新课程改革摒弃知识本位观,反对无视学生感受、体验和需求,把学生当作知识容器的观念。然而,它并不排除知识本身。相反,改革是为了让学生获得更多的知识。在实现知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个维度目标的过程中,我们往往将大量的精力花在如何使教学多元化、方法先进、方法灵活上。在课堂上,我们关注学生的体验和感受。 ,在忽视知识目标的同时,强调基础知识似乎背离了课程改革的初衷,不符合新课程标准的要求。
二、 实现课堂教学形式多样化不能是“形式”
教学活动是师生共同开展的活动。如果学生想享受学习,教师必须乐于教书。因为有的学生在学习中往往带有强烈的情感色彩,即“相信老师的教诲”;因此,教师必须树立良好的职业道德,从自身做起。任何要求学生做的事,首先要做到,为学生树立榜样,潜移默化地影响学生,让教师的要求顺利地“内化”到学生的需要上。在教学过程中,不偏爱学得好的学生,学得不好的不要歧视,了解学生,理解差生,关心差生,多鼓励少批评,努力发现他们的闪光点,让他们自卑情结逐渐消失,激发起他们勤奋学习的动力,帮助他们提高学习成绩,多问问题,多鼓励,多辅导,让他们在小小的进步中体会到成功的喜悦。 Students receive encouragement and encouragement from teachers, thereby respecting teachers and arousing their enthusiasm for learning this course. During the course of listening to the class, they can concentrate, listen, learn solidly, remember firmly, understand thoroughly, and at the same time have intelligence. It has been developed and its capabilities have been further improved.
二、 should be properly set up and suspended
Aristotle said: "Thinking begins with doubts and surprises." In class, set up and create suspense appropriately on difficult, important, or boring points to make them feel surprised, stimulated, and generate excitement and enthusiasm. Learn knowledge and master knowledge in the interest of enthusiasm, so as to develop intelligence and cultivate creativity. For example, when studying the class of "Law Regulates Economic Behavior", first introduce the cases of poisonous ham and poisonous yuba in the focus interview to students, start the discussion, activate the classroom atmosphere, arouse students' interest in learning, and elicit it naturally. Basic rules of economic activity. The students listened very carefully, and the knowledge was basically mastered in class, and the effect was very wrong. This corresponds to another sentence of Yan Lishitodd: "Those who are doubtful in reading must be taught and doubtful, and those who are doubtful must be doubtful. It’s growth here." Another example is when teaching the lesson "Humanity is Facing Serious Environmental Problems", before the class, I first made a form for students to fill in the environmental conditions, causes and hazards in and around the home, school and surroundings, combined with the teaching content in the class In the course of learning, students’ understanding has been continuously deepened from perceptual to rational, and the teaching effect is obvious.
When practicing and reviewing classes, teachers should consciously cultivate students' courage and interest in difficult questions, encourage students to think positively, learn actively, think independently, express independent opinions, and encourage them to be innovative, whimsical, and open-minded.
Teachers must have a certain level and system in setting up questions, from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from small to large, inferring from layer to layer, step by step, to guide students' thinking activities continuously in depth Develop and improve students' ability to analyze and solve problems.
三、The teaching process should be lively and lively
This method is mainly used in practice classes and review classes. Junior high school students are still active, playful, competitive and self-esteem. Using a variety of interesting methods in teaching, entertaining and entertaining, will make students have a pleasant emotional experience, thus learning in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, with clear perception, never tired, active thinking, lively, and strong memory. For example, sometimes in practice lessons, the teacher often asks the students to memorize the content after finishing the required mastery, and then asks the students to answer. This old method allows a small number of students with strong willpower to remember and memorize consciously, while a large number of students are not attentive and can't remember. I adopted a series of lively and interesting games to stimulate the cerebral cortex of the students, make them interested and willing to go back. After a while, I called for students to answer; after a while, I asked my classmates to ask other classmates. This method greatly aroused the enthusiasm of the classmates. The tense and happy teaching method not only exercises students' attention, but also cultivates students' thinking ability. It truly embodies the principle of "teacher as the leading, student as the main body, and thinking training as the main line". For another example, when reviewing the class, I divided the students into study groups, and took the group as a unit. I used the methods of roll call, raised hands to answer, and rushed to start the competition. The students participated actively and showed a strong sense of collective honor and responsibility, which improved The initiative of students to learn.
The above are some attempts I have made in the teaching process. This has stimulated students’ interest in learning, aroused their enthusiasm for learning, and enabled students to develop their intelligence and abilities in a pleasant learning atmosphere. Improved academic performance.