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2、 创建用于探究学习的场景。例如,提供相关的图形信息和数据;或展示生物标本、模型和生活环境;或从学生的生活经历和经历中提出疑问;或者从与社会关注的生物学相关的热点问题等开始。组织学生进行探究性学习,提高学习质量,引导学生团结协作,乐于交流。鼓励学生学会观察、思考、提问,并根据假设设计和实施探索性计划。重视探索性报告的撰写和交流。通过文字说明、数字表格、图表、图形等训练学生完成报告,并组织交流探索的过程和结果。




1、 专注于提高学生的应试技巧、实践技巧和分析技巧。




4、 教学应使学生在知识、能力、情感、态度和价值观方面得到发展,引导学生积极参与和体验各种科学探究活动。在传授知识的同时,要特别注意科学研究方法的培养。注重学生综合能力的培养。要组织学生参加各种实践活动,培养学生的学习兴趣。努力为教材中尽可能多的调查、技能培训、练习、探索和数据分析活动创造条件。

5、 在教学中,要注意直观教具的合理选择和组合,以及现代教学方法的应用。教学要有科研意识,以“问题为课题、教学为研究、成果为成长”的教育科研观,边试验边研究,努力做一名科研教育工作者。

6、 根据学校要求,积极组织生物课外兴趣小组活动,可以对有特殊兴趣的学生进行个别指导。









提高教学质量的关键是开好课。为了上好课,我做了以下事情:1、课前准备:备课。 ①认真学习教材,理解教材的基本思想和概念;了解教材的结构、重点和难点,掌握知识的逻辑,能够自如地运用,知道应该补充哪些材料,如何教好。 ②了解学生原有知识技能的质量、兴趣、需求、方法、习惯,以及学习新知识可能遇到的困难,并采取相应的预防措施。 ③考虑教学方法,解决如何将已经掌握的教材传授给学生,包括如何组织教材,如何安排每堂课的活动。




1、 坚持政治学习和业务学习,提高政治觉悟和业务能力。多参加学科小组活动和备课小组活动;坚持参加学校安排的各项教学活动,不断提高自身的教学水平和专业能力。 2、 加强教学科研能力,努力将教学实践活动提升到理论高度。积极参与学校教学改革工作,认真学习各种教学理论,开展合作教学模式和研究性学习,积极撰写教学论文和教学经验。

总之,在过去的一年里,我做了一些工作,取得了一些成绩,但成绩只能代表过去。工作中也存在一些不足,如:学生学习两极分化严重,行为习惯不够规范等。在今后的工作中,一定要发挥长处,补短板,扬长避短。 , and strive for greater results.

Junior High School Biology Teaching Plan Chapter 6

一、The status and knowledge structure of the unit teaching content before and after connection

The first chapter is to understand the basic characteristics of the difference between living things and non-living things and the living things around us through observation and investigation; the second chapter is to understand the mutual influence and interdependence between living things and the environment through more scientific inquiry activities A preliminary understanding of the ecosystem, the understanding that the biosphere is the largest ecosystem, the home of all living things, and the recognition that the protection of the biosphere is the responsibility of every citizen. In today's society, due to the increasing impact of human activities on the biosphere, the changes in the biosphere also greatly affect human life. To pay attention to the harmonious development of mankind and nature, and to the sustainable development of human society, it is necessary to understand the biosphere.

This textbook highlights the relationship between humans and the biosphere. It introduces people and other creatures from the perspective of the biosphere. First, let students have a general understanding of the biosphere, so as to facilitate subsequent learning.

二、Teaching purpose and requirements


1、 recognizes that organisms have distinguishing and non-biological characteristics, and that organisms and the environment are mutually influenced and interdependent, understand the composition and types of ecosystems, and understand that the biosphere is the common home of all organisms.

2、 Try the basic methods of observation, investigation and data analysis, experience the general process of scientific inquiry, try to control variables in scientific inquiry, design control experiments, measure and process data, and initially develop the thinking habit of inquiry .

3、 has initially formed the emotion of caring for living things, the consciousness of protecting the biosphere, and the concept of pursuing the harmonious development of man and nature.

三、Key points and difficulties

1、 can explain the common characteristics of living beings, the general method of investigation, and learn to make investigation records.

2、 Initially cultivate students’ ability to investigate and work with classmates.

3、生物圈 is the common home of all living creatures. This home should be taken care of.

4、 Tell the factors that affect the environment in which organisms live, experience the general process of inquiry, learn to control experimental variables and design controlled experiments.