,但成绩只能代表过去。工作中也存在一些不足,如:学生学习两极分化严重,行为习惯不够规范等。在今后的工作中,一定要发挥长处,补短板,扬长避短,扬长避短。 ,并争取更好的结果。
二、 与同学们相处融洽,成为他们的好朋友。要想在教学中取得好成绩,就必须想方设法让学生喜欢自己,亲近自己。因此,师生在人格上是完全平等的。老师的爱是一种无私的爱,深沉而持久。 The love of students for teachers is often memorable and unforgettable for life. In practice, I found a prescription for "prescribing the right medicine", that is: to manage the students in two classes, to make 130 students like me, first of all, to go deep into practice, starting from each student, I will often come whenever I have time. In class, in addition to getting to know the students’ names as soon as possible and avoiding the phenomenon of mistaken students, it is more important to understand the actual situation of each student through communication with the students. Such as their interests, personality, learning status, family status, etc., and at the same time understand which students are introverted and which students are active and playful. From this, we can find ways to help students move forward, so that there are laws to follow. Indeed, communication and exchange have become an important bridge between teachers and students. Since I often talked with students and got along well, gradually my relationship with the students became closer, and I also found some capable assistants to help me carry out the teaching work smoothly.
三、Customize learning goals and enhance learning confidence. The academic performance of students is very different. It is impossible to unify standards and requirements, and it is even impossible for teachers to rely on hard means to suppress them. How to do it well? I changed the previous education method and adopted the main role of the students, letting the students self-manage and self-discipline, and be supervised by the parents. Let students set their own target scores for each unit test, and everyone uses the first unit test score as the basic standard. When guiding students to set target scores, they should integrate their own reality, set the target scores clearly, and study closely around their target scores. Every time the target scores are set, the parents will review and sign them. Every time the target achievement is achieved, he will be praised and encouraged in the class, and congratulate the parents. Those who fail to achieve the target result are encouraged to continue to work hard until they reach the target. When implementing the learning goals, I also adopted the "one-for-one" approach to create a good style of study that learns from each other, helps each other, and catches up with each other. Induce them to clarify their learning goals, understand that their personal performance is related to the honor of the entire class, and whether they can get an advanced class, the class's academic performance is the most important. Therefore, through various channels, I encourage students to work together for the honor of the class and strive to achieve their goals. Through the development of this activity, students have a stronger sense of competition and their academic performance has also improved, and their academic performance can finally reach the school’s performance indicators.