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2021-09-09 23:06 网络整理 教案网


加强对体育课类型、教学方法和运动负荷的研究,组织分板块公开课研讨,推动我校体育教学质量稳步提升。 2、组织体育教师培训,介绍体育锻炼标准项目的教学方法,有效推动学生体质健康研究、学校体育教学与研究组建设、体育教师专业发展途径和要求。积极推进数字化学习,探索体育“e”学习和在线教研的新形式和新方法,促进在线教研发展。 3、 加强课程体系建设,提高体育课程的领导能力,推进体育课程实施的规范化,即严格执行国家课程计划,体育课全部开课。贯彻落实国家中小学体育教学标准和基本素质要求,积极发挥我校体育教学科研队伍作用,加强日常教学标准的检查监督,进一步规范我校体育课师范体育素质,为电影级公开课做准备(秦旭峰、姜英)。 4、 Seriously organize and participate in out-of-town training and district-level teaching and research activities, promote the in-depth development of the primary school physical education and health curriculum reform, put the focus of reform on classroom teaching, improve the teaching design ability of physical education teachers, solve difficult teaching materials, and innovate teaching methods , Promote the research of physical education classroom teaching and improve the quality of teaching. 5、 Continue to promote the implementation of the new version of the 20 xx National Student Physical Health Standards, and guide all grades to carefully organize students to conduct comprehensive exercises and timely random tests in accordance with the 20 xx physical exercise standard primary school test items stipulated by the Ministry of Education.

Analyze and study the test data of the physical health of the students in our school, and implement the promotion of the physical health of the students. Do a good job in the practice methods and means of innovative physical fitness test items, increase the exercise load of the class, stimulate students' interest in sports, promote the simultaneous improvement of students' sports skills and physical fitness, strengthen the guiding role of physical fitness testing in school sports work, and play a role in promoting the physical health of students Function. Prepare to welcome (in May) city-level students' physical health spot checks and surveys. 6、 Integrate and perfect the large classroom (expected in May district large-scale inter-class evaluation activities), Sports Art 21 Project, hold the Panji Primary School Spring Track and Field Games (April), and launch the selection of Panjia Primary School "Campus Sports Star" activity ( June). (二) Optimize the quality of teachers and promote teacher development. 7、 Further improve the institutional and standardized construction of the teaching and research group. Strengthen the school-based teaching and research work of the sports teaching and research group, and organize and guide the teaching and research team leader to actively carry out various and effective school-based teaching and research activities. 8、 Continue to explore new forms and new methods of physical education teacher seminars, organize various subject teaching and research activities, accelerate the improvement of the professional quality of the physical education teacher team, and effectively promote the growth of full-time and part-time physical education teachers. Give full play to the famous teachers in the school (Xu Zhidong, Changzhou City) The leader of physical education. Qin Xufeng, the leader of physical education in Wujin District. Jiang Ying, the first prize of basic skills of Wujin District physical education teachers.) The radiation effect of our school’s physical education teachers should actively cooperate with the studio of primary school physical education teachers to promote our school’s physical education teachers The rapid development of our school’s physical education teachers. 9、 Carefully organize our school’s physical education teachers’ classroom teaching seminars and competitions. Basic teaching skills are the basic qualities of teachers. Improving basic teaching skills is an important part of improving teaching quality. Physical education teachers should be guided to take the competition as an opportunity to study and participate in earnest , Strict requirements, consolidate basic teaching skills.

Really achieve widespread mobilization, everyone's participation, generally improve the level of teaching skills and overall quality, form a good atmosphere for practicing the basic skills of teaching, and promote the improvement of the level of curriculum implementation. 10、 With the help of the teaching and research platform of physical education teachers, we actively organize physical education teachers of our school to participate in the selection and submission of academic papers. Promote the professional growth of teachers, speed up the improvement of the education and teaching level of our school's physical education teachers, subject literacy, and scientific research capabilities. (三) Strengthen education and scientific research and promote sports work. 11、 Seriously organize the selection of Wujin District School Sports Papers in 20 xx, and actively participate in the 30th Changzhou School Sports Papers Conference to showcase the Panjia Primary School Sports Research Achievements. 12、 earnestly attaches importance to strengthening physical education research, guides our school teachers to write educational teaching papers, selects excellent papers, participates in the selection of excellent papers held by the teaching and research section, thesis evaluation activities of various physical education research conferences at all levels, and related schools Sports publications published papers. 13、 Widely carry out student sunshine sports, thoroughly implement the national student sunshine sports requirements, the school should formulate and implement sports courses, large breaks (inter-class exercises) and extracurricular sports activities. Sports program. It is necessary to innovate the content, methods and carriers of sports activities, enhance the fun and attractiveness of sports activities, focus on cultivating students' sports hobbies, sports interests, and skills and expertise, and develop good physical exercise habits and healthy lifestyles. Attachment 20 The main work arrangement for school sports in the first half of xx1、20. On January 20, xx, the Panjia Primary School "Happy New Year" winter triathlon will be held on January 20, and the 20 xx faculty and staff fun games will be held on January 22.

At the end of January, organize a meeting of all physical education teachers to study the spirit and requirements of relevant documents, unify the understanding, and further clarify the specific standards and requirements of school physical education and the construction of physical education and research groups. 2、In mid-March, organize and observe the basic skills competition of primary school physical education teachers in Wujin District. 3、In mid-April, the Panjia Primary School Spring Track and Field Games will be held. Form a new round of school track and field team and start training. Participate in a chess game in Wujin District. 4、May, participated in the Changzhou Children's Chess Upgrade Competition. Participated in the Changzhou Youth Chess Game. Fully implement the national student physical health standards, and earnestly prepare to cooperate with the provinces and municipalities in the monitoring of student physical health. Prepare for the large-scale competition in Wujin District. 5、June, actively promote the implementation of the 21 projects of sports and art, and further improve the implementation content, standards and testing methods. Carry out the selection of Panjia Primary School "Campus Sports Star" activity. Participated in the Jiangsu Children's Chess Competition (Wuxi Zhangjing Experimental Primary School). 6、July, organize and participate in district aerobics, swimming and other competitions. 7、 Study and understand the city's sunshine sports series competition, and participate in some activities conditionally. 8、 Study the Guinness Challenge of City Campus Sports, prepare for the selection activities of the "Changzhou Campus Sports Star" in 20 xx, and try the Panjia Primary School Sunshine Sports School-based special research analysis. 9、 Strengthen the construction of sports schools and actively participate in the establishment of sports schools in Wujin District in the second half of the year. 10、In June, the Panjia Primary School sports work and sports team amateur training seminars were carried out. A summary of the Tiyi 21 engineering work. 11、At the end of June, arrange summer training sessions and convene a school sports work semester summary meeting. Welcome to read the content of the sample work plan of physical education teachers. We have also carefully selected high-quality topics about the 2021 work plan for you. Please visit the personal work plan of physical education. Page 12 of 12
