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2021-08-26 02:12 网络整理 教案网

(1)老师: Today the teacher brought a few interesting paintings. These paintings are a little different from what we usually draw. What is the difference? Let’s take a look! (Use courseware or Picture, show the shell print works for children to appreciate.)

(2)老师: What did you find? What's the difference? What are these paintings drawn by?

2. Show the shells and observe the appearance characteristics of the shells.

Show shells in various shapes, allowing children to freely observe the shape and characteristics of shells. !。 Kuaisi. Teaching plan net source! Teacher: I saw so many shells, which shell do you like best?为什么? What is this shell like? What else is it like? Where is it like?

3. Let’s talk about it, draw a picture, and discuss ways to explore the combination of shells and prints.

Teacher: How to draw these beautiful shells on paper? (The teacher demonstrates how to print shells based on children’s language descriptions. You can also invite children with strong abilities to demonstrate how to print shells.) Teacher: One The beautiful shell is printed, but this shell does not look like a butterfly?我还需要做什么? (The teacher demonstrates how to paint the shell as a butterfly based on the child’s description.) Teacher: Where do the butterflies like to play the most? (Encourage children to add Draw an appropriate background.)

4.Children started shell printing and painting. First observe the step diagram on the back of the homework sheet, communicate with peers, and explore the method of shell printing and painting.


(1)What to draw first (put the shell on the paper and outline the shape with a pen.)?

(2)再画什么(You can combine multiple shells, or you can add paintings freely.)

(3)What to draw at last (color, add appropriate background)?

5.Children practice drawing, the teacher will guide on tour.
